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The sun was bright white through the thin linen curtains, creating a sliver of light across my swollen lips as I slowly opened my eyes from a pleasant sleep. I knew it was early, and I fell asleep only a few hours ago, but it was hard to sleep when I was in Kyler's arms. I had to glance at his sleeping face to confirm he was really there and that what I had just experienced, three times, wasn't simply the most perfect dream I'd ever had. He was there and I was still in his arms, and I wanted to absorb every square inch of him and how it felt to be so close, so connected, after so long.

He lay on his side, his arm draped around my waist as our legs were entangled beneath the white sheets. I snuggled myself further into the crook of his neck, breathing in his delicious scent, a mix of his usual smell mixed with a little sex. It was mesmerizing, and I knew I wanted more of it. He stirred a little and I held still, not wanting to wake him yet. After a few moments I felt his breathing even and his arms relax around me again. I slowly untangled myself from him, padding quietly into the shower. I needed to regain my composure and process what happened without his face, body, and sex distracting me. Last night was earth shattering, but this morning I felt... sober again. I was still happy with what happened between us, but my endorphins had settled down, so I was a bit more realistic about the situation.

I scrubbed at my hair and face, as well as between my legs, where I now felt incredibly sore. I hoped this didn't happen every time, and quickly convinced myself it didn't. I couldn't quite imagine the alternative. I patted myself dry and wrapped the white towel around my hair, perched on top of my head like a turban. Somewhere around the time I walked from the shower to the sink I heard the door open and close quickly. I glanced in the mirror, still steamed a little from my hot shower, and my bashful eyes met the Brown Eyes of my dreams.

"Good morning," he purred, wrapping his arms around me, and as he pulled back, I felt something light grace my neck and chest. I wiped the remaining condensation from the mirror and studied the gold necklace with a simple diamond "I" dangling below it. "Happy Birthday, beautiful," he said with a kiss on my cheek. "I hope this is okay. I wanted to ask you if you would wear my initial," he said with a bit of hesitation, and the worry in his voice made me turn.

"It's beautiful," I said with a smile and touched his cheek. "I would love to." He exhaled, visibly relieved. "This is by far the best birthday I've ever had. I wish we didn't have to go back today." I turned back to face my own gray eyes in the mirror. I didn't want to go back to The Academy. For several reasons.

"Nothing has to change, Perry. I want to be with you regardless of where we are," Kyler said softly, guessing my thoughts. "I'm going to end everything with Alana when we get back."

"You don't have to do that," I lied.

"Yes, I do. It isn't fair to her when I'm madly in love with someone else." He kissed me again and I turned to putty in his hands. I pulled back and looked deep into his Brown Eyes.


"No buts. Look," he reassured me as he ran a finger across my lips, "I have to sneak back to headquarters, but I'll see you on the plane." He planted one last kiss on my lips before he grabbed the black loaner shirt and pulled it over his head and flashed his killer smile. When I heard the window close, I leaned against the bathroom counter and stared at my own reflection and the way my skin visibly glowed with post Kyler bliss. I knew I was being reckless, but at that point, I chose reckless over restrained.


The private jet wheels touched down in Dallas, jarring me awake from the most peaceful sleep. Last night's escapades played through my mind on an endless loop. I jumped up from my seat and Avery was in front of me before I came to a complete stand.

"Welcome home, birthday girl!" Avery cheered as he grabbed my bag. I thought to correct him, that Dallas wasn't my home, but the more I considered it, I didn't have a home anymore. I was truly homeless.

I continued to mull over that depressing self revelation during the short drive from the airport to The Academy, feeling the usual dread creep into me the closer we got to The Loft. Kyler had to ride in a separate vehicle to "an undisclosed location" to debrief my father on what happened with The Resistance in Lubbock. I wasn't exactly sure what there was left to debrief though. We won, they lost, and Beth is a psychotic sociopath. It seemed pretty cut and dry to me.

The Loft loomed monstrously into view, in all its shiny domineering glory, and I closed my eyes, concentrating on my Jin Sung-inspired deep breathing. Out of sight, out of mind.

"This can't be good," Avery mused, breaking my concentration. Based on the wicked underlying glee in his voice, I was suddenly afraid, and my eyes flew open. My fear was quickly justified by the sight of a distraught looking Julian in the parking garage standing next to a bright red motorcycle.

"Shit," was all I managed to say as I seriously considered crawling into the trunk of the vehicle, and hiding among the luggage as the SUV came to a stop.

"Yeah, darling, good luck with that," Avery said with a boisterous laugh, jumping from the vehicle and grabbing his bag without so much as a look back.

"Traitor!" I hissed at his back. I sat alone for several moments, focusing on my breathing again, before I slowly opened the car door and approached Julian, his black helmet in one hand.

"Hey," he said softly. His voice sounded wounded, like he had been crying, the purple circles under his eyes betraying his true emotions. "How was west Texas?" He shifted side to side on the bike, another tell.

"It was... interesting," I responded, crossing my arms across my chest, a cue to my discomfort, ignoring the way my heavy duffle bag slammed into my hip.

"I was worried sick when I heard about The Resistance movement against you," he admitted, climbing from the bike so we were only a few inches apart. "I hate I wasn't there to Protect you." His tan fingers reached out to touch my hair and he played with the ends a little before his entire body froze. "What is this?" he asked through clenched teeth, picking up and dropping the necklace against my chest, the collision feeling like a ton of bricks.

"A gift," I responded defensively, taking a step back from him.

"From who?" He asked, a sarcastic smile playing on my lips.

"That's none of your business. Not anymore," I muttered looking down at my bag, but Julian was undeterred, taking a large step to close the gap between us.

"To me, that looks like a diamond I, and I know you're new to all of this, but it's pretty serious to have a girl wear your initials. Protectors see it as an engagement of sorts." I felt my cheeks flush at his words. "Which seems kind of twisted considering those diamonds around your neck rightfully belong to another royal blooded Protector." My stomach dropped.

"Engagement?" I asked, my voice an octave higher than intended.

"Yes," he said as he walked back to his bike. "You may consider me a cheater, but at least I'm not a liar." He laughed without a trace of humor. More like pity.

"I never lied to you!" I insisted, allowing my bag to drop to the floor with a loud thud.

"Yes, you did." He started his bike, the engine noise filling the garage. "You lied to me the day you told me you loved me." He revved the bike, and I opened and closed my mouth, no words escaping, knowing without a shred of doubt he was right. "Good luck with everything, Perry. Honestly, you're going to need it." 

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