Ego! Anger!

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Zhang after writing the letters came out and went to a place , it was a old mansion which had not been used by people since years it appeared from the situation it was in  ,he opened the door and took a key from a hidden place .

He went inside everything still looked the same he left once . Going through the hallways and rooms ,the memories flooded back making him happy and sad . He suddenly stopped outside of a room and slowly went inside and stopped in front of a large frame , cleaning the dust he sat there gazing the picture there sat a lovely couple with a beautiful child with them .

"Mom! Dad" I'm back , sorry for not keeping the promise and coming back here but I don't want to be a coward anymore !

His tears falls non stop and ,his heart was bleeding ... He just sat there gazing at the frame and slept hugging the dusty pillow.

" Next day ,he woke up . There were zero emotions on his face . He sat up opened one of the drawer took out a diamond necklace and a card .

"Mom, thank you : I'll use them carefully"! Mumbled zhang
Took his passport which he already had prepared booked a ticket and went away .
Only he knew what was going in his mind but sure the guy was upto something.

On the other side*
Wu xie came back home drunk , hitting and breaking object's in his apartment.
His eyes were firey red , held so much anger ,pain , betrayal and frustration.

" Why ????? Why did you do that Zhang Qiling?? .
He suddenly fall from the stairs hitting his head and losing his consciousness .

Next day Wu xie'woke up ,his head pounding badly . He found himself in a unfamiliar surroundings. Where was he?
Soon he saw familiar figures .
" Wu xie" " Tianzhen"
Fatty ,Zhan ,Miao ,His parents came running inside but eventually Miao was stopped by fatty .

" Are you happy now? Are you satisfied? He left everything! Said Zhan angrily!!
He left? Yeah ok ! It's his choice" said wu xie calmly but only his heart knew how hurt he was !

He wanted to hurt him but telling him to go away was the last thing he wanted,his anger  made him do something which he was gonna regret later . But now his ego , he didn't even want to know about Zhang's whereabouts .

Wu xie woke up and without saying anything went back in same situation back to his apartment ignoring his family and friends.

Zhang Qiling" you'll regret this said wu xie wickedly and went in his room.

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