Chapter 4- Missions...

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"Can we get two Pretzel's please?" Sozo requests causing the Robot to nod and turns back to the inside of the stand.

"Why is it a robot?" I ask and Sozo smiles.

"Most of the employees, shop keepers and here in Alice Academy are Robots they're actually all designed by the twins Mother." Sozo and my eyes widen.

"You mean Fuyuko and Hatsu?" I question and she nods.

"Yeah, their Mother is the famous Inventor Hotaru Nogi." Sozo responds and my eyes narrow a bit. "I feel as if I've heard that name from somewhere..." I think, but the Robot turns to us with two pretzels in it's hands.

"That will be two Rabbits each." The Robots states and I glance over to Sozo.

"Don't worry it's my treat." Sozo chuckles as she pulls out a coin purse from her pocket and pulls out some silver coins and holds up one of them and I see it has a star and an A.

"This coin is one Rabbit." Sozo declares and then hands over 4 Rabbits over to the robot after it hands us the pretzels and eats the coins and my eyes widen.

"I've never heard of a school giving kids money before. " I insist and then take a bite out of the pretzel and Sozo laughs a bit.

"The school gives us an allowance and it depends on our star rank." Sozo informs as she begins to eat her pretzel. "A star rank, huh... I haven't received one." I think, while continuing to eat, but then I spot 3 stars shining on her shirt causing me to point to them.

"Is that what you mean by star rank?" I ask causing her to nod.

"Yes there are 5 Ranks you can receive or achieve. There is 1 Star, 2 Star, 3 Star and the best is Principle Student. We only have 1 student in the Elementary Division who is a Principle Student." Sozo answers.

"Who is it?" I question causing Sozo to look away from me with an awkward expression.

"It's Kazume Hyuga." Sozo respond and I roll my eyes and I go quiet for a moment.

"Wait didn't you say there were 5? You only said 4 I believe." I point out causing her to let out an awkward sounding laugh.

"There is one more, but only ever one person in history has ever received "No Star" which is the worst of all the 5 Ranks." Sozo informs.

"Really, who could have managed that?" I question causing Sozo to fidget with her glasses as if not wanting to answer. "I guess it's someone nobody like to talk about." I think as I then sees something out of the corner of my eye causing me to turn a bit and look over to see Kazume looking around looking a bit suspicious. As if not seeing anyone he quickly makes his way through the trees and I put on a bit of an intrigued expression. "Don't worry about it, Sozo. Come to think of it I remember Mr. Narumi wanted to talk to me about something." I state as I stand up from the table.

"Oh, okay. Do you need me to guide you?" Sozo asks and I shake my head with a slight smile.

"No, I got it. I'll see you later!" I answer as I quickly follow after Kazume. Finally I spot him, but I see him with a tall person causing me to take cover behind a tree. "I can't make that person out thanks to the trees shadow, but who could this pervert be talking to?" I wonder as I then start to hear them talking.

"You've come to beg me for more missions, huh?" A man's voice rings out and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"I can keep watch on that Stupid Girl and do missions!" Kazume bellows causing the man to chuckle. "Stupid girl... Could he be talking about me?" I wonder as I feel a bit of anger rising inside me.

"Hmm, it would be easier for us to keep an eye on her if you two do missions together... Would she make a good asset, Kazume?" The man asks causing me to put on a confused expression as I slowly look around the tree to see the man had red hair with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. "Who is this guy?" I wonder as Kazume shrugs his shoulders.

"She hasn't revealed anything to anyone so I don't know." Kazume answer. "Why did he lie?" I wonder as the man scoffs.

"Fine, I'll contact you about the missions later." The man insists while turning away from him and without another word between them the man begins walking away. "I've got to get to the bottom of this!" I think as I see Kazume let out a sigh and lean against a tree, but I quickly make my way over to him and clear my throat.

"Well this "Stupid Girl" wants answers!" I demands and causing him to glare up at me.

"Are you following me?!" Kazume exclaims and I shake my head.

"As if I just saw you acting suspicious and it peaked my interest... Anyways tell me what the hell that was about!" I bellow and he puts on an annoyed expression, while standing up and glaring at me.

"It's none of your business so stay out of it, Street Pig." Kazume insists and I shake my head.

"Who was that guy and what are these "Missions" you keep talking about?" I question and Kazume scoffs.

"Just stay away from that guy and no matter what don't go on missions!" Kazume shouts and then starts running away leaving me here with a confused expression. "Why is this guy so stubborn?" I wonder as I watch him disappear through the trees. "Maybe he has a reason for the way he acts, but why doesn't he want me to meet that guy or go on missions?" I wonder, while walking until I reach an unfamiliar place causing me to look around with a confused expression.

"Tsubaki?" A familiar voice calls out to me and I look over to see Fuyuko standing there with a bunch of equipment in her hands.

"H-hey." I greet and she walks up to me and lets out a sigh.

"Here." Fuyuko insists as she hands me some of the equipment and I put on a confused expression. "Follow me." Fuyuko states as she begins to walk and I follow after her and we reach a large white building.

"Who are you?" A Robot wearing a police outfit asks, while coming up to me causing Fuyuko to turn to it.

"This is a new friend." Fuyuko answers as the Police Robot narrows it's eyes at me.

"What is you're name "New Friend" of Miss Nogi?" The Police Robot questions.

"Tsubaki." I respond and it begins moving it's head side to side.

"Tsubaki added to Miss Nogi's friend list." The Police Robot declares as the door behind him opens allowing us to walk in.

"What is this place?" I ask as I begin looking around to see a bunch of weird inventions roaming the halls.

"This is a Research Facility for Alice's like mine." Fuyuko answers as she then opens up a door. "This one is mine." Fuyuko adds causing me to walk into the room to see even more crazy exotic looking inventions in every corner of the room.

"Did you make all these?" I question looking over to her and she nods.

"You can set those down, Tsubaki." Fuyuko responds as she sets the equipment on a table causing me to walk over and set them on the table as well.

(To Narumi)

He was walking through the hall when Kazume walks up to him.

"Perverted Teacher." Kazume mutters causing Narumi to sigh.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" Narumi asks causing Kazume to scoff and look away from him.

"That girl..." Kazume trails off and Narumi puts on a confused expression.

"Do you mean Tsubaki?" Narumi questions causing Kazume to glare up at him.

"Don't let her meet that guy." Kazume responds causing Narumi's eyes to widen.

"So he's already set his sights on her... But There's not really much I can do it would be her choice-"

"Narumi." Kazume says as he soften his expression a bit and Narumi lets out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll do my best... You just be careful on those missions Kazume." Narumi advices causing Kazume to nod and walk off.

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