Chapter 11 Alice Shapes

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I was staring out the window of the Special Abilities classroom, while being deep in thought. "why did he mean stay away from him? I mean he's the one, whose been following me around since I entered this Academy." I think with an annoyed expression.

"Why should I care..." I trails off.

"Why should you care about what?" A voice asks.

"that stupid Pervert, he just gets under my skin!" I answer, but then I finally pop back into reality and look up to find Koga and Yuki looking down at me with a smirk.

"By stupid pervert, are you talking about Kazume by chance?" Koga asks causing me to scoff.

"As if." I mutter causing Yuki to let out a sigh.

"You're not good at hiding your feelings, Tsubaki." Yuki informs causing me to look away.

"Tsubaki, are you ready for you're first lesson in your joint class?" someone questions causing me to look over to see Mr. Yoi-Chi standing there causing me to put on a confused expression.

"We have lessons?" I ask and Yoi-Chi nods.

"Don't worry this lesson should be easy." Yoi-Chi assures.

(Time Skip)

"This lesson will be just for you so if you have a question or something you don't understand just ask." Yoi-chi informs and I nod.

"Yo, Yoi-Chi! You actually sound like a real teacher!" Koga calls out as him and Yuki sit in the back with smirks.

"Keep it down, guys." Yoi-Chi insists as he picks up chalk, but then puts on a semi-serious expression.

"Do you know why we wear these earrings Tsubaki?" Yoi-Chi asks, which causes me to remember what the Purple haired lady in my recent dream said.

"It helps people who have problems with their powers, right?" I question causing Yoi-Chi to bring his hand to his chin.

"Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it... So let me tell you what those problems actually are that the earrings help with." Yoi-Chi responds as he begins drawling on the board.

"They help with Alice Shapes." Yoi-Chi states and I put on a confused expression.

"Alice Shapes, what are those?" I ask.

"Kind of like the lifetime of your Alice." Koga's voice rang out from behind me causing me to look back at them.

"We don't really have to worry about it much anymore thanks to the earrings." Yuki adds causing Yoi-Chi to clear his throat bringing my attention back to him.

"I was getting to that." Yoi-Chi insists with a bit of an annoyed expression causing a slight chuckle to sound.

"Anyways, there are four types of Alice Shapes. The first type is when a person only possesses an Alice as a child. The second type only allows use of the Alice in small doses, but in exchange they can use it much longer. The third type on one hand, their Alice is powerful... But at the same time it shortens their Alice's lifetime. The there's the fourth one... Their Alice power is limitless, but every time they use it, it affects the persons lifetime." Yoi-Chi explains and my eyes widen.

"Wait, so every time they use it their shortening the time they have to live?" I question and he nods.

"That was before the earrings..." Yuki responds.

"It's still good to figure out your Alice Shape, though." Koga adds.

"Yes, because even though we have the earrings there's still a possibility for Alice users with the fourth type to overuse their Alice and die." Yoi-Chi informs causing everyone to go silent.

"Who created these earrings...?" I trail off causing the three of them to stare at me.

"The only ones who could know that would be the higher ups." Yuki scoffs.

"Oh the most important thing is by liking your Alice is the key to better using it." Yoi-Chi smirks as more than several ghost surround him.

"A little creepy, there Teach." Koga teases causing the ghost to disappear.

(To Kazume)

"I hope you find them, Kazume." Reo sneered, but Kazume glares up at him as they made their way to the gate.

"I don't need your concern, Reo." Kazume insists causing Reo to smirk.

"Alright, alright." Reo says as he holds his hand up motioning the guard to open the gate of the Academy. Griping the stamp of his bag he walks out of the gate and continues walking with a determined expression.

"I will find you, Mom and Dad." Kazume declares.

(To me)

I was walking through the forest deep in thought about everything I just learned. "My Mom was obviously the one who created these earrings. They said a higher up would know who she is..." I think, but then run into someone causing me to fall onto the ground.

"You okay?" A familiar voice asks causing me to look up to see the guy with silver hair and grey-blue eyes standing there. "This guy helped me find my classroom before. Oh crap what was his name again?" I wonder as the man held his hand out to me.

"Let me help you, Tsubaki." The man requested causing his name to pop into my head as I grabbed his hand and a feeling of Deja vu ran through me, while he helped me to my feet.

"Thanks, Shiki." I thank causing him to nod, but I then look around to see I'm somewhere I've never been before. "Damn, it I was so deep in thought I lost my way again!" I think as I let out a sigh.

"Where you headed?" Shiki asks as if reading my mind.

"I was headed to the Elementary Dorm." I answer and I hear a chuckle come from him.

"Well you're in the Middle School division." Shiki states.

"It was thanks to being so deep in thought..." I trail off as I slightly shake my head.

"Follow me." Shiki insists as he begins walking, but since he still had ahold of my hand he was practically leading me. "This man is so familiar to me, why? It's like a warmth I get from Fuyuko, Hatsu, and Sozo, but also the familiarity I feel with Kazume." I think as I stared at his hand.

"We're here." Shiki informs as he released my hand.

"Um, thanks again, Shiki." I say and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"You're welcome, Tsubaki." Shiki responds as then begins walking away.

"What were you doing with the Middle School Principal?" A voice asks from behind me.

"She probably got lost again." Another voice added causing me to turn to see Sozo and Fuyuko standing there.

"Did you say Middle School Principal?" I question and Sozo nods.

"Yep, that silver hair and grey-blue eyes definitely belong to Shiki Masachika the Middle School Principle." Fuyuko responds and my eyes widen. "That means that guy would definitely be able to tell me, who created the Earrings." I think as I stared in the direction Shiki left in.

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