To Scare A Pig!

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Chanyeol's POV
Chanyeol jolts awake to the sound of terrified screaming, disoriented for just a millisecond before he feels his heartbeat rapidly increase at the sound of clear distress! The screaming has stopped, but the owner of those screams is not where he should be abs his petite body is ridged with fear! It takes him a moment to fully wake up from his rather x rated dreams involving the man responsible for making that sound. When he does he's instantly pushing himself out of the bed and reaching for his gun! The one he keeps in his bedside dresser for only the dire of situations, slipping into his slacks he conveniently left on the floor beside him before racing across the room to the window that his precious Jewell stands at. It takes longer then he would like to reach his partner who really and truly should be bundled up in his silk sheets still sleeping. Knowinh that he needs to be careful in how he approaches his Bambi boy, especially if he's in the throws of a night mare he gently and slowly approaches him.

How Baekhyun managed to get out of bed without him waking up is mystery, he remembers wrapping him up in his arms whispering in his ear just how amazed he was by him! All while gently washing away his Bambi boys essence. Chanyeol tries to will away the flare of arousal that's building in his stomach at the memories of their first time together, seeing Baekhyun wearing his simple white t-shirt! It is not the best moment to be thinking about tearing away that easy to rip fabric and doing all kinds of debauched things whilst bending his Jewell over the sofa with the distress in the air! Those naughty thoughts he will squirrel away for later, right now he needs to soothe away the nightmare.

Chanyeol truly hopes this nightmare is not because of his actions last night, his heart plummeting when he remembers he wasn't as gentle as he should of been! Making a mental note to ensure Baekhyun is ok as he knows his China sheep for a doctor will come for his blood seething like a dragon if he has hurt Baekhyun in anyway! The thought of that angry China sheep enough to ensure he will check over his lover later and apologise for doing the one thing he swore he wouldn't, and treat this treasure as a play thing! First he needs to ensure his Bambi boy is back in bed and dreaming peacefully, then he will beg for forgiveness on his knees if that's what he wants!

Not wanting to frighten Baekhyun he doesn't reach out to touch him from behind instead he strides to stand right in front of his Jewell! Confused when he stands before Baekhyun to find him awake and staring through him like he's a ghost, those beautiful eyes wide in terror are fixated on a point behind him. Chanyeol's heard of night terrors and sleep walking but to see someone be standing up completely awake and unresponsive is new to him! Even as he slowly waves his hand it crushes him that his beautiful boy doesn't even register his hand movement. Absolutely hating the distress he can see on Baekhyun's face he takes the final step closer, so close their chests are  just millimetres apart. Hoping his plan to bring his precious Jewell into the present and away from the night terror haunting him, he ever so gently places his hand on a porcelain soft cheek.

It feels like eternity for his precious Jewell to respond, but is just nano seconds before Baekhyun is gasping, those beautiful mesmerising eyes immediately locking on to his own! Chanyeol watches as the tension in that petite body melts away, something carnal flashes through him at the absolute trust and relief he can see in his precious Jewell's eyes. If his precious Jewell wasn't still displaying his deer in the headlights look and so new to their lovemaking he would so act on his baser instincts and distract this boy from his nightmares in a much more pleasurable manor. For now he will simply comfort his bambi boy by stroking his knuckles down a silky soft cheek.


"Shh baby it's ok, I'm here it's just a bad dream!"

Chanyeol watches as his bambi boy moves in so their boy are aligned to the point he can feel Baekhyun's erratic heartbreak, the shallow pants he's letting out and see the tears glistening in those eyes, the unusual coldness clinging to his skin. The continued distress clearly evident sending alarm bells ringing through him from the top of his shoulders, right down to his toes. Something is very wrong, he loves the fact that his precious Jewell is so burrowed into his chest, seeking out his warmth but he needs to know what has troubled him in to screaming!

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