A potential new plaything!

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Taking a sip of his rare imported brandy, Chanyeol stares at the computer screen in front of him, thanks to his hacker Yixing he now has the financials of his club EXO! He had foolishly left the control of his club in the hands of its managers, what he sees on their balance sheet does not paint a good picture for the people he left in charge!  It's the story of his life, people trying their luck and being a disappointment! It was what his father had always said before he passed. Backstabbing, and dirty tricks, the price you pay for being the head of a mafia unit! His father had also advised against having any weakness especially love, having a weakness leaves you open to your enemies and can get you killed.

Chanyeol hated yet understood why his father said that, sadly weakness was the latter for his father, he had fallen in love with Chanyeol's mother, to the point his dad would do anything for her. Sadly she had been taken from them far too soon, by a rival gangs home invasion gone horribly wrong! That night was the only time he saw his father cry, as he held his mother's lifeless body to his chest. Since that night over 15 years ago, having no weakness had been drilled into him, it was that night that was the catalyst that stopped his father from allowing their family trading guns illegally.

Even now Chanyeol upholds that decision they don't deal in the heavy stuff like human or weapons trafficking, they leave that for the Russians and the Chinese to fight over! The other trade they don't deal in is drug trafficking, sadly however drugs do does bleed in to their operations normally by other syndicates trying to frame them! As many want what Overdose control, the black market! Chanyeol can understand why people want to be in charge of the black market of Seoul as nothing gets passed his rather talented team  that they don't want in the city, they act as brokers as it were, ensuring the flow of goods is never detected!

They have been condemned by many for not being true mafia, Chanyeol loves to prove them wrong on the occasions that require it. However their specialty is switching out original products for counterfeits in everything from paintings to shoes, keeping the originals to sell on to the highest bidder getting an inflated cut of the costs they charge! It's not widely known but Chanyeol also individually owns a couple of restaurants and bars, one in particular matches his taste a rather opulent sex club called EXO.

Boss, it's after 11 shall I call for the town car" Chanyeol turns around in his office chair to face his best friend come bodyguard, he's been so immersed in the finances of EXO that he didn't realise the time. "You look stressed boss," "Suho we have talked about this you do not need to call me boss when we are alone. To answer your question I am a little hacked off more so then stressed." Chanyeol gets off his chair to allow Suho the space to look at the figures he has been analysing, somehow someone who works at EXO has been cooking the books.

Chanyeol is no mathematician but the 20 years experience of being in this family have taught him how to uncover what's been hidden, in this case 8% of their profit margin is missing! Chanyeol watches as his right hand man scans over the details, a little bit annoyed that it takes Suho 5 minutes to figure it out, when he's been holed up in here for the better part of the day. "With figures like this it can only mean they are keeping some of your cut Chanyeol. How did you cotton on?" "My last visit Sehun had to send out one of the other dancers as they didn't have my usual drink ready. It didn't sit well with me that they didn't have my usual drink considering I only attend once a month." "Being who you are as well, they normally keep your bottle out of the way, as you hate sharing! It is odd but Chanyeol are you sure Sehun isn't just redirecting your anger after what he said to you last time! Not to mention we all spotted him running after that other smaller dancer."

Chanyeol smiles at his friend he knows what he is trying to say, yes Sehun is a favourite of his. Chanyeol fondly remembers several of their trysts in the private room of the club that is purely his. Many happy memories exist in that room, he remembers how Sehun would always tasks care  of him, slight fire ignites within him when he remembers just how good Sehun was with his tongue! Chanyeol had been very fortunate that he for one night a month got to experience Sehun in all his glory. He would never admit it to a anyone that technically the last time he saw Sehun he got dumped as it were! Sehun had kindly made it clear he was not interested in their casual kind of arrangement, said dancer had made it clear nothing more sexual would happen between them. It was the first time he has ever been told what to do, Chanyeol didn't like that!  No one tells him what to do, yet he had been impressed with the dancers balls to stand up to him! It's such a shame really as he had always enjoyed looking at the athletic man through many of his racy outfits. He would be lying if he didn't enjoy the blow jobs or how Sehun rose him like a cowboy because he did! Now that he thinks about it Sehun calling off their little trysts do tie in with him running off after someone else, it also happened to be the same time he had to wait for his drink! Perhaps the black haired ice queen is trying to tell him something.

The sudden ping of his iPhone shakes Chanyeol out of his happy daydream, choosing to ignore Suho's smug expression. He is surprised to find just who he message is from! Turning his phone around to show Suho all he gets is a "talk of the devil, perhaps he has changed his mind? No one can resist how much you pamper your flavour of the month Chanyeol both Yixing and I know it's only been the ice queen for the last six months!"

Chanyeol stares down his oldest friend using his famous resting  butch face, he shouldn't be surprised that Suho knows that he hasn't been bringing any one back to the manor, he can't help it that no one has been of interest, it's also not been the quietest six months with customs getting wind of their countefit goods trade. Chanyeol has had to get creative with his importing, thankfully customs have no idea where his factory is based "Just go get the car" he watches as Suho salutes and turns  leaving the room to get Yixing and the car ready to head to EXO.

Finally alone he can concentrate on the message from Sehun, what the message says intrigues him no end. I know you're not happy with me because I cancelled our agreement, we have a new member of staff, shall I introduce you? Chanyeol walks up to the floor to ceiling window of his office should he indulge him self in a new plaything just for them to either want more or move on. A second message comes through this staff member has garnered the unwanted attention of  slimmy Jimmy, I think you would enjoy him Chanyeol did I mention he's also very petite, you can practically put them in your pocket.  After reading that second text he can't deny that he is not intrigued about this new member of staff, he certainly doesn't recall meeting any new face! Alright you have my attention, this person better be ready in my usual room, you have thirty minutes.

Chanyeol takes a deep cleansing breath, one night with a new toy won't kill him.

Who's ready for Chanyeol and Baekhyun to meet, I know I promised something sinful I just couldn't start my story with out a bit of character development.

Thank you all for the encouragement to do this it's about out of my comfort zone so apologies if it's lame yes I know I ah want made Chanyeol the meanest of men. I hope you all stick with me to watch this unfold.

Yes I did make Sehun a past lover of Chanyeol i though it added a little extra oomph

Let me know what you think ❤️❤️

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