A Pig's Demise

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Trigger warning -

The puff of smoke he exhales does nothing to calm the storm throbbing through his veins, ironic really that the smoke from his cigarette gets lost in the swirl and howls of the wind. The crash of thunder in the distance no match for the thundering adrenaline coursing through his veins, he's not sure what he's feeling but it's not something he's going to try and suppress.

Chanyeol knows he needs every ounce of the malice within in, because by the time the sun rises, there will be nothing left but the toenails of Slimmy fucking Jimmy. Chanyeol will make sure there is nothing left of that weasel as payment for the trauma he's put his precious Jewell through. That disgusting pig is not going to get off lightly by a bullet to the head, as much as he wants to just end this, oh no, no, Jimmy's demise will be agonisingly slow. It's time for Jimmy to pay, taking the last drag of his cigarette, Chanyeol personally will ensure of the pig's demise and can't wait to hear him beg.

Actually he can't wait to hear him squeal, it's just the tip of what that weasel deserves especially after he's had to hold his unconscious boyfriend on his lap for the 85 minute drive back to the manor. His beautiful bambi boy, didn't respond to his desperate calls of endearments much to his own heartbreak. In fact his poor precarious heart just seemed to look sicker by the second, it's obvious he's been injected with some kind of opioid, Chanyeol just wished he had an idea of what kind and prays that Yixing finding resin at that cursed Casino will help. He wishes being under the influence of potent Chinese drug mixing was all that's wrong with his boyfriend, to his regret and heartache his poor delicate Jewell has suffered more then he should.

Baekhyun's cheeks were red but not the gorgeous flush red they get from their many episodes of intimacy, or a result of the times he's whispered sensual erotic dirty words and sweet nothings as they've made love. He's no nurse but is 100% positive  that redness and heat is a fever bought on by the inflammation and broken skin on his precious Jewell's wrists and ankles. The skin over those area was alarmingly warm to touch under his finger tips, and those silky petite soft wrists where the heavy chains were, was broken, oozing already bruising and equally red. That normal luminous heathy skin, sallow and dull with a blue tinge despite those worryingly salamander red cheeks.

It's all not helped by the sad state of dress his darling boy was in when he finally found him, he has to take a cleansing breath and control himself so as not to hit the marble he stands beside. Cracking his knuckles on marble might be a good stress relief, broken knuckles not a good look or helpful when he has a whole world of pain he can unleash. He'd love nothing more then to see the marble crack  and break under the force of his punches but broken knuckles are not what he needs, not when he has plans to rid Jimmy of all his teeth with them. Just the very tip of his plans that he wants that pig to endure, especially when he pictures Baekhyun's beautiful alabaster skin, defiled by something truly grotesque. His own jacket joined Suho's for the car ride back to the manor, all in his pathetic effort to wake his bambi boy, and keep him warm.

Chanyeol remembers their agonising return to the manor, and his discovery of what covered his precious Jewell. It was agonising to discover that Baekhyun's smooth yet bruised skin was coated in a crusty off white creamy substance that he instantly knew what is was, and that's when that uncontrollable need to snap that pigs neck resurfaced like hot molten lava. The only thing that stopped him from going completely postal and demanding Suho speed home was the fact his precious Jewell was finally safe in his arms.

The minute they arrived back at the manor, he recalls screaming for Yixing, with-a voice so loud it was almost the roar of a lion, in the speed of a tornado Yixing was racing out to him with some private nurses and a custom made hospital bed. The very same one he woke up on, from his own brush with a bullet that feels like a lifetime ago. A protective instinct he had never felt before flared to life within, he wanted to roar out and stop Yixing from touching his precious Jewell and for a few moments refused to let go of the man in his arms. He soon realised Yixing was and will always be the person he trusts the most outside of Suho to ensure his bambi boy's quick recovery.

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