Capturing the Lamb

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Hello my lovelies,

Brace yourselves, I know you all know what's going to happen!

Baekhyun's POV One hour later,
He slowly savours the first mouthful of the expensive robust specialty blend expresso he's had made in to a indulgent decadent caramel macchiato. A true rare treat he so glad he's decided to indulge in, he's seldom been able to afford such a luxury for so long he's almost forgotten what café coffee tastes like. He's going to enjoy every last drop as he listens to Luhan regale him with all the tales of the club, the most important gossip and one he surprised to hear about is the club is being closed temporarily from next week. That all the dancers are being redirected to serve others clubs some down in Busan, others are being let go with a nice severance packages, Luhan hasn't said it but Baekhyun is pretty sure both he and Sehun will be the ones with the biggest severance pay outs.

He knows it's because Chanyeol likes to take care of his favourites, something everyone can see when it comes to the statuesque model like man. He's not jealous at all, for he trusts his Mafia king and knows their previous arrangement ended at Sehun's insistence. In fact it's a big thanks to Sehun that he and Chanyeol even met. So will forever be indebted to the man, who he himself sees like a big brother, and if getting a big generous final pay packet will help Sehun move on to doing what he loves in a more dignified vocation then he will not stand in the way of Chanyeol's plans.

"You should come to the final party, it's going to be epic lots of champagne and patron shots. You can even ditch the keepers buttercup, the club will be full of the goon squad!

"Luhan as fun as it sounds, parties like that are not my thing and I have an exam at 8am the next day."

"8am! why for the love of god do you have an exam so early on a Friday?"

"Because my professor is evil and likes to keep us all on our toes!"

"Aren't your the teaching assistant can't you tell him to do it at a sane hour like 2pm in the afternoon!"

"No I'm not the TA of this particular class, this is my ancient history exam, I will be the TA for the western mythology class from next semester that professor loves me!"

"Then why aren't you going to come to the club, it will be fun, we can watch the new manager bust his balls whilst he plays bartender to all us hoes!"

"Luhan your not a hoe!"

"Aww baby buttercup it's a compliment, not a derogatory term, anyway enough of the club. Tell me has Mr Tall, dark, and sexy shown you more delights of intercourse? I know he's popped your cherry! Now I want to know the full scoop of what you too have been upto between those expensive 1000 thread count sheets!"

"Luhan we are in a public place!"

"Baekhyun buttercup no one is interested in what we are saying it's too damn early. Tell me has he rocked your world, a man with a body and face like he has is not going to be boring! Park Chanyeol is the devil incarnate and being sinful practically oozes out of his pores!"

"All I will say is yes he has rocked my world!" Baekhyun can feel the heat on his cheeks rises as he remembers exactly what he and Chanyeol have done since reuniting, flashes of being bent over the armchair, the erotic sensual self orgasm he had in the shower whilst guided by the man he's very much in love with. It's  just the tip of experience he knows Chanyeol can unleash. The raw power that his gorgeous man exudes is like nothing he's ever felt before, he's turns to putty each and every time their numerous kisses start. Those kisses often turning into more intimate touches, whispers of naughty delights that have yet to be enacted! He should be embarrassed at how sensitive he is, he's orgasmed more then once to just the sound of Chanyeol's voice.

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