Of Cars & Tiny Studios

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Baekhyun's POV.
He can't believe it's Monday already, even as shrill sound of his old fashioned stove top kettle blasts through his dingy shoebox of an apartment . Normally he has no problem with it being 5am most Monday mornings, today though he can't help but think the world is against him. Baekhyun shudders as he hears the rain pelt against the window, he really isn't looking forward to the hour and half walk to his lecture in this weather. He does have a full set of waterproofs for this very reason, but it's days like this where it's still dark and probably freezing that he wishes he could splurge on public transport. Catching the bus would also mean his hour and half walk would be whittled down to a mere half hour. Taking a sip of the cheapest instant coffee he could find, he knows it's not possible, not only has the last of savings going on a text book, he has a gas bill to pay and his first full pay check is not for another three days. He feels a little bit of excitement if he has done his sums right, this month he will have some money left after his bills and rent. He could buy a whole months bus pass, but for him the luxury item he will splurge on will be a fresh brewed coffee. Buying a fancy cup of liquid gold won't get him to college or the club any faster but it will provide him with a bit of cheeky free electric. One to charge his laptop, the second benefit somewhere warm to finish his monster of an essay in peace.

That's the other reason he thinks the world is against him, this essay will be responsible for 33% of his overall grade this year. One he hasn't been able to concentrate on all weekend, flashbacks of Friday night once again invade his senses. Flashbacks that consist of a earthy musky scent, a deep low timbered voice, and the feel of hot large hands on his body! He remembers the sultry atmosphere in the room the arousal firing between them, the pleasure and pain of Park Chanyeol biting down on his ear often left him a whimpering hot hard mess. The way his body thrummed with the need to submit to that raw masculinity.

Even now those flashbacks cause him to sniffle into his coffee cup, he feels nothing but shame for how he reacted back in the club. That's not all Beakhyun is acutely aware of each of the five times he had to resort to self pleasure to relieve the strain against his pants. One time he remembers how he all but humped his mattress to chase the much needed relief, only an orgasm would bring him. Each and every time he came it was to the sound of that seductive voice in his ear, how he would imagine those incredible hands were stroking his dick. Baekhyun shakes his head as he feels that familiar tingling deep inside start again, no he won't think of that man not now. He can't bare to sink to the floor under another cold shower today. Noticing the time is getting ever closer to when he needs to leave he swallows down his coffee, and to dispel what he know will soon be a raging hard on he concentrates on how to start his essay.

Thirty minutes later Baekhyun armed with a spare set of trousers, his laptop and note book locks the door to his apartment. He gently shakes the wooden door to confirm it's locked and is relieved to know it's successfully locked this time. He truly missed  his automatic key pad entry dorm and the safety of having a security guard at night, it highlights how it would only take a small shove to the rotten wood on his door to give way. The small hope of a luxury coffee in the coming days getting further away, when he realises he may have to buy a chain lock for his door. Finally reaching the ground floor his sour moods lifts a little bit to see the rain isn't falling so hard. Not wanting to linger and attract unwanted attention he puts his hood up and hurries down the street, completely missing the totally out of place Maserati parked across the road.

Two Days Later
Baekhyun hurries from the building where is class on Greek mythology is, in a hurry to get to the library he almost misses the obvious giggles of his classmates. Rolling his eyes as he watches all the girls and some boys touching up their make up and hair. He doesn't have time to wonder what on earth is going on as he must hurry to get to the library on time, that all goes out the window when he rounds the corner. Now that he is out of the safety of the building, Baekhyun feels the hair on the back his neck rises as he once again spots a rather out of place car. Said car being an imported Rolls Royce phantom completed with tinted windows!

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