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Hello my lovelies,

Here we are the end of A Mafia Kings Secret Lover, I'm not sure I'm ready for this :(, however what a whirlwind of a story that this has been. One that was just an idea floating around that  I started in the height of the UK Lockdown, and now I'm not sure how I feel about it finishing. All sorts of emotions are running through me, it's my most read story as well, I'm so proud of how far I've come with this but so very sad to be finishing.

I truly am so enormously thankful for everyone of you who decided to stick with me as it finished. You have all kept me going. Thank you.

I hope your all excited for this, and ready for the finale that I have envisioned.

12 months later Baekhyun's POV.

Baekhyun can't help but feel like he's done this before, It's once again 10pm on a the first Friday night of the month, as he speed walks passed all the norebangs, pcbangs, coffee shops and bars that line the main strip of this rather imposing district of Seoul.  However tonight his destination is a bit more high calibre than Hongdae or Itaewon, as he pulls his expensive coat closer to fight of the chilly November air he finally reaches the area of town he needs. This is the Uber stylish and rich area of Gangnham. Instead of feeling dread in his stomach at the seedy and imposing clubs that he used to pass, he takes a right where it's all posh high rise condominiums, and sleek restaurants and popular speak easy style cocktail bars.

He lets out the breath he's been holding in and quickly crosses the street, not so long ago he would of freaked out about being out in the open, but the man 5 paces behind him in the black shirt, he knows carries a firearm and the SUV he's spotted on the road as he left the library is another protection unit. He's knows that he's safe Jimmy is nothing but a pile of ash, and that Master Feng has been expedited back to his homeland to serve his sentence in much harsher conditions. It truly has been a dark few months, something he doesn't want to think about right now as he finally reaches his destination.

Chanyeol's new and enhanced club Lotto is in a prime location right on the same promenade of Michelin star restaurants and award winning Bars. All of which, Lotto included are a hit with the chaebols, actors, idols even high society who frequent the area. As he hustles upto the doorway, he smiles and waves at the bouncer, a little over kill when the clubs not open tonight, but he waves none the less and waits only a second for the door to swing open. Handing over the heat pack and hot coffee he purchased on his way over from his last shift at the library. Happy to at least know that the bouncer will have a bit of company.

He quickly and quietly jogs through the open door letting the humid heat of the club assault his chilled bones. A ripple of excitement courses through his veins as he quickly grabs his phone to fire off a text to his best friend, he's completely wired for tonight's surprise. Catching his reflection in the all mirrored hallway he can't help but think what a difference he feels to that fateful night all those months ago and everything he's endured since he was kidnapped.

It's hard to believe that the healthy looking reflection is his own, yes it's been a turbulent few months and at night the terrors of his ordeal still occasionally haunt him. Yet he's not had to face it alone, his amazing powerful king of a man has been right beside him every step of the way. To hold him close, to watch from the sidelines, and has even let him fly in moments of pure bliss. As he fluffs up his hair the glint of platinum on his finger reminds him what tonight is about, in just two weeks he will become Park Baekhyun. Whilst it's not going to be some massive society wedding, he couldn't be happier knowing that their wedding will be just himself, his lion king, and a handful of guests. He never dreamed that when he blurted out getting married that day he regained consciousness that it would come, he would be lying if the last 12 months haven't been hard as they have on both of them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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