Chapter 5: Third Times The Charm

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Kaden's POV:


He kept walking.

I shouted at him again, a bit louder this time.

"HEY!" I hollered.

He turned around, searching for the person responsible for making the loud noises.

It took him a few seconds, but he finally found the person responsible.


He made eye contact with me for about a minute, opening and closing his mouth, like a fish out of water. Finally, he crossed the street to my car.

"You called?" He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. I smirked at the literalness of his remark.

" car won't start, and I have no idea how to hot wire it...and seeing as your a guy and all...I figured that maybe you cou-"

"Ok I'll need a penny, a glove, you know how to pop open the hood?" He interrupted.

I scowled. I hated it when people interrupted me. I considered cursing him out, then decided against it. After all, he was helping me despite my bitchiness.

My justifiable bitchess, I might add.

" idea." I shrugged. I was really bad with cars.

He laughed. And when I say laughed, I mean it. Head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open wide. He kinda looked like he was in pain. After a good minute, a lot longer than necessary considering there was nothing funny about this situation, he opened his eyes. When he saw my scowl his face quickly fell and he became serious again.

He walked around to the front of my car and popped open the hood. He looked up at me expectantly. Digging through my pocket, I fished out a penny and put it in the palm of his outstretched hand.

Entering my car again, I opened the glove compartment. It was super dark in my car, so I fished around in the glove compartment blindly, groping the air. I prayed under my breath that there was a glove in the compartment. It took a good while, but my hand finally came into contact with a smooth, velvety fabric. I sighed in relief.

"I've got the glove!" I announced, exiting the car, holding the glove up triumphantly in the air.

"Good!" The boy sighed, "My hands were starting to get really cold." He smiled gratefully as I handed him the glove, scowling.

If I had known he only wanted the glove because his hand was cold, I never would've wasted my time digging for it in the first place, I thought to myself.

"Whatever. It's too late now." The boy said, shrugging for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Did I say that out loud?

Beyond mortified for what also seemed like the hundredth time, all I did was sigh in response.

"Ok, I'm going to need you to get into the car and when I say 'Now' I need you to turn the key in the ignition." He said, talking to me slowly, as if I was a five year old.

"Your going to hold the key tightly, turning it at a-"

"I'm not a five year old. I know how to turn a fucking car key," I snapped, entering my car.

"Fine." The boy said, his face tense.

"Ready?" He yelled like I was deaf.

"Not an elderly man either!" I yelled in response.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled.


To my relief, the car engine roared to life.

"Thank god!"

He smiled at me.

"Your welcome." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks, I guess."

His smile turned into a grin. "I guess I'll be seeing you around, then.

Not if I can help it

"You don't have to be such a bitch. I could've just left you here. I didn't have to help you." He said, his words hitting me like a slap in the face.

I automatically felt guilty. He started to walk away.

I debated letting him walk away. Afetr all, there was a good chance I would never see him again. But that was even more of a reason why I should cut him some slack. All I have to do is be nice to him. I'll most likely never see him again, and  I'll have a clear conscience.

I groaned. Surprising myself, I jumped out of my car. "Wait!" I yelled. He turned around.

"What do you want?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Do you want a ride?" I asked, gesturing toward the car. "You know, since I wouldn't have one if it weren't for you." I smiled.

His face automatically brightened.

He nodded his head before stepping into the car.

This is going to be fun

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