Part 29: Tripping balls

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Oh god... This was definately one of the more "trippy" expereinces of my life, that's for sure... At least, i haven't seen blue grass before, nor any of the many plants that surrounded my, well... My everything really... Just plants, plants, plants everywhere i saw... Some of them were yellow, other blue, some with orange or purple stripes- none of it was green, like it should be... Now the sky- the sky was the only green thing i could see... But the clouds floating above my head was more of an indigo color...

I shake my head and start walking deeper into what i was starting to suspect was some aftereffect of a drug or something... My legs speed up on their own, until i'm sprinting through the neverending forest... And then- in the next moment, my face is in the dirt... Not because of a root or anything like that. but because something jumped in front of me- scaring the shit out of me. I look up, spotting the cause of my glorious face-plant. It's a bird... Kind of...

It's colors are normal enough, black and white, kind of like a penguin... The beak however, made it seem like some super gay puffin bird or something... It kind of freaked me out... But that miht be the extra set of cat-like eyes speaking... That and the extra set of smaller swallow wings sticking out of it's head. It opens it's beak, and i kind of prepare for something hideously horrible to come out of it's mouth. Boy was i right... It shrieks, loud enough for me to worry about my eardrums... If they popped- i was fucked... I get up on my feet and sprint away, pushing past bushes and vines and tree branches. But it only gets thicker and thicker, until i nearly hang myself on a low hanging vine i can't evade in time... I suck in a breath and keep going, until finally i reach a clearing. It's atop a hill... Though the brick buildings in the distance looked more like an antique city than anything...

I slow down, trying to take in just what the fuck is going on... Some ways off, i can see a doorway connected to some sort of mountain like thing... I head towards it and i peek up, but it's all dark... I get the feeling that i shouldn't head up there, and with that feeling- nausea joins in. I pull away, leaning against the wall. But when i look up, somebody is standing there. Familliar amber eyes stare me down, if not slightly tinted with disdain... "Silas?" i question, but the man never answers. His har is longer than silas' besides... The wrinkles and experience in the man's eyes led me to believe that this was either somebody related to Silas, or maybe Silas as an older man... He's not bad looking, quite the opposite... But the air around him made him seem- terrefying...

"You shouldn't be here..." the man says, his eyes snapping towards the stairs "Get out of my sight..." he growls. And i can't help but shrink away. The man then walks straight past me as if i was never there in the first place, and headed up the stairs. I rushed after him, a bad feeling settling in my stomach... I peek though the hole in the mountain, but i can't see anything. I blink in confusion, but when i open them again- the mountain with the stairway, the weird trees and weird animals are all gone. replaced by another scene... This time, i'm on top of the school building... The roof... I'm standing alone, looking down at something that looks like a battle. I can see Tessa and her girlfriend fighting side by side, they both look torn down and worn. Tessa weilding a metal pipe while Sienna is busy tearing people apart... Even though all i can see is the back of a brown wolf, i know it's her by the way she's protecting Tessa.

I can see Silas too, tearing through other creatures with his bare hand. Something gleams in the corner of my eye, and i turn towards it just in time to see some man i've never seen before throw a white and red spear towards the battlefield. My eyes widen and my mouth opens in a silent scream as the spear flies through the air piercing straight through-

"KENDAL!" Somebody shouts, and my body shakes violently, my eyes snap open and i blink, swallowing. My heart beats hard against my chest, almost like a sledgehammer, which in return sends waves of pain through my chest. "Ugh" i groan, clutching my shirt. Silas sits back in relief, but his hands are still on my shoulders. "It's allright" he mumbles, pulling me close to him "It was... just a nightmare..." Silas cooes, kissing the top of my head. I nod, not realizing that i'm crying until a droplet lands on my blanket. "I know... I'm fine..." i mumble, taking a deep breath. Silas' scent somehow helps me calm down, and i sit there with my eyes closed for a while.

"You okay now? ready to tell me about what that was?" he questions, rubbing my back. "I- i can't remember what the dream was about, i just know that it was pretty bad..." i mumble, nuzzling his neck. "I see, then that may be for the best..."

It's at that moment mom nearly breaks the door down, breathing heavily as she frantically glances around the room. Her eyes land on me, and she visibly relaxes "Kendal, are you allright!? What happened?" she rushes over, joining our hug. I shake my head "I'm fine mom... It was just a nightmare... and i can't even remember what it was about..." i add, trying to smile. But my chest is hurting so bad that my knuckles turn white from clutching my shirt. Mom nods "Allright, as long as it was only that... You want me to get you some ibuprophen?" she questions and i nod "Yes please..." i groan, clenching my eyes shut. Mom smiles, a surprisingly genuine smile and rushes out again. "Doesn't look like she got much sleep..." Silas comments, continuing to rub small circles on my back. I nod "Yeah... I noticed... It's my fault, isn't it? Maybe i shouldn't have told her afterall..." i sigh, running my other hand through my hair, my bangs stick to my forehead and i feel really gross with sweat and all that...

Soon after mom returns with the painkillers and a glas of water, i down it and head for the shower... Silas offers to come with me just in case, but i decline... I can at least shower on my own...

A/N: Sooo... 15 days since my last update huh? So sorry about that, i really have no excuse... I just felt lazy during vacation is all... Besides, i was working on a new story i'm planning to make, so i guess you can look forward to that at least! And if it's not too much to ask, will any of you be so kind and Check out my other original story "Escort" or- as it's soon to be called "Sargeant cold eyes" ya know... Cuz it sounds better...

Anyway, i guess we're pretty close to the end soon... I'm guessing this story will be... maybe 40 chapters long? I don't know...

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and Stay classy guys~~

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