Part 11: Kiss of death

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The nurse returns quickly enough, but something seems different... I can't place my finger on it, maybe i'm even imagening it? But she seems... Prettier somehow, if you catch my drift... Meh, too tired to care... I take the tray of food from the nurse, eying the chicken soup and cranberry juice. I'm really not hungry... Well, i guess i better eat something at least... I force the soup into my mouth, nearly cringing as the taste attacks my tastebuds. Nothing tastes good when you're not hungry...

But somehow i manage to force it down, my stomach is grateful, my tongue; not so much... I finish the juice rather quickly though... The nurse smiles at me from across the room when i place the tray onto the nightstand next to my bed. She's currently rearranging some stuff over by a shelf. Her smile seems eerie to me somehow, i don't know how... I just find it creepy. "I am so glad you're feeling better though, boy i was surpised when i entered here and found you awake... I was beginning to get worried!" the nurse chuckles sweetly. I smile back at her, not really feeling like talking any more than this. "Well, you should get some more rest, you haven't fully recovered yet" she goes on, placing some headache medicine onto the shelf. I nod, sliding down under my covers.

Sleep comes easier than i thought it would... It's like... I slip right under the covers and boom... Asleep... The strange thing though, is that while i'm asleep i can hear someone singing... The song isn't one i recognize, and neither is the voice... Is this a weird ass dream or what? Or at least i think it's a dream, until something presses against my face... More accurately, against my lips. I open my eyes wide, coming face to face with a lady i don't recognize... Her hair is coal black, and her eyes are disgustingly green. I try to push her off of me, but she doesn't budge until i feel something slide down my throat. I push her off of me and sit up, trying to cough whatever i swallowed up again. Sadly that doesn't do shit... The lady laughs as if what i'm trying to do is the most patheticly hilarious thing she has ever seen. She pats my cheek, a little harder than i would have liked... I immediately rub my cheek when she removes her hand. "What the fuck did you just do to me you bitch!?" i seethe.

She cocks her head to the side with a smirk "That? Consider it a greeting Kendal..." she purrs, sitting down on my bed without asking for my consent. "See, you were born a special one..." she starts out, and i raise a brow. Oh really now? That seems both cliche and really, really fucking stupid... "How so?" i mock, crossing my arms. She studies her nails, cocking her head to the side "Did you really think your extraordinary bad luck, your hair or your eyes are coincidental? And your biological parents? Come on Kendal, you dissapoint me..." she sighs, looking at me with pity. "W-what?" those are the only words i can force out.

"I injected you with a poison kendal... The kiss of death... It's a little something we Succubus like to inject our 'sworn enemies' with... Ensures a long, slow death to whoever consumes it..." she grins, and once again i can feel the cold hard fear grip me like a vice. I swallow harshly "i-i'll die?" i ask shakily. The woman nods "Yup... Real slow, real painful... And want to know the best part?" she smiles sweetly, completely contradicting what she's saying. I shake my head, not trusting myself to be able to speak. "The best part is- there is no cure!" she grabs my chin, completely ignoring my wish to not hear it.

"So sorry to have to do that to you dear, but the boss' word is law... I have nothing against you personally, but apparently you pose a threat to their plan..." she apologises, letting go of my chin. I push myself up against the bed board, trying to get away from this crazy bitch. I'm shaking, like really bad... "Poor baby, won't live a day past twenty... How old are you now? Seventeen? Aww, that leaves less than three years doesn't it?" she pouts. Three years... Three years left to live...

That's it, my hands reach for my hair and i unconciously start to tug at it "N-no, that can't be!" i wail, the woman smirks, as if this was her goal all along. A subtle pain settles in my chest, it's dull... Throbbing. I can't tell if it's the poison or the fear, maybe it's both... I can feel my breath going ragged, i have so much that needs to be done... I haven't even begun living yet! Why do i have to-

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