New Beginnings

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Princess Oriana had arrived in Oshor no sooner than planned. She was tired from traveling, and more than sad about losing her best friend. Alexei had gone to Ravkia because her father had requested him to. She knew her father was angry at him for ignoring his duties, but he wasn't one to blame. She had reached out with her heart to her father and explained to him what had happened, leaving out anything to do with Ignacio. Her father didn't want to hear it. For the first time in her life she heard her father yell at her. The memories bring tears to her eyes.

"You are not a ruler yet! You don't get to make decisions! He betrayed his post! His duty was to protect you! You! Do not defend him! He is nothing to this family, and nothing to your rule. He is here to defend you in any way he needs to. You are not to defend him!" Gallo's face was red, even more so than fire on a scorching day.

"You don't understand father, it's not his fault." She reached out to grab her father's hand. He pulled away and turned quickly on his heels. "Alexei isn't at fault. Only me."

"No! Enough of this nonsense. He is at fault. He betrayed you, his duty, his post. He ignored who pays him, who he works for. Until he figures it out, he will not be your guard any more!" His voice louder than ever rang through her ears. "You will go to Othia. You will talk to King Charles, and you will find yourself a husband of value! You are not a child anymore! Stop acting like one. Understand your duty, and understand others! This is no matter to rest. You need to marry."

Oriana remembered the days her father had promised to allow her to choose her husband. To allow her to find love properly, but now he was betraying the promise. Though, he was right. Her heart was set one someone, but that someone had chosen not to pursue. She would have to move on. Someone else would hold her heart, and she would hold their heirs. With Othia racing after her throne she knew she had to do it soon. No matter if she was ready or not.

Walking onto the court she was greeted with lush green grass and a crowd of castle workers. The Mother Queen stood to the King's right. She was beautiful even in the older ages of her life. Oriana took a few steps forward looking at her friend, her bastard brother, Lorenzo. He had chosen to accompany her on this trip and the king accepted it. One brother was better than none, she supposed.

"Princess Oriana." King Charles smiled at her as she approached him. "Welcome to Oshor Court." He bowed.

"Thank you King Charles. It has been too long and I forget the beauty of it all here." She smiled bowing in return.

"Well we have had some changes." Catherine, the Queen Mother, spoke as she stepped forward.

"That would be swell." Oriana smiled. Most people spoke of Catherine. She was brutal, terrifying, and outright sinful. She was a devil in disguise.

She followed the King into the stoned walls. The crowd of people surrounding them and the guards are the only things separating them all. She felt saddened. She had been here so long ago for the wedding of Francis and Mary. It was beautiful and yet so many things had changed since then. There was a coldness that held everyone at bay.

Oriana hadn't expected to see so many people at her greeting. It was as if they all knew she was here looking for a suitor. As if they were expecting her to see someone of interest. However, they were out of luck. She was not interested in any of them, and she doubted she would be.

"How was your trip?" King Charles woke her from her trance.

"It was well." She smiled. "Thank you."

"How is Monvir? Beautiful I would imagine." Catherine spoke next.

"It is indeed." She smiled. "You both are more than welcomed at court in Monvir anytime."

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