On the line

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Madeline had been constantly returning her thoughts to what Ignacio had said. The last few days had come and gone. The castle beamed in happiness and colors as the wedding approached. More guests filled the hallways. She found herself being more talkative than she was used to. She smiled and greeted the guests as they wandered in. Suitors of her own lingered around her asking questions about Ryraq as if they were actually interested rather than assessing her rule.
Finding any remote of silence was a gift. The rumors of Elizabeth showing had grown but nothing confirmed. She began to become impatient, but she also knew it would take time and be good to wait. The church would want her to come and get her husband so eventually she would have to obey, even though she herself was Protestant and didn't answer to the church. The church was more powerful than she was and therefore their hands would suffocate her as she was a married woman. They truly owned her country now.
Madeline found peace in her quarters hiding from the large crowd. She would reenergize there and then meet more guests later in the day. Though there were tons of people around she had never felt more lonely. Everyone she actually liked were busy with something. She tried to busy herself but came short when there was nothing to do. Asterin spent her days with Dietrich and Isabella, Oriana spent her days planning the wedding and military talk. Alexander spent his days with Ignacio doing something they wouldn't talk about. Elise helped plan and decorate the wedding.
She has sat in the room alone. She practiced fighting but by herself she knew it wasn't going to do much. She eventually gave up and threw the sword down to the stone floor. She was getting restless, impatient on the word of Elizabeth. Was she coming? Or was she going to be a coward? She tried her best to push thoughts aside but her impatience roared through her body.
It was then she remembered Alexei. He sat in the dungeons and was all chained up. What if Elizabeth didn't believe them? Is that why she wasn't responding? Madeline quickly put on a chest guard and walked through the halls. A few daggers strapped to her hips and one hidden in her leather-worn boots. She ignored everyone around her as she stormed through. She rushed to the dungeons and ordered the guards to open the door. At first they argued. Told her only the queen and future king could give clearance, but she had convinced them.
Alexei sat with his back against the stone wall. His eyes squinted at the sudden change of light. His face was smeared with dirt, and his limbs were tied to chains. He looked at her, and the sadness in his eyes almost made her sympathize with him. Though she remembered why he was there, he was her enemy.
"Madeline?" He spoke. His voice was deep, raspy, and not used in a while. "What are doing here?"
"Why?" She asked. She didn't know what else to say now that she was there. She realized she didn't even plan on what to say or do.
"I'm sorry." Was all he said. His head dropped back to the floor.
"Why?" She repeated. "Why did you do it?"
"Because I'm selfish." He shrugged. "Because I wanted someone I couldn't have. I did everything I could to get her and in doing so I lost her to the one she didn't even want." He chuckled. "I guess it worked out though. I'm married to a queen." He smiled.
"Not for long." She growled. "Especially if I have a say in it."
"You think you'll win against Elizabeth? I spent all my free time with her. I worked with her, I taught her." He spoke. "If you try to fight her you will lose. I made sure of it."
"You think you know everything. Yet, you lost." She spoke. She knelt down to face him. "Oriana beat you."
"Yeah, because it was a smart move." He spoke. "Look I don't necessarily love my wife. I married her the day I met her." He sighed. "It's what she wanted and you all fell for it." He whispered. "Elizabeth wanted you guys here. It puts you all in one place, a vulnerable one." He spoke.
"Alexei, what are you saying?" She stepped back.
"That you became vulnerable the second you came and Oriana's wedding became a big target." He spoke. "I've made mistakes. I deserve to be beheaded, but it was never my intention to make her suffer."
"I don't believe you." She shook her head.
"Believe it or not, I'm just a pawn in their games." He shrugged. "I made decisions that I shouldn't have, and now my family is threatened more than was intended. They were only supposed to bring me up, give me something that would prove me better and worth marrying Asterin."
"So how did you end up marrying Elizabeth, and attacking all of us?"
"I didn't know they were using all of us, but I should've. They manipulated me through my heart and emotions." He spoke. "Despite all of this Oriana is still my sister, and she deserves to know. There's proof." He claimed. "One of the nobles on council is leaking information to both countries. He's playing both sides to still end up on top. Lord Caleman."
"If I find you're lying I will personally send your tongue to Elizabeth." She seethed. As she left she began to panic. He seemed sincere. He was so sad when he talked about Oriana. She found it hard to believe he was a terrible person in and out. He was always the protector of Oriana, and he never showed interest in taking up a crown for his own well-being. Though over the years she learned people aren't always what they seem.
She walked through the big rooms examining and looking for Caleman. She had met him a few times and needed to know that he was out of his quarters. She had wandered through dozens of rooms and halls, only to be stopped by Narcisse himself. She felt her heart stop. She froze as he smiled at her.
"Queen Madeline." He bowed. "I'm surprised you're out and about."
"Lord Narcisse." She dipped her head. "I'm surprised you're here."
"Well as King Charles consort I go almost everywhere with him."
"And yet you didn't arrive with him."
"Investigator you are." He chuckled. "No I was talking to my son."
"Which one?"
"The one you were supposed to marry." He responded.
"Oh yes. How is he? He left rather abruptly."
"He is well. He told me he broke it off though I don't know why."
"I guess it's a mystery to us both." She responded with a wry smile. She turned to see Caleman walking into the room with a rather, uncomfortable looking woman. "Lord Narcisse I must ask you for a favor." She spoke. He looked at her in surprise. "I have vital information and I need to get the proof." She whispered.
"You have my interest." He spoke.
"If I don't get it now, many people can die." She saw his focus and she continued. "I need you to distract Lord Caleman. He's playing both sides to this war, and there's reason to believe Queen Oriana's wedding is the target."
"I'll do what I can." He agreed.
"Thank you." She walked away quickly and heard Narcisse greet Caleman.
Once she was out of sight she began to run. She sprinted through to his quarters and then bursted through the doors. She ran through his room tearing it apart. She searched for evidence and found a small pin with Othia's symbol and his name engraved. She pocketed the pin and began to search again. She looked underneath the mattress and found a stack of papers. She quickly looked through them and found Alexei's truth. He was playing them all. She grabbed them quickly and ran out before he could return. Narcisse could give her time but from the looks of the woman Caleman had on his arm she was there for a reason.
She walked back to the room and saw  Narcisse. She nodded telling him it was clear. He made a conclusion to the conversation and excused himself. Caleman looked pleased to be alone with his escort and wasted no time hurrying her out and in the direction of his quarters. Narcisse walked up to her and waited until he knew no one would hear them.
"Did you find what you're looking for?" He turned to her.
"Yes, and I made sure he knows someone knows." She responded. "Let's find Oriana and fast."
Narcisse was a misogynistic man but she understood why her sister came to trust him.
The two ran down the halls together twisting and turning asking the guards if they had seen her. When they finally came across one that nodded and told them she was in a meeting with Oshor, the two raced. Narcisse was much faster than her, and that was going to be useful. She told him to run ahead and tell them to halt the meeting. He listened, to her surprise, and he raced ahead. She heard guards running up and down. A scene was being made and then she heard Caleman screaming someone was in his room.
She reached the wide open doors and halted. King Charles sat in a chair next to Oriana and Ignacio across from him. They were looking at Narcisse and then to her as she bursted into the room. She breathed heavily and then slowed down. Before she could speak out Caleman bursted into the room with flames around him.
"Your majesty, we have a thief in the castle. Someone searched my room and took valuables that cannot be replaced."
"You mean these?" Madeline pulled out the letters and pin.
"Give those back!" He reached.
Narcisse grabbed the papers before Caleman could reach them. "You've been feeding our enemies information. You've been playing your queen, and committing treasonous acts against the crown." Madeline spoke. "For what?"
"Is this true Lord Caleman?" Oriana's voice was calm as she spoke.
"No." He responded.
"Then you won't mind if I ask Lord Narcisse if Oshor will hand over the documents he holds in his hand?" She asked. Narcisse walked over and bowed, handing her the pile of parchment that held all she needed to know.
"You've lied, sold information, cost your country lives and resources." Madeline growled.
"You whore!" He reached for Madeline but Alexander had quickly pulled his sword and dismembered the hand. She didn't even notice he was in the room but his quickness alerted her of everyone else. Monvir guards stood with their swords out pointing to Caleman, as if they dared him to even move.
"Take him away." Oriana spoke. "We'll deal with him later. She seemed so calm for someone who just learned one of the people she trusted had betrayed her and sold information. "Thank you Queen Madeline for interfering." She spoke. "And lord Narcisse I assume you helped?"
"Only as a distraction." He bowed.
"Well, thank you both. Please sit. We have a lot to discuss." She spoke. The others sat down and began to talk.
"What do we do now?" Charles began.
"According to the letters Elizabeth wants us all in the same room to kill us easily." Oriana began. "Which would be the wedding." She sighed. "So we change it."
"How?" Charles shook his head.
"We get married today." Ignacio butted in.
"Yes. We keep it small. Spread the word that tomorrow everyone must be prepared to fight. Today we get married in front of those we both love and care about the most. Tomorrow we put on a show, and when we are attacked, we are prepared and they have fallen into our trap instead." Oriana shrugged.
"How do we do that?" Charles asked.
"You let us worry about that. For now we should prepare to fight tomorrow." Oriana sighed. "We need to make sure our men are readied. Thank you guys for coming. I think that is all." Madeline felt herself relax until Oriana spoke again. "Madeline could you stay for a second?"
"Of course." She responded. The two waited as everyone else filed out. "Is everything ok?"
"How did you know?" Oriana spoke.
"I talked to Alexei." Madeline shrugged. "I became impatient. I wanted Elizabeth here and her head on a pike."
"You talked to him? Is he ok?" She asked. "I've been so busy I haven't been able to go see him. I feel so bad."
Madeline was startled at Oriana's exclamation. "Oriana, he betrayed you." She said. "You don't owe him anything!"
"I don't think that's true." Oriana sighed. "He's still my brother."
"That didn't stop him, but he did tell me some more things." She sat. "He told me a little more. He was the reason I knew about Canmore. It isn't ideal, but he was right. Oriana, he betrayed you, he betrayed his country, he betrayed all of us. Even then, his love for you is strong. He never intended you to be put in cross fire, never intended to hurt you. He did, but there's good in him still. I know it." Madeline spoke. "I know you love him, and he still loves you. He was just trying to get leverage to marry Asterin. He wanted her. They changed the terms, dragged him in, and used him as a pawn. They don't care if he dies."
"But I do!" She whispered. "I shouldn't but I do. I know I need to hang him, or behead him, or even torture. Though I cannot bring myself to do it. He is my brother. My best friend and I'm feeling more alone than ever because I knew I could lean on him and now I don't know who I can anymore."
"I understand that feeling." Madeline sighed. "Go talk to him. Tell him you're marrying Ignacio. He'd be so happy to hear it." She smiled. "Really listen to him and his story. There's so much you two have to talk about."
"Thanks. And thank you for helping out."
"Of course." Madeline smiled.
"You know Ignacio is helping you like he said he would."
"How do you know about that?"
"One, this is my court. I hear and know almost everything happening. Especially when someone is  important to me. Two, Ignacio told me."
"Well I guess that's true." She laughed. "I'm going to check on Ignacio. He should be getting everyone gathered. You go get ready." She smiled. "You're getting married today."
Madeline left her friend to prepare.

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