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Alexander wasn't expecting it to go this way. Except no one had. How could they? It had been months since Queen Mary was murdered. Two and a half to be more precise. The spring weather had come and gone. The war had brewed and they were forced to do nothing yet. They waited for word, but no one came back. No one told them anything and now they were on their own.
    They had all trained for hours running back and forth. Nikolai and Alexander took on the job to help train them. As knights they taught them everything they knew. They found that the girls were exceeding their expectations and even proving to be better than the males. It was surprising, but their determination had pushed them. Alexander had watched Madeline interact with Tobias. He had given her a horse and in her free time she gave it all to them. Her friendship with Tobias grew and Alexander had to watch from a distance. Everytime he felt a surge of jealousy he reminded himself that last thing Mary had ever said to him.
    "Alexander you are a brave warrior. My sister's heart is in your hands, but you cannot marry her." He watched the queen with wandering eyes. "It is not because you are not of title and rank, but because you hold power over her actions and decisions. She cannot be wed to someone like that. She needs her emotions clear of love, and needs to know what to do."
    "I understand your majesty." He bowed his head.
    "Please keep your distance as she begins to know Tobias."
    He had followed orders, and now he understood. Madeline was a Queen. She was the Queen. His Queen. He will always love her and he regretted giving her space. He regretted following Mary's advice. He should've been by her side. He should've been next to her not Tobias. He owed her an explanation, but not now. Now he had to prepare himself to fight.
    "Easy there." Nikolai said as they sparred. "What's got you so angry?"
    "Nothing." Alexander shook his head. "It's nothing."
    "I wouldn't say it's nothing if you're angry." He said.
    "I'm just mad at the situation." Alexander threw the wooden sword down. "We've waited months and we're waiting more. It's not fair. My country needs me, needs their queen, and we are sitting here waiting."
    "I know. This last one will be the only one we send. If they don't come back in a week we go together." Nikolai patted him on the shoulder. "Get some rest."
    "I don't think that's possible."
    "You should at least try." Nikolai shrugged.
    Alexander knew he was right. Making his way back to the knight's chambers he found himself longing to see Madeline. He thought about her dark brown hair, her dark eyes and how they twinkled almost all the time. Her bright smile that crinkled her eyes. Her laugh that could fill a hall with the most beautiful music. Her soft touch as he held her. The way her nose crinkled just before she would sneeze.
    He jumped. He looked around and found himself at the stables. Apparently his daydreaming led him here instead of his bed. "Sorry Princess I was just seeing if you were ok." He lied. He was a terrible liar and she caught him everytime.
    "Lies." She said. "What's going on?"
    "I just wanted to see you. I finished my sparring."
    She smiled. There it was. The smile that was brighter than all the stars. "You wanted to see me?"
    "If we're being honest. I always do." He whispered. He stepped closer to her.
    Her hands rested on his elbow and she smiled. "I guess the feelings are mutual." She pulled away before he kissed her. "Except I am to marry Tobias. We cannot continue this affair."
    "It was never an affair. He's the affair." Alexander answered. "I understand the position you are in, but Madeline, I'm sorry."
    "For what?"
    "For shutting you out." There it was. He said he wouldn't tell her, but now he was. What else did he have to lose? "I promised her I would stay out of the way."
    "Oh." She looked down. "Now that she's gone you're so quick to turn on your word?"
    "Not exactly. I said I would keep my distance and I am. Except, I can't keep my distance form you. You are my Queen, and I am your knight. I am here to protect you and I have been doing my job poorly."
    "Alexander it's ok."
    "No. Listen if this messenger doesn't come back I am going."
    "Absolutely not."
    "He's supposed to be back today."
    "You're not going Alexander!"
    "I am. For my country and for you." His decision was made the second he looked at her. He would die for her, and this was him doing just that. "I love you Madeline."
    "Alexander I can't risk you losing you."
    "It's a risk we all are willing to take." he added. "It's ok. Please trust me. I love you Madeline and I am doing this for you, for your throne, for your heirs."
    "Then I want to go with."
    "As your Queen I say yes."
    "As the person that loves you more than their duty and would give everything up to be with you I say no!" He yelled. "You stay with your to-be husband and I will do my job."
    Walking away he felt a sting of pain in his chest. Was this the right thing to do? Probably not, but it had to be done. As he walked up the hill he heard her call out his name. He turned to her and she was running to him. She ran to him and leaped into his arms. She kissed him. She kissed him in public and everyone could see it. He should've stopped the kiss but he didn't. He rushed to deepen it instead. He held her close to him and when she pulled away his hand remained on her cheek.
    "Don't leave me forever." She whispered. "Come back to me."
    "Always." He said. "I will move Heaven and Hell to get to you, always."

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