Fit for a Queen

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Alexander had led the men carefully throughout the villages, and cities. He was hesitant over the new role he was given. The men had complied with him easily. Agreeing to move on. They kept conversations short with others and that drew attention. This they knew. They had been confronted multiple times, and in the end they found that they were killing more than planned. However, for every man dead, a new one on their side had joined. Some not knowing how to fight, but agreeing for the sake of their families and their country. Brave was the word that he thought every time one found who they were and volunteered.
    Walking through the lone city he saw his people desperate. They begged them for help and if he did he would blow their cover. He had to ignore them, and he would send a whisper in one's ear. "It'll be ok. The Queen will come." They got what he meant and they remained quiet. He found himself lingering in the state of being awake. Finding it hard to go to sleep. NIghtmares were plaguing him. Dreams of losing this battle and losing everyone he loved. If he was truly honest with himself, losing the only one he loved.
Walking through the days had seemed like forever. He arrived to the caste grounds holding a fake note to tell Nescain's guards they were ordered to guard the castle. He had worked. He looked at his home, wrecked, ruined, destroyed. They didn't care about this place. It angered him. He wanted to kill them all right there but he had to wait until word. He had to wait until another small group entered the walls and told him it was time.
"You!" A man's deep voice walked up to him as he walked down the hall. "Who are you?"
"Ser Alexander." He changed his accent in hope of being avoided.
"Are you the Othian guard?"
"Yes sir." He bowed. "I was lost and I was trying to find the general. I was told we were supposed to speak." Please don't tell find out. Was all he could think. The adrenaline of lying to someone was catching up.
"Yes we were." He smiled. "General Kingsley." He greeted.
Shit. "It's nice to meet you. Sorry for the long wait."
"No worries, the castle is vast." He shrugged. "Come let us talk about what Othia and Nescain can do together."
"Of course."
The men walked in silence but Alexander could feel in his bones that things were about to get uglier. Things were about to ruin him, and he was still being forced to wait.
"You're a lot younger than I imagined." He spoke to Alexander as they entered the large room.
"I get told that a lot. Truth is I was given to the King as a child and grew up wielding a sword." He shrugged. Not a total lie.
"Well no matter. Our spies tell us that the king of Monvir, Gallo, is preparing to fight it himself." Kingsley spoke.
"Yes, that seems to be the case. Monvir is turning their forces and shifting. This only further proves the spy's word." Not sure entirely if anything he said was true, he kept a straight face.
"Good. I heard the princess was also on her way from the spy."
"That was the word." He nodded.
"What are Othia's plans?"
Shit. He thought. "Well, the king is unclear about what he wants to do. However, the prior agreement was to destroy any heirs, and place some sort of regent on the throne. Preferably our little traitor boy." Alexander sighed. "Although the king will do as he pleases. He may just take the throne himself."
"If you ask me that's what he should do." The man spoke. "Forgive me and my bluntness. I believe the world will be a better place if we allow the true rulers to rule, not the bastards or traitors. The only other option would be to marry the princess, now the Queen is dead. It would give him a legitimate rule on their throne."
"You make strong arguments. I will, however, support the king in any decision he makes." Alexander bowed his head. The man was completely fooled.
"As all loyal guards do." Kingsley smiled. "Nescain has plenty of guards to share. We have agreed to send four large squadrons to your aid in taking the throne of Monvir."
Four! Alexander heard his own heart drop. Four squadrons was a lot. Too much for Monvir to handle on their own with the already known enemy of Othia at their borders. "Thank you." He choked out. "It'll be no longer than it needs to be and you will be rewarded for such sacrifices."
"We head Monvir has great beauty and treasure."
"And some of it will be yours." He bowed.
"Tell your king my men are on their way."
All he could do was nod and thank the man. He walked out feeling dizzy and it took everything in his power to remain straight up and walk. Was this really how life was? Not too long ago they were all celebrating Spring, and now the coldness of fall and winter breached their clothes.
Entering the chambers that once belonged to Madeline he looked around. Her things still intact as if they hadn't been in the room yet. He didn't even realize he was walking here. He just did. A habit one might say. A bad one too. He could easily be caught here. Would he be able to pull it off if he was? Probably not, he'd probably just kill the person that walked in.
He walked to the large dresser. He looked over it to find a small drawing underneath a few papers. He grabbed it and admired. She had drawn him in the gardens. Their garden. The one they always snuck off to. The one they first kissed and the one he loved more and more.
"Greer!" He spoke loudly. He spun around quickly. Meeting with Mary's lady's eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same, but I already know." She stepped forward closing the distance. "Is she here?" She whispered.
"No, it's just me and a few other men. We wait for her signal and then we will attack from both the inside and outside." He returned the whisper. "Why are you still here?"
"I don't know. They're keeping me alive and I can't seem to shake the feeling they really want something else." Her implication disgusted him.
"Is Rose ok?" He asked.
"She's fine. She's with a maiden right now." She smiled. She looked around as if someone could hear them behind the closed doors. "Do you think Madeline will be able to take back the castle?"
"This is a war fit for a queen. Our queen. She will take it back and when she does, she'll move onto Nescain." He looked at his lifelong friend. "She will avenge Mary, and she will have both nations."
This brought a smile to the fear Greer held. She gave him a hug. "I hope so."
He had believed what he said. He believed this was her war, and she would win. He believed in Madeline, but that did not make him any more fearful for what could happen. She could be injured, she could still die and win. He hated the thought of that, but he wasn't about to dwell on it.
His ears perked as he heard a rush of horns. Screams coming from all over. "Greer, go find Rose." He spoke. "Find her and bring her here. Lock the door and barricade it until you hear me." He spoke. "Until you hear me say these exact words, 'mind the beast'. This will ensure you that it is me."
She nodded frantically and ran. He looked out the window and felt his adrenaline speed. Madeline was here. She sat on her horse, holding her sword in one hand, and the reins in the other.
"For ryraq." He whispered. He rushed out of the room and began racing through the halls. He found his men and nodded. They ran with Nescain and soon the pulled their swords out on their own. Turning quickly he slashed a few down. The shock, and surprise of the false guards threw them all into a frenzy. He was right though, this was a war fit for a queen.

Ignacio rode with Oriana through the country. Arriving at the castle they were greeted by more than a handful of guards. They rushed her inside and hid her in a dark wing of the castle. She protested. She yelled and pushed back, but they refused to relent.
    "This is unfair." She said. "I should be out there with my people. Helping make the decisions, and making them pay. I should be out there fighting." She growled.
    Ignacio sat next to her. He looked at her carefully. "Then do it." He whispered. "The guards listen to the king, but they also have to listen to you too."
    "Yes, but they won't hear me." She sighed.
    "Well let's make them." He shrugged.
    "How?" She asked.
    Interrupted a man walked through the doors of the room. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Sorry to interrupt." He began. "But I have news."
    "What news?" Ignacio spoke.
    "News for the Queen." He spoke.
    "Queen?" Oriana stood up. "What do you mean Queen?"
    The man cowarded a little. "The King has fallen." Ignacio stood up quickly catching Oriana's gasp as she fell into him. "As Queen we request that you tell us the next move?"
    "Where is my father?" She asked.
    "With the doctor." He bowed his head.
    "Take me to him." She sighed.
    The three walked through the halls, the groans of wounded soldiers filled the hallways. It was the night of bloomings all over again. Walking into the large room they found the king laying on a bed. Still, cold, and pale.
    "Your majesty, we need a new plan." Her father's right hand spoke.
    "Tell me what you have." She spoke.
    "Othian guards are lined up across our borders. They're slowly pushing in and wrapping around to enclose us." he began. "They are going to trap us."
    "Then we don't let them." she responded.
    "Send word to my people." Ignacio spoke. "We can give aid."
    "Beleras soldiers are also on their way." Oriana spoke. "I will fight for us, for this country."
    "We can't allow you to step foot out of the castle."
    "You don't get to choose that." She looked at him. Ignacio felt a ping of proudness emit. She had learned her father was dead, and she was already taking on the role of leader. She had slipped into the position so easily, and so calmly. "I will choose what I do. As the only ruler you have I will fight. Find Alexei. I want his head." She spoke. "He betrayed the country, and the country will know of his crimes."
    "Of course. I will tell the others." The guard walked out leaving the two of them alone. He smiled at her.
    "What?" She asked.
    "I just can't wait to be married to you." He spoke.
    "Not now." she looked back at her father.
    "It's ok to be sad, adn cry." He wrapped an arm around her. "You don't have to be strong, it's just you and me."
    "I'm sad." She responded. "But we both knew this was going to happen." She spoke. "We were going to lose everything."
    "You haven't lost everything."
    "I didn't say we did. We were going to if he didn't." She spoke. "He did this because he knows I will stop at nothing to fight for this country."
    "But he wouldn't?"
    "But he would stop at nothing to protect me." She spoke. "They're threatening me, and in him dying all the guards are directed to me." She continued. "It was his way of protecting me at all costs."
    Ignacio felt sad. Her father died to direct all protection on her. "I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered.
    "This war, is going to be bloody." She spoke.
    "This war is fit for a queen." He kissed her temple. "A queen that is just like you."
    "I'm not prepared." She whispered.
    "You will be though." He gripped her hand. "I'll make sure of it."

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