Life's Short

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Madeline walked through her halls to her messenger. People had said there was a word from her cousin as they waited for themselves to be ready. Weeks had gone and many council members disagreed with her decisions. She was struggling as Queen. Making ends meet right was a disaster and there was no way she was getting through it. She walked through the large oak doors and walked up to the small man. He bowed and handed her the letter.
I have Alexei and he is married to your cousin. They have plans to take over not just your country but mine as well. They want it all but I can't do it myself. I keep him alive at the moment in hopes to draw your cousin. I want her to come here, but I want you to be here and take what is yours. This isn't what we signed for, but we must make decisions.
"This is good. We have allies. This is what we need. Call for the council." Madeline looked around. Things were looking up for her. She's finally going to be able to defend her country and defend everything in her hands. Finally able to finish what has been started. She took a long breath.
She turned on her heels and began to walk. She would meet them in the meeting room. She would explain her plans, explain their ally. Oriana had given her hope. This was exactly what she needed. Walking to her small throne. She sat down and waited for the others to arrive. Slowly they filed in. The men looked at her as she sat on her throne with her crown high on her head. Her hair falling, no braid, no ponytail.
"Your majesty." They bowed.
"We will be fighting. We will move to Monvir. They are our allies, and they have a plan that will help both our countries." She began. She slowly stood up and looked at their faces. "I will take down my cousin. I will lay my claim to her throne. To the throne that belongs to me. Rightfully so." Madeline could see the glint in their eyes. Her sister never dared to say she would do such a thing, but Madeline knew she had no choice.
"What does Monvir have that we can use?"
"Her husband. They are calling her to negotiate. When she gets there, I will be there. I will cut her down myself, and I will take her limp, and lifeless body. Our council will get bigger. It must, I need you all to be ready." She spoke. "The transition will be quick, and rough. We will be hated."
"But we will finally be where we will also be where we belong." One said.
"We will be." She spoke. "I won't back down. I won't coward in fear. Elizabeth wants to be a force, I'll be a bigger one. I will win."
They smiled at this. She knew she had them. "When do you leave?"
"Immediately." She responded. "Regent is the same as always." She walked out leaving them to whisper and talk. She felt a sense of strong pride in herself. It was exactly what she needed.

Oriana had avoided the subject of her brother in the dungeon. Only asking that she be updated in ensuring he is there and had not gone missing. She waited for a response from both Elizabeth and Madeline. It had been a long few weeks. Lives were lost, and she was feeling the toll. She found her solace in Ignacio. He was a good comfort to her. He stood by her, never demeaned her, always lifted her.
She found herself holding him when she woke up. She knew rumors would spread, and rumors could ruin reputation, but the truth was. She was a queen, and she'd deny the truth if she had to. Though she is to marry him, so she doubted she'd have to. She would watch the sun bathe his olive skin. She would trace his curves and scars with feathered fingers. That was until he groaned as he woke up.
"I love you." She'd whisper so it was the first thing he heard every morning. He'd repeat the sweet words and plant a kiss on her head. This morning she leaned up on her arm as she looked at his bare chest. "I think we should marry."
He chuckled. "That was the plan."
"No like today, or this week. I can't wait any longer Ignacio."
"What is it that is running through your mind?" He turned to look at her.
"I'm thinking about what if I lose this war." She responded. "If I lose this war, I don't want my people to be in turmoil because of my failure. I also don't want to die without having married you. I have many regrets, but not marrying you would be the biggest one I had." She spoke.
"You won't lose." Ignacio reached his hand out to her cheek. "We can marry. Send the invites, prepare the ceremony." he spoke. "Have your dress made, and I'll be ready." He whispered. "I love you. I will marry you a thousand times."
    She smiled at his words. "I can't wait." She kissed him and he smiled as he kissed her back. He pushed her over onto her back. She laughed as he kissed her neck and tickled her sides. "Ignacio."
    "I can't wait to marry you. When I marry you, I will give you as many heirs as you wish." He whispered. "I'd give you one now if you let me."
    "Ignacio!" she slapped his shoulder.
"Tell me my love, tell me you don't want little ones with your eyes, and smile, and hair, running around the castle grounds of our choice."
"I'd rather them have yours." She sighed.
"They can have both." He kissed her again. "But for any boy that tries to woo our little girl, or girls, I'll have to cut down with my sword."
"A king that loves to protect his own." She whispered.
"Not a king yet." He smiled.
"Yet." She whispered.
"Tell me now then my love. Do you want a kid?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I mean right now." He looked at her.
She was unsure what she wanted. She wanted Ignacio as her husband, and she wanted her country to be well, but personally a child was something she did want. She looked at him. She had always wanted children. Oriana was sure she'd have tons, but she wasn't sure when or how.
"Life is too short." She said. "So kiss me and let me bear your heir."
His smile was bright as he heard her words. "Then an heir we'll have."
"Or a few."
"Or a herd."
She laughed as he kissed her. "I'm so in love with you."
"I'm obsessed with you." He said. "I'm obsessed with everything you do, everything you say." He whispered. "I can never get enough of you."
"You're a drunk man."
"How dare you!" He pulled back. "If I'm a drunk man, then you're my drink of choice."
"Tell me sir, how do you like your drinks?"
"Anyway if it's you."
"You're terrible."
"All drunk men are." He smirked. "They also can't help themselves when their choice is in front of them." He jumped and she laughed.
Dressing and leaving the room Oriana called on her lady. She called for her dressmaker, and announced the wedding to the world. It would take place at the end of the week. Her excitement beamed around her. Everyone knew she was ready. Her love for the man was very clear, and his love for her was evident to everyone around her. The castle beamed with excitement as the news spread.
    "Oriana!" Leda walked up to her. "We have to get you readied and measured for that dress. We must start now or it won't get done." She grabbed her arm and began to drag. "What type of dress are you looking for?"
    "I don't know it all happened so fast." Oriana admitted.
    "Well good thing for you I had already begun preparing the second you came back with him on your arm."
    "Well Oriana, as your Lady, and your best friend, I am here to assist you even when you don't know." Leda smiled.
    "Then you'll have to tell me while we get the dress ready I suppose." Oriana laughed.
    "Well we already have the dress makers waiting." Leda responded.

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