Family bearings

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Months had come and gone once again. After the attack on Ravkia King Nikolov had forced everyone to stay in the castle. Madeline was infuriated by his orders. She was a queen, a queen with no one to answer. Her engagement was off as Tobias proceeded home. The weather had shifted to dark stormy nights and cold wind days. Ravkia was known to skip fall weather and go into the blankets of white snow. Letters wrote back and forth amongst the nobles that survived the purge and herself. She had been working on a plan with Oriana and Ignacio. Alexander stood behind her, keeping her close. His promises to her sister are broken.

Though she didn't mind. He kept her sane in the midst of action. Kept her close and to the ground. He always had. He was her rock. Keeping her steady as she treaded the new ways.

"I hate this." She said one day. "I need to get back home. I need to claim my throne, and save my people from the tyranny they are in right now."

"And we will. With time." Alexander was right. They had the information. He and Nikolai were able to disguise themselves as guards retreating after the battle. They got their "orders" and came back. They became the worms. "We will get the throne back. No matter what it takes."

His words did little to comfort her. He had been saying the same things and nothing has changed for months. She didn't want words, she wanted actions. She wanted their action and she wanted them now. Her patience was running thin.

"When? I'm tired of waiting! Grab our allies! Grab them and unite them. We are done hiding." Madeline spoke. "I am a Queen, and my nation needs me. I will not hide the way my sister did, I will not shy from the nation I was blessed with. I will fight for my people."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked. "We cannot turn back once we begin."

"I've never been more sure about anything." She said. "Tell Othia we are pushing on. Tell Monvir we are done waiting."

"As you wish your majesty." Alexander bowed leaving her behind, and alone.

The word had spread quicker than she anticipated. Men showed up with the crown's sigil, with their flag perched, and their armor plated with the country's symbols. She waited in her chambers as she heard more came. She waited for King Nikolov to rush in and force her to stand down. He could try, but the anger she held was no going to fade and she was not going to stand down.

"All the men that can make it are here." Elise spoke. "The others won't be ready until tomorrow and said they will meet you on their journey." She bowed her head.

Madeline looked up from the small pin she held. A symbol of her sister. One her sister sent her long ago. She grazed her fingers fighting tears and then let out the breath she had been holding. She turned to face her friend and nodded. It was time. She was clothed in armor, darker than the shiny silver that was the norm. Oriana had given her the armor weeks ago.

Walking into the room of men she had known her whole life. Men she recognized but never talked to. She stood at the head of the room and looked over them. They were eager to hear what she had to say. When she breathed she closed her eyes.

"Nescain, and Othia, has taken our country. They have killed our Queen. They have taken everything." She began. "At least they think they have. We, no I, have waited too long to fight back!" Her voice slowly rising. "I am no longer waiting! I am here to ask you to bare your swords, and use them against our enemy! I am asking you to join me! To join to the fight in taking back what is ours!" Her voice was loud. "We will take Elizabeth's head! We will kill her for her crimes!" The men were starting to get louder. Their head bobbed up and down agreeing. "We are Ryraq! We are no longer sitting and waiting! We will take back what it ours! We will be a country of unity and we will not let them bully us down!"

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