chapter 1.the door

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Tw: slight mention of abuse

The sun poured in the small window in the boys 'room'. Tommy was the first to get up from. He makes his bed, tapping on the red sheets to make it look cleaner. On the other bed Purpled was still asleep, wrapped in a heavy purple blanket. Tommy sighs and walks up to his friend shaking him awake.

"Five more minutes..." The sleeping boy mumbles.

"Wake up! They're making waffles for breakfast!" The blue eyed boy exclaims.

Purpled throws off his blanket and gets out of bed, his body felt heavy. Bags were under his grey eyes. He was always tired during the day and waked up during the night so sleeping for him was hell. Tommy had tried everything to make his friend sleep, to the point that he stole sleeping pills from the nursery but nothing seemed to help.

The two boys walk to the cafeteria, it was small since there wasn't a lot of orphans. There was about twenty They lived in a small town and the adoption center was small meaning that not every parent less kids could get in, it was only the 'lucky' ones. Although they didn't consider themselves very lucky since their parents had died or abandoned them they were still thankful for having a roof above their heads. 

Purpled and Tommy sit down at their usual spot, there was an empty spot next to Tommy since one of their friends got adopted by a man named Wil. They both missed Fundy but they knew that he was probably happier with a real family. Next to Purpled was a girl, her name was Tina from what they have heard, she arrived only a couple of weeks ago and they didn't mind her presence since she was most of the time quiet and when she did talk she was sweet but they get scared when she gets mad. You don't want to mess around with her.

"Hi Tina," Tommy says with a full mouth.

"Hey! I heard that there will be a visitor today! Maybe one of us will get adopted" Tina puts some maple sirop on her waffle with a scoop of fruits.

"Cool" Purpled mumbles.

Most of the foster houses were fine but some were terrible. They all hoped when they got fostered or even adopted that they were going to a good house.
Most of the kids weren't happy of getting  fostered or adopted. The orphanage was a better place than the rumors said. Of course the beds weren't very comfortable, of course they didn't have a lot of clothes and nor did they had big portions of food but it was home for many and they got treated right.

Better than in some houses.

Puffy walks in the cafeteria looking straight at Purpled and Tommy with a warm smile on. The two boys get up knowing that they probably should follow her. So that's what they do. She walks to her office where a couple sat, they seemed rich by the way they dressed, the woman had a pink button up shirt with a black skirt and heels while the man wore black clean pants and a buttoned shirt.

"Boys, these are your new... parents." Puffy breaks the awkward silence. "Katy and Jonh. You should probably go prepare you're bags while we sign a few more things"

The duo nod before returning to their room. They were happy that they would be together but in the same time their stomach had tied into nots. They were both scared. They knew that they would probably treat them well but the blondes felt the same nauseous feeling everytime that they got in a fostered.

No one wanted them. Tommy was brought back to the adoption center many times because he was 'too loud',annoying,he swore too much, he punched a few times different foster parents. Purpled had gotten brought back to the adoption center lesser times because he hadn't the best reputation in some way. He had stolen candies from a corner store, he threatened his adoptive parents, he has major anger issues, he ran away a couple of times.

They pack the few things that they had in their backpacks and walk back to Puffy's office. She was there with a proud smile on. The boys wave at her before following the couple out the orphanage. The cool wind of autumn passes in their hair. Leaves flew pass them as they make their way to a car. Purpled and Tommy didn't go outside often, when they did they took time to analyse everything about the outside world. 

They sit in the car, it had beige leather seats and there was an overwhelming smell of perfume. They pass a line of trees, they pass a valley with cows and sheeps, they pass a field with crops growing under artificial light. Then they get to a nice house, it was huge. Vines grew along the walls, flowers were planted in pots under several windows, plants grew around the house and Purpled spotted a small pond at the right side of the mansion.

"You're finally here!" A boy says as he walks out the mansion. "Never let Tubbo and Ranboo go in the kitchen, I literally had to kick them out the kitchen because of the mess they caused, Niki better come back soon."

"Don't worry Tech she is coming back today plus I told you to take this day relaxe because of you're arm" Katie sighs. 

"Is that your son?" Tommy asks.

"No that was the butler, Tech, but he got cancer so we're trying to help him with that." Jonh explains.

They walk in the mansion, the sweet aroma of honey and Peppermint. A boy about their age maybe older walks in. He was covered in flour but his eyes were still visible. He stand there, frozen.

"Uh I'll clean up" the boy mumbles.

Someone with a box on their head runs behind him.

"Crumb can you show the boys their room" The woman asks.

SHe nods and starts walking up the stairs followed by Tommy and Purpled. They arrive to a large room with two beds wrapped in a baby blue sheet. The girl called Crumb skips out of the room humming quietly while she does. Tommy and Purpled look at eachother with a smile. They were staying here for a while, their new adoptive parents seemed not that bad after all.

"Hey wanna do a tour of the mansion?" The boy who was covered in flour earlier asks as he barges in the room.

"Sure..." The boys say in sync.

They walk around following the boy who introduced himself as 'Freddie' or 'Linu'. A door takes Purpled and Tommy's attention. it wasn't like the other doors. This one had a tinted glass on it and the paint that stuck to the wood seemed to peel off easily.They look at eachother giving the 'let's see what's behind the door after' look.

"By the way you shouldn't go threw that door" Freddie points the door. "A girl went missing in this mansion only leaving her red beanie behind next to the door... She was a good friend of mine. It has been a month now since she's gone missing."

Freddie walks away leaving the two boys speechless. Tommy turns around to look at the door. He felt like it was calling him. His crystal blue eyes sparkle as he approaches the door. He wasn't able to take his eyes off of it nor could he control his body. The blonde opens the door and feels a nice breeze come out of it with the chirp of the birds.

"Tommy! What are you doing?" Purpled exclaims.

"I-I don't know"

Tommy takes a step forwards outside the door. Purpled was panicking, he didn't know what to do. He didn't fully trust the owner of the mansion and he knew that Tommy would never forgive him if he asked them to help him. So he did the only thing logical to him... Follow Tommy who looked posessed.

What could go wrong..?

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