Chapter 13. Training >:·D

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Tommy is brutally woken up by Technoblade shaking him. The blonde groans and turns around flipping him off as he does. Suddenly his body gets lifted up. His eyes shoot open and he finds himself outside the castle. Techno let's go of him and he falls heavily on the humide grass.

"What the fuck"

"We're training" Techno grumbles. "I didn't think it'd be that hard to teach you but seeing you like this makes me think otherwise"

"What do you mean?! Are you bullying me?" Tommy says sounding offended.

"Yes now get up" The man orders.

"I only listen to Lizzy's orders!" Tommy crosses his arms.

"Who?" Techno furrows his brows and stops what he was doing (tying his hair)

"You don't know who Queen Elizabeth is?!" The british boy's mouth drops.

"Uh no" Technoblade shakes his head. "anyways take this.

He hands him a sword, it wasn't Sharp though, just enough to leave a small cut not enough to do something serious. The edge was dull so was Technoblade's sword, Tommy assumes that all training swords are like that, probably to not accidently kill anybody.

Techno starts teaching him some stuff. He helps Tommy place himself and also teaches him how to hold properly a sword. Nothing was that complicated until Techno started giving him tips which most of the times involved maths.

" that means if your opponent jumps in front of you to attack you have enough time to take a step right or left, then he'll probably be like at 41 degrees in the air so you have to strike specifically at his stomach so then he'll be at 29 degrees in the air and he will mostly turn 80 degrees towards you so that means you'll have... 2x80-29-"

"Bitch where did the two come from?" Tommy says angrily.

"If you don't know where it comes from than you'll have to learn your maths"

"Your equation doesn't make sense" Tommy mumbles.

"You don't even know what I'm trying to do!" Techno exclaims.

"I failed maths for a reason!" Tommy scoffs.

Technoblade rubs his temple knowing that teaching Tommy how to fight with swords was going to be a header job than it looked. They spent all day outside fighting verbally and physically most of the times it was for training.

They end up taking a break. They sit down on the grass, backs pushed against the wall of the castle. The sun was slowly setting in front of them. The clouds were like in the drawings, fluffy and white. The sky was painted in orange and light yellow. It was beautiful.

Tommy would've probably fell asleep if it wasn't from all the pain that he felt, his ribs were like made out of glass, his arms were swore from holding the heavy weapon he was given, his legs were bruised and he would be lucky to walk without feeling like he just stepped on shards of glass.

Technoblade seemed in less pain them him, he had a black eye (he got in an argument with Tommy and it ended up in violence) and a bruise on his wrist but that was it. Tommy was a bit pissed off that Techno hadn't given him chances and now his whole body was hurting so he pulls his pink hair.

"What was that for?" Techno spits out

"For hurting me" the blonde pouts.

"You're so fragile Tommy" Technoblade says.

"I'm not fragile! You are!" Tommy stands up feeling like he was about to collapse. He looks down at Techno. "take that back"


Before the argument turns out in a fight a servant comes to get them for supper. They walk back to the castle in silence and Techno trips Tommy. The boy let's out a whine as he takes his ankle tears pickling on the edge of his eyes.

"Oh shit are you okay?" Techno asks in panic.

He kneels down to help Tommy but he knew he made a mistake at that moment, seeing the evil smirk on Tommy's face. The British boy tackles him on the ground punching him in the chest laughing maniacally.

After a minute he stops to take back his breath. Technoblade shoots him a glare and Tommy only flips him off.

"Can't believe I fell for that" Techno mumbles.

"You're so soft Techno" Tommy mocks.

"Am not!"

"Softie Blade"

"Shut up"

Tommy sticks out his tongue and soon gets tackled to the ground face first. Technoblade gets up and walks away like if nothing happened. Tommy also gets up and runs up to him jumping on his back trying to make him fall while spitting out some pieces of grass that got in his mouth.

Technoblade continues walking ignoring the blonde on his back trying to hurt him. Tommy pulls his hair, punches him and shakes him but the only response he gets from the older is a sigh or a groan.

"I fucking hate you" Tommy growls.

"Because you can't hurt me?" Technoblade snickers.

"Oh shut up you prick!"

They enter the castle and Tommy let's go of Technoblade. They walk to the dining room and see everyone eating already. They all turn their head towards them as they sit down.

"You guys could've waited for us" Tommy grumbles.

“We waited for twenty minutes, the food was getting cold" Wilbur explains.

They all eat making small conversation with the people in front or next to them. Purpled looks at Tommy.

"Man, you look like shit" He says. "It looks like you just came back from the Millers house"

"Ah yes, the Millers." Tommy snickers. "Past trauma, I almost forgot about it. But yeah, Techno didn't give me chances, I won zero times!"

"You're shit at fighting" Purpled chuckles.

"Oh yeah yeah, I'm sure Punz lets you win so you think that you're good, he's boosting your ego" Tommy takes a bite of garlic bread.

"You're just jealous that I'm better" Purpled says under his breath.

"Shut up" Tommy hisses.

They stop their friendly argument and continue eating. They didn't want to admit it but they got attached to this odd dimension and the people there. They got nice meals, they got treated well, they got comfortable beds, they were living their best lives but they knew that they'll have to go back to their world after all this.

They'll have to leave everyone behind.

Another chapter another slay /j

I gotta go back to school this week im gonna fucking cry.

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