chapter 8. invasion

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Tw-blood, mention of death, weapons, and things like that.

Tommy gets woken up by Technoblade. He is surprised to see him, usually Purpled would be the one to wake him up or the other way around. The pink haired man had a panicked expression but in the same time he had a smile, a sick smile that psychopath have.

"Wanna see a Shadownih?" He asks almost excited.

"What the fuck?! I don't want to die, at least not today" Tommy scoffs.

"Well too bad there is three in Triville right now" Techno smiles. "Let's go!"

Tommy doesn't have time to say anything he gets dragged outside. Three dragons, or more creatures. They had black scales and two set of wings. Their tail had spikes at the end of it were dried blood was smeared on. Their eyes were bloody red, it made Tommy think of Techno's eyes but more dangerous. They had pointy ears that looked like horns and their teeth were sharp.

They let out a horrid hissing and their tongue which was familiar to a snake sticks out. Technoblade turns around to face the trembling blonde. He felt pity for him, he was new to this odd dimensions. Tommy has never seen or heard about all the dangerous beasts of the D-smp, their world. The man gives him a sword, it wasn't that big but it was only to protect himself any ways.

"I'm just preparing you" Techno starts off. "It's kinda like a training because you need it. Helios if you really want to become your gods, you and Purpled have to train. It took me years of training to become, the blood god, I was a simple human before, like you."

Tommy stares blankly at him and he looks down at the sharp weapon in his hands. Puffy would've panicked if she saw him holding that sharp object. Tommy knew he wasn't very agile, especially with weapons including knives because, yes, he has already tried to use self defense with a 'weapon' and it didn't really work, but he knows that he's probably more agile knowing that his life was on the line.

"Be careful and don't engage combat, especially not with the Dranih... The creatures they are on, they can only be killed in one spot and it's risky"

"What's the spot?" The human asks.

"The chest"

A screech is heard and Techno only has enough time to turn around to see a Dranih heading straight towards him. He takes out an extra sword that he kept behind his back and throws it sideways in the mouth of the dragon like creature. He jumps on it and pushes off the Shadownih who was on the Dranih.

It left Tommy alone with a Shadownih standing in front of him with a long sword in his metal hands. The blonde swallows a chunk of saliva. He knows it was disgusting and he should've probably spit it out but he didn't care, his life was threatened and he was sure he would see his ancestors soon.

The Shadownih lunges towards him and he can only try to fight him off. Their swords meet and he naturally flinches at the unpleasant sound it made. His opponent took that as an opportunity to push him on the ground. As he hits the cold hard ground he lets out a grunt. As the sword of the Shadownih lifts up ready to pierce threw his chest he can only smile, it was a defeated smile. Je accepts death with open arms because what else could he do? Hope for a miracle? Someone to save him?

His eyes close and he waits for a sharp pain in his chest but he feels nothing. He open his eyes to see Purpled fighting off the one that tried to kill him. Purpled slices the others torso. The Shadownih let's out a high pitched yell and the grey eyed boy finishes him, his sword now in the half dead, half alive creature's stomach. The Shadownih falls limp on the ground.

"Purpled!" Tommy exclaims and hugs the boy quickly excusing himself and backing away.

"You scared the shit out of me Toms!" Purpled let's out a shaky breath. "When I saw you get thrown on the ground and the Shadownih lifted his sword I thought I was too late"

Tears formed itself in the corner of his eyes but he quickly wipes them off. It was no time to get emotional. Shadownih's were invading Triville. Scouts reported that about fifty of them were in the woods waiting to attack on their horses.

There was nothing to do except to fight for their lives. Fight for the kingdom that had welcomed them and taken care of them for a few days now. They didn't know much about the people here but they seemed nice and they weren't going to let them down. They were supposed to deliver them from evil and that's what they are going to do.

Suddenly an idea pops in Purpled's mind."Tommy we have to go to the library"

"You're gonna fuckin' read while Shadownih destroy Triville and kill it's people?! Sorry Purp but I rather die knowing that I helped them then live in guilt knowing that I could've saved all these innocent souls" Tommy says.

"You don't understand! If we get to know what's their weaknesses we can chase them out of here and they won't kill anymore people" Purpled explains.

"Mkay but let's make it quick we don't have all day" Tommy mumbles not that happy of the plan.

They run towards the library and slide down the alleys. When they arrive to the section 'S' of the books they inspect them one by one looking at the titles as fast as a human possibly could. Tommy sees Shadownih on one of the titles and he grabs the book not caring of reading the rest of the title.

"I GOT ONE!" He yells before opening it violently.

"Careful you'll break the pages" Purpled snaps.

"Oh shut it"

Purpled rolls his eyes but he stops there knowing that if he would continue the stupid little argument it would lead to nothing else than a waist of time. He looks at the pages that Tommy flipped trying to see anything about weaknesses.

Suddenly Tommy places a finger on a small paragraph with an evil smirk, honestly Purpled didn't know if it was an evil smirk or a proud smile but he rather go with the first option. He looks at the paragraph that his friend pointed and his face lits up.

"Their weakness is gold"

"I've seen golden weapons in the hallways of the castle~" Tommy states out.

The two boys run to the hallways of the castle and they indeed see some golden spears hanging on the wall. They take one each and run outside.

"HEY YOU LITTLE SHITS! LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT" Tommy yells at the top of his lungs waving the spear in the air.

One Dranih flies away but the two others stay not seeming to care about the two young boys. Wilbur runs towards them with a bow and arrows that could probably go threw a tree by how sharp and thick they looked.

"What are you doing?! Go back inside!" The brunet says.

"We've literally got everything to kill them stupid Shadownih and their dumbass creatures" Purpled shows his spear.


Wilbur gets cut off by a Dranih propelling him in a tree. Tommy dosent know what got into him but he runs towards the creature and plants his golden weapon in its leg. The dragon let's out a Yelp and Tommy swears that it gave him a deaf ear but it doesn't stop him from stabbing it over and over again till it's heart stop beating. The Shadownih who was on it jumps off it and ends up dying because of the terrible fall he made.

Then they see the horses arrive, Shadownih were on them looking blood thirsty. Purpled and Tommy stand in front of them and lift up their spear, well only Tommy because Purpled thought it looked dumb.

"Turn back now or perish!" He yells.

Behind the two brave boys were Wilbur, Techno, Quackity, Sapnap, Karl, Philza, Eret and George all armed. The Shadownihs charges towards them.

"I guess they chose death" Purpled smirks.

Anyone who would've seen him and Tommy would've thought 'oh what lovely brave men' but their trembly hands proved the opposite but who can blame them... They were young and they had only started their lives and they didn't intend to die young.

Two chapters in a day :o

I have a math exam tomorrow and I decided to write this chapter instead of studying which I will probably regret later but it's FiNeEe

Sorry if this chapter is a little scuffed it's late and I have a huge headache so idk what in writing.

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