chapter 19 . Goodbyes

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Tw- mention of death, intrusive thoughts (idrk)

Footsteps echoes in the hallway, Philza stands at the door frame and signalized the four of them to follow him. They do as asked, they walk outside a small oak door with vines growing on it and appear in a garden with a lot of people in it, there was Wilbur, Niki, Quackity, Jack, Ranboo, Tubbo, Sapnap, Karl, George and everyone they had met along the way there.

Tommy starts talking to some of the people there waiting for them to praise him for saving their dimension, which no one did. Aimsey went to see the people she knew the best, she looked a bit sad but excited. Purpled stood next to Technoblade and Philza feeling that something was off.

"What is this?" He asks Phil.

"It's for you to say your goodbyes, we are leaving first in the morning so you, Tommy and Aimsey can go back to your own dimension." The avian answers.

"How will we do that?" Purpled asks.

"We are going back to the door, if it is open it means you have fulfilled your mission and you are no longer needed here, if it is closed it means you'll have to stay"

Purpled sees Punz at the back of the garden in an animated conversation with Sapnap. The young boy sneaks around some bushes and eavesdrop on their conversation because he has nothing else better to do.

"When were you going to tell me you were from Netherville or Netherland, whatever it's fucking called?!" Punz whisper shouts.

"Never. I don't want to die."

"You're lucky not a lot of people realized you were leading the army." Punz sighs.

"Go say bye to your friend Purpled, you're losing him soon." Sapnap says walking away.

Punz looks around to find Purpled and to his suprise he was in a bush next to him, crouching. He looks up at him, face red because of the embarrassment.

"Why am I not surprised" Punz scoffs but a smile comes to his lips.

He hands his hand so that Purpled can stand up.

"I'm gonna miss your annoying stupid fucking ass."

"No need for all that sweating what do you mean, I ain't annoying" PuRpled rolls his eyes.

"Uh yes you are." Punz shakes his head. "See you tomorrow, I'll be there when you'll leave."


Purpled looks at the grass, his eyes empty and his throat dry. He didn't want to leave, he was fine in this weird dimensions where dragon creatures existed and swords were a common thing to have. He felt like in the old times and he loved it. There was no foster families, no bullies, no annoying foster sibling and mostly he was free.

Most normal people would get homesick and want to go back to their own world but Purpled had changed houses so many times that he didn't get attached no any buildings, views, objects or anything really but when he got to this odd dimension he did get attached to it and some of the people there. He wasn't ready to leave.


Tommy and Purpled stood in front of the portal, stomach flipping and heart sinking. They both felt nauseous. A few people were there to say their final goodbyes like Techno, Wilbur, Phil, Punz, Ranboo, Tubbo and George. Aimsey was also there, ready to go back to her good friend Freddie and live a normal life again.

She says goodbye to Ranboo and Tubbo since they were practically the only people she had gotten very close to. The two other boys stand there silently. George hugs then both.

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