Chapter 6.Legends

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Tw-mention of war, mention of blood, mention of death... Kinda.

Purpled's eyes flutter open. For the first time in years he slept good. He had energy and was happy. He hops out of bed and walks over to where Tommy was sleeping taking off the blanket. The Brit groans and brings his legs to his chest to bring more warmth to his body.

"WaKe UpP!" Purpled whines.

"What about no. I'm comfortable" Tommy mumbles his face planted in the feather pillow. "Go cry about it you little crybaby"

"Shut the fuck up"

The grey eyed boy takes Tommy's ankles and pulls him out of bed making him fall heavily on the floor. His eyes shoot open and he glares at his friend with daggers in his eyes. Tommy jumps up and takes a pillow throwing it in Purpled's face.

Purpled grins and takes his pillow. He hits the younger boy with it making Tommy stumble backwards because of the shock. Tommy lunges towards him hitting him with the pillow and tackling him on the ground. At that the door opens and a maid looks down at them resting on the floor.

"King George is waiting for you. You'll be served at his Table" She says before walking away.

The two boys dress up, Tommy wears a red buttoned shirt and black pants while Purpled wears a light purple Buttoned shirt and the same pants as his friend. The older one took time to comb his hair while the youngest ignored his messy hair only passing a hand in them.

They walk to the dinning room, everyone was already seated (Sapnap, Karl, George, Techno, Phil, Wilbur, Fundy Sally) An awkward silence falls, the only noise heard was the forks and knives hitting the silver plates. Tommy's hands starts to get sweaty. The atmosphere shifts when Sapnap starts talking.

"We need to prepare for war"

"Wow nice topic" Technoblade says sarcastically

"It's true though" Karl says timidly trying to get the least amount of attention.

"It's Dream'" George sighs.

"What do you mean?" Wilbur furrows his brows.

"He's gonna start a war." The brunet continues. "I've heard of an alliance with his country and the Shadownih. Im sure that hes made more alliances and that he isn't going to use them for good"

"What's a Shadownih?" Tommy asks.

"It's a group of people, some say they are spirits some say they are ghosts but they actually are half dead half alive people. They wear a black cape and most of the time they had their hood on to hide their faces" Philza explains.

Tommy feels his stomach flip. The worried looks that the others sent to eachother was far from reassuring. He assumed that the Shadownih were dangerous and evil. Purpled kicks him under the table. Tommy immediately looks up

Purpled was doing discreet signs with his hands. They had made up a sign language so that they could communicate without no one understanding them.

‘Let's go outside, their conversation is boring’

Tommy hesitates for a moment before responding using their sign language.


To that the two boys get up and walk outside. Butterflies twirl around them one placing itself on the tip of Tommy's nose making him sneeze and the creatures flies away. He pouts but he soon gets distracted by a silhouette behind one of the tree.

Purpled also notices. They both walk cautiously towards the silhouette to be met by none other than Eret. He smiles kindly at the two boys. She held a bouquet of baby blue flowers and in his other hand they had a torch.

"Hi Eret!" Tommy exclaims.

"Hey." The man smiles. "What are you two doing here? I thought you were having breakfast with the king."

"They were talking about boring shit so we decided to go away" Purpled explains.

Eret chuckles softly.

"Follow me" He orders.

The two boys who didn't have any other things to do follow her. They go down silver stairs all the way to the trunk of a huge tree. Eret places his hand on the tree and there's an opening that opens itself in the tree.

They walk in and are welcomed with a strong smell of maple syrup. Eret starts walking down some Stone stairs. The sound of his heels hitting the floor made an echo. Tommy and Purpled get chills from the place they were in. They walk down the stairs cautiously, they had lost sight of Eret but they followed the sound of his footsteps which suddenly stop.

The boys hurry downstairs to be met by Eret holding a torch, behind her was a tunnel with things carved in its walls. They walk in the cave, the only sound they could hear was drops crashing on the ceramic floor. Tommy and Purpled look at the walls and see drawings and writting on them.

There was a drawing of a village, the half of it was fine and the other half was destroyed, there was flags everywhere they were all the same. Although they couldn't see colours they knew the village must be beautiful and filled with colours. There was a man with a crown and what looked like wings he held a bloody sword in his hand and in front of him was another man clutching to his chest with a crown on top of his head. Next to the winged man was another person with long hair but masculine traits.

There was something in the drawing that caught Tommy's attention, maybe it was the similarity of the person with the crown and wings and Philza or maybe it was the fact that half the village was destroyed and the other half was perfectly fine. He knew it was some kind of code and there was a whole ass story behind the odd drawing but he couldn't place the pieces of the puzzle together.

Purpled on the other side was staring at a drawing carved in the stone walls of the cave. It was the drawing of two young boys side by side with crowns on top of their heads. Behind them was a painting of them. On the painting there was a something written on it but it was in a weird language that Purpled had never heard of. It was written: |+\•+~.

(It means heroes. It's not a real language and no I'm not inventing a language I just put random things there. Also further in the story you'll understand the meaning of the picture that Purpled's looking at and the people on the drawing or wtv)

"Boys." Eret says to get their attention. "Here it is"

The two teenagers look at what Eret was pointing at and their jaw drops. It was a drawing of two person. One had antennas and the other one had small horns. It looked like they were levitating. The one with the antennas had a cape flying around them and had dark eyes for what it seemed. Their boots had spikes on them and chains. They had a loose buttoned shirt with patterns on it which looked like small stars and baggy pants. They had a sword which had a moon logo craved on it.

The other person with the horns also had a buttoned shirt and baggy pants but their clothes seemed a lighter colour and the patterns on them were different, instead of stars on their shirt there was clouds. Their cape was twisted around on of their leg and at the tip of it, it twisted making a heart. They also had a sword which looked like a copy pasta from the other person's sword but it had a sun while the other had a moon.

"Who's that?" Tommy asks.

"That's the legends" Eret answer "the god of the sun and the moon, unstoppable when they are together, some say that they are stronger than XD when together. We've been waiting for them to help us to fight the evil out of this world. It's been decades since we've been told about their arrival but they never came until this day"

"What do you mean?" Purpled turns around confused.

"You two are... Them"

School is so draining and I haven't gotten proper sleep in two weeks so sorry for not posting for a while also the picture on top idk if you guys can see it but that's my idea of Triville

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