chapter 7. ???

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Tw-smoking, mention of drinking, mention of smoking, mention of death,

"Helios- name given to the Greek sun god"
"Selene- name given to the goddess of the moon"

"Ha! It says in this book that you're a goddess" Tommy points out showing Purpled.

The other only mumbles incomprehensible words and flipped him off. Purpled ignored his brother ramble about how he's better than him because the historians didn't miss-gender him because they knew him and he was sOoO popular that even in other dimensions people talked about him.

Purpled flips multiple pages from a book called 'prophesies'. He finally arrives to the page he wanted. Helios and Selene where written on top of the page. He tried reading the description of them and their powers but he didn't understand anything that he was reading.

Helios the god of the sun, lost brother of the blood god, the all mighty goddess of Death borned him as the Angel of Death was a good father to his children. But blood spilt as his sword pierced in the flesh of the Phantom. The heir of the throne. At that day the world darkens and evil corrupts the people's heart. War is brought and Helios returns to save his people side by Selena.


Selene, lost sister of the gold man, her bloodline is cursed because of her grandfather who broke a promise with the wizard of the desert, a builder, a god, he who revived the dead and killed the revived. When the time comes Selene who fleed away because of the family curse will come back to save her dimension with Helios.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean" Purpled scoffs as he reads further.

They sat in a huge library, the smell of old books and humidity floated in the air. Tommy lays his head on the table, his eyes were heavy but he though his tiredness. Purpled smiles at him but it wasn't a malicious grin nor a smirk it was a nice sweet smile.

"Let's go to bed. it's three in the morning and I don't intend on reading shit that I don't understand all night"

"I was waiting for you to say that" Tommy says between a yawn.

He stretches and they walk out of the library to their room falling asleep as soon as their head hits their pillows.


Snowflakes danced in the sky as the wind twirls them around a black horse ridden by a man with a straight posture and luxurious clothing. He had lovely eyes, one was permanently blind but he still managed to look splendid.

A beanie hid some of his jet black hair but some strands managed to get in his face. He tucks them behind his ear feeling the small braid that his friend had made him before leaving on his journey to Triville. He often visited since George was a friend of his.

After a few hours the man stands in front of Triville's castle. He hops off of his horse, a smile :] was embroider on it. George runs out of his demeure (house). The brunet hugs him tightly.

"Quackity I've missed you!" George chokes out.

"I've missed you too George" Quackity chuckles.

They pull away and Quackity freezes. In front of him stood the one and only Wilbur alive and well... Maybe not all that well but it didn't matter. Quackity feels a knot form in his throat, he felt like crying but he pushed the urge away. Instead he runs over to Wilbur and jumps in his arms which were opened wide.

"I thought it was over... That you were fucking dead" Quackity cries out. "I thought I'd never see you again"

"Oh big Q, limbo was a pain in the ass" Wilbur laughs dryly.

They walk in the castle talking about their lives. Even if they were happy to see eachother they still held a grudge against eachother. Quackity because he was angry that Wilbur didn't go see him after his revival and Wilbur because Quackity talked dryly and made sarcastic remarks.

They both had a bad time when Wilbur died. Limbo was terrible and so was returning to the world, he got bad habits like smoking and gets flashbacks of limbo and the day he died. Quackity on his side, after Wil's death he became friends with Sapnap and Karl but their relation didn't end well and he got into drinking. Even though the smell of alcohol reminded him of Schlatt he loved the effect the strong liquid gave him. He started smoking but not as much as Wilbur.

They sit down on a bridge looking at their reflection in the river below them, two broken men. Wilbur lights a cigarette and places it between his dry lips. He inhales the smoke and feels it tickle down his throat to his lungs which were probably dying like him. Was he even human. He didn't know. He exhale. He turns around to see Quackity staring at two rings which were in his palm.

"Who is it from?" The tall man asks.

"Schlatt and... Sapnap and Karl" The man wearing a beanie answers.


"Yeah... We were fiances about to get married but I guess they changed plans, I guess they stopped loving me" Quackity whispers the last word.

"You know you can cry when your with me Q, I've seen you at your lowest you don't need to hide your emotions" Wilbur says gently placing his hand on the others shoulder.

"I have no more tears to shed"

The brunet hugs the short man. He made sure to keep him safe. He couldn't lose another friend, he couldn't lose someone he cared about, not again. His eyes were watery but he didn't cry. A tear slides down Quackity's cheek.

"Fuck Wilbur. How do you keep yourself together all the time. I'm always the one to come to you in a total mess and you act like your life is fine and... and you I don't know man!"

"I don't want to weight you with my problems Quackity." The brunet starts. "I want you to be happy and as long as your happy I'll be happy"

"Wil, you know you can open up to me" Quackity mumbles

Wilbur takes a deep breath. "Limbo was hell, my tears burnt my skin and every sound was loud, I swear my ears were bleeding at that point. When I came back I heard that Phil had started a new nation and that Techno was the heir to the throne, the adopted child! I was their to the throne! Me! But then the old man killed me. I hate him so much but I can't really hate him fully since he is my dad. I got into bad habits, smoking, drinking and shit like that. When I came back to Triville Sally... Well I learnt that she lied about my death to Fundy. I also could see the pure fear in her eyes when she saw me. She doesn't speak to me anymore! We're fucking married!"

"How I wished to be there for you Soot" Quackity says. "I wish I could've been here from the time you were in limbo to now. I could've helped you with all your life problems like you did and still do to me. I know that we've had our fights, mostly violent, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about you"

Under the light of the moon they cry, laugh and talk. It was like before all the wars and revolts.

I know I made Phil and Techno look bad in this chapter but they aren't... Well they kinda are but it's mostly Phil. Mistakes are made but it doesn't mean that it's not a bad thing. Phil isnt a bad father but he isn't a good one either.

There's probably some mistakes sorry about it my auto correcteur doesn't work very well :]

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