chapter 17. uhh

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I might of lied when I said I wasn't finishing this story...

Tw-mention of death, death, war, blood, just everything you see in a war. Also there is swearing mostly at the end of the chapter

An army stands before the walls of Ender city, they try to destroy it with axes and bombs but the walls stay intact. Ender's dragon flies over their head spitting acid and purple fire. Screams are heard in the city. Ranboo looks at his reflection in his sharp sword, grimacing at how serious he looked.

Tubbo walks down the corridors with a group of soldiers all holding their weapons tightly trying to stop their hands from shaking. The young king arrives outside and he hops on a horse. Horns were blown and archers ran to the walls protecting the city. A flaming rock is propulsed towards the castle landing neat Tubbo.

Wilbur runs towards Tubbo with a stern look. His eyes narrowed towards the town, flames were bursting out a roof.

"I'm going to help them go to the secret tunnels, they'll be safe there." Wilbur says. "Be careful Tubbo."

To that he takes a horse and gallops towards the village. Tubbo looks back at the guards that followed him out and nods at them. To that they gallop towards the gate prepared to protect and attack. A pit forms itself in Tubbo's stomach as he sees men, women and all others prepare for war. They had a life ahead of them and yet this might be the day that they die.

He feels a pressure on his back and turns around to see Ranboo sitting behind him on the horse. In his eyes there was guilt and grief, but Tubbo didn't have time to be a therapist so he squeezes a bit his horse with his shoes and it starts moving towards the gate.

At the gate Tubbo and Ranboo's eyes scan the large Groupe of people looking for familiar faces, or more a familiar face but they couldn't see the person they were looking for. In the corner of his eyes, Ranboo sees Phil bring Tommy and Purpled in an underground weaponry room. The king trusted the avian, he has never done anything that he wasn't sure of, except killing his son.

"We will fight for Ender city, for Kinoko Kingdom, for what is left of Atlanta and for Triville." Ranboo shouts. "and for Tubbo's kingdom too... We will not let a un-named kingdom destroy us!"

The gate is lifted and Ender City's army marches out of the city followed by the guards and the volunteers. Sapnap walks to Ranboo and Tubbo nervously.

"I will help you fight but of ever I encounter their 'leader' I will not kill him"

"Okay" Tubbo shrugs.

They go on the battlefield, bodies already layed on the ground and blood was spattered on the yellow and green grass. They were clearly outnumbered, Tubbo looks in horror as the enemy kills them one by one. Suddenly a horn blows, everyone turns around, an army of five hundred people appeared out of the forest, they all had horses, Atlanta's flags flap proudly in the air at the top of their poles. At the front of the army there was Technoblade, he looked as he was preparing for a ball.

He has many jewels on him like rings, necklaces and bracelets. He wore clean clothes made out of silk. His dark red cape flew behind him. Some of the soldiers from the enemy's army were frighten while some were confused because Atlanta and its people were supposed to be all gone.

"How the fuck did he manage to bring his whole ass army here in a few hours" Tubbo asks dumfounded.

"By the portals" Ranboo answers, lips curled.

Atlanta's army gallops towards the enemy showing no mercy and no hesitation. With Techno at the lead of the army the chances of failing were low. Sapnap runs in the battlefield towards Technoblade. Tubbo tries to stop him for doing that foolish act but is not quick enough.

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