chapter 18. better luck next time

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Tw-war, blood, death, fire, corpses.etc...
Not the best chapter NGL..

Tommy and Purpled came out of the city's walls. They were both glowing, they had luxurious clothing and a long sword with a sun and a moon carved on. they galloped to the battlefield killing all enemy who stood in their way.

Before anyone could celebrate a green figure appears on a hill not far from the field. A tall, slim man grins then puts on a smiley mask swinging his axe forwards. Surprisingly he didn't walk towards Tommy and Purpled, instead he walked towards Technoblade.

"Do you think that's the bad guy?" Tommy asks Purpled holding clumsily his sword.

"Yup." The other answers. "This was a bad idea."

"What?" The blonde asks.

"Going to war" Purpled says.

"I'm surprised I'm even alive right now" Tommy adds.

Purpled and Tommy move towards the ‘vilain’ slowly ignoring the crunch under them everytime their horses stepped on a dead soldier. They get close enough to Techno and the other man to hear their conversation. (Killing soldiers that tried to stab them, on their way)

"You took everything from me!" The stranger yells.

"Look, Dream, I took nothing from you. You're the one who wanted to win a sword battle, you lost everytime and now you're mad at me for having skills" Technoblade had a mocking smile.

"My own father loved you more than me!" Dream exclaims with anger in his voice.

"Not my fault" Techno sighs. "If you started a war all just to do a rematch with me, I'll call you dumb for the rest of my life."

"I thought you were dead" Dream spits out.

"I don't die" Technoblade puts his hand on his sword.

"Let's see 'bout that"

Dream swings his axe right in Technoblade's face, he is met by his sword which comes flying towards him. Their blades meet and Dream pushes Techno down with his foot. He raises his axe, ready to finish him off but Techno jumps on his feet cutting the masked man's leg. Dream plunges his axe in Techno's heart.

Tommy and Purpled look at eachother quite disturbed, they knew that they were going to be next. They wanted to leave and hide somewhere in the forest where, hopefully, no one could find them but they stayed frozen, looking at Techno as he falls on his knees, he starts coughing blood and Dream laughs maniacally. He takes his axe and is ready to chop his head off. Technoblade starts laughing which was mixed with coughing. He looks up and his eyes were neon red, where he has been stabbed, a floating red substance pours out, it floats around him. Horns were blown and everyone's face in the enemy's army looses all colours.

Purpled and Tommy look around to see what everyone was looking at and get a glimpse of an army, it was huge and the soldiers didn't look a hundred percent human. At the lead of the army, there was Sapnap who looked behind Tommy and Purpled in fear, he looked at Technoblade. Everything is red, the two teenagers fall off their horses. After a second the red dissipates but Techno's eyes were reader than ever. He started killing everyone wether it was from the enemy's army or even his own army. He had gone mad.

He looks at Dream who had stepped behind. "Better luck next time" Techno lifts his sword and swings it towards Dream, the masked man shields his face with his arms but nothing comes. Purpled had blocked Techno's sword ‘saving’ Dreams life. As he thought he was safe he turns around and starts walking towards a horse, ready to get out of this place but Tommy hits the back of his head with the handle of his sword and he falls unconscious.

Tommy looks behind him to see Sapnap's army wipe out every enemy on the battlefield. It was a horrible sight, death, blood and bodies. Tommy didn't want to experience war again, he hated it. He sighs and starts dragging Dream's body towards Ender City. They had built a giant hole with metal so they could put him in and he couldn't leave, there was also a door for this ‘prison’ which was made of obsidian, almost impossible to break.

They arrive in the city and guards take Dream. Tommy and Purpled look up on a hill inside the city walls, Aimsey stood there looking at the battlefield with glossy eyes. The two boys run to her, they stand next to her looking at the field as the sun falls and the sky turns golden. Tommy pukes, it was because of stress and also all the people he had seen die.

"Who's going to take care of Technoblade's body. What's gonna happen when he wakes up?" Purpled asks Aimsey.

"Ranboo took him back to the castle." He answers vaguely. "I don't know what's going to happen next."




Have you ever fallen in a dark hole

One so deep that you cannot see the sun nor moon.

A hole you don't remember falling in and then you remember you've been hit. Your vision got blurry and dark and you've woken up in the void.

But the void becomes red and you here whispering, that same, familiar whispering that brought you to killing everyone and becoming crazy.

You haven't?

Well that's normal since you aren't Technoblade.

You die
You live

That is options you can choose... Or not.

Technoblade cannot die.

But he isn't alive inside.


he screamed to himself four years ago but it was not his time.

It is NEVER his time to die

We keep him alive, we protect him from the after life. He cannot go in limbo, he cannot go heaven nor hell, he will rule over the kingdoms whole drinking the blood of his enemy.

Blood for the blood god
Never enough of the red liquid.

. . ..



Technoblade wakes up
Technoblade gets up
He rubs his temples
His head hurted
The voices has damaged him again.

He walks to the door, Tommy, Aimsey and Purpled stood there, they wanted to go back to their dimension.

"What now?" Tommy asks Techno.

"We wait for Phil, he always know what to do next" Techno answers knowing that the boy was homesick. Deep in his heart he knew he would miss the three young teenagers but he would never admit it.

Words: 1059

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