chapter 2.strange world

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Tw-Blood, death, smoking

The sky was pastel blue but the leaves of the trees hid it. The wind was soft but it was humide. The boys look around in wonder but fear. They had no idea where they were. The blondes walk in the forest, butterflies flew around them but they suddenly fly away. Purpled was curious of why they had gone away and Tommy was scared. He heard voices near and horses.

The two young boys walk towards the noise and hide behind bushes. There were many men on horses, about a hundred. They were armed soldiers. Their sharp swords were placed at their waist. They wore a silver armor with a smile in the middle of the chest plate. All the horses were black and their eyes were a glowy green.

Purpled steps back, taking Tommy's wrist, preparing to run. He looks behind him towards the door but it wasn't there anymore. Panic rises. A soldier sees them. He had a black horse with wings. He flies towards them, his hand gripping to a iron sword. Before they could get hit an arrow flies infront of them to plant itself in the soldiers neck.

Two men jump out of a tree, one had long pink hair, red eyes, golden jewelries and a bloody sword and the other one had brown fluffy hair, chocolate brown eyes, a sword in hand and a bow tied behind his back. Tomny stood there without moving still in utter shock. Purpled drags him elsewhere, a hiding spot perhaps. (Yes "perhaps" is very random in the sentence I know)

Purpled peeks his head out of some leaves and sees the man that tried to attack them on the ground surrounded by a dark red liquid, blood. It brought a shiver down his spine as he stares at the limp body. The grey eyed boy turns around to see that Tommy had fainted. His breath hitches when he hears footsteps approach. He looks up and sees the two men that saved them looking down at him since he was sitting in the leaves.

"Uh are you lost?" The brunet asks.

"What were you doing in the eastern side of the forest of Lohu?" The pink haired man asks with a strict tone of voice.

"Hmm? What's Lohu?" Purpled furrows his brows. "Im sorry but I don't know where I am or what 'the forest of Lohu' is. I am just trying to get back home"

A not forms itself in his heart... What was home? It was such an odd word for him. Purpled and Tommy both didn't really have a home. They were always sent back to the orphanage. The places they used to call home were now only bad memories of bad people. Of course most of their houses were lovely so was their so called, parents, but they still didn't care enough to keep them.

Purpled pops out of his thoughts as he sees the brown haired boy take out a bottle. It had an odd liquid in it. It wasn't a usual colour. He didn't have time to react, the bottle was thrown at him and his friend. He feels his eyelids get heavy, he tries to fight it but it was useless. Everything is black.


Wilbur sits down next to the string of water that passed in-between the large rocks in the ruins of Atlanta. It was summer so there was no snow nor ice. The wind was warm and the parfume of the flowers was strong yet nice. He takes out a cigarette but he doesn't light it up, he stares at it in disgust then he looks at the water to see his reflection and shows the same expression.

He was disgusted by himself. He didn't know why he was doing this to himself; he didn't know why he stayed in Atlanta to the side of the one who murdered him ,not knowing he would be revive, only to show him that he is more than the man who destroyed his own country.
Phil had hurted him so much emotionally without knowing most of the times, but what hurted Wilbur the most was when he stabbed him, when he killed him. The pain in his heart was greater than his physical pain.

Wilbur lights up his cigarette, at that moment a blonde boy with blue piercing eyes walks down towards him. He seemed lost and confused maybe even scared. Wilbur gives him a quick smile, he was tired, he needed rest but he fought against it.

"Who the fuck are you? And where am I?" The blonde asks.

"I'm Wilbur and you're in the ruins of Atlanta and you are?"


He sits down next to Wilbur and looks at the transparent water with lifeless eyes. Silence stretches as the minutes passed. It was a comfortable silence though. Birds sung a song in harmony with the whistling of the wind. Tommy looks at the brunet, his eyes dart to the cigarette and a shiver comes to his spine. Wilbur realized and threw it away.

"Bad memories?" He asks.

"Yeah-" Tommy mumbles.

"TOMMY?" Someone yells in panic.

The blonde shoots up and looks up at the broken bridge which was very high up. Wilbur looks in the direction of the noise and he sees a boy with purple clothing. He found it odd how the boys dressed, he had never seen people wear such clothes.The boy on the bridge runs down towards them and starts panting.

"You're alive!" He exclaims.

"Yeah I am" Tommy chuckles proudly "Purpled this is Wilbur"

Wilbur found it weird how he talked like he knew him forever. The man looks up and sees his brother on the hill looking at the villags which was turned into ruins although people still lived there the village hadn't been reconstructed. Phil wanted to make the village a secret.

Wilbur looks at Technoblade's long pink hair floating behind his back. Truth is Wilbur was jealous of his younger brother. Techno was adopted but he was inheriting the castle, the crown. Wilbur was supposed to be the heir of the crown but he got killed and no one thought that he was going to be revived.

"Can we see the village?" Tommy asks.

"Sure" The brunet says hesitantly.

The three boys walk up to the hill. Technobalde turns around to face them. He looked majestic like the people of the town would say. In Wilbur's eyes he saw a broken man who tried to fix his mistake only making more and that's what he is. They both tried desperately to fix the mistakes of the past only making more.

They stand infront of the village, people lived like if their village wasn't half destroyed. Wilbur guesses that the two mysterious boys had already met Technoblade since they didn't bother his presence. He was shocked that they weren't scared of him. He thought that maybe just maybe they didn't know him, that they didn't hear the rumors and stories.

"Are they even from here?" He asked himself

He sees in the horizon a silhouette in the sky under the sun set. Phil. He flew towards them with his large obsidian wings. Purpled and Tommy seemed beyond confused when Phil lands infront of them. A crow sits on his right shoulder.

"Who is this" He asks in a serious tone.

That's when Techno and Wilbur knew that they were fucked. They knew that they were supposed to stay in the castle and they knew they couldn't lie to Phil. The thing they were the most scared of was the reaction of Phil when he will find out they went in the east.

Dream's kingdom was there.


Sorry if there is mistakes which there will probably be. I'm so tired rn sorry that I couldn't write any more and also sorry for the small cliff hanger idk if it's really a cliff hanger but ANYWAYS.

My phone is running on 1 percent of storage space it's so laggy help.

Don't forget to drink and eat. (I gotta tell myself that too)

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