Chapter 12. a promise

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Tw-panic attack, mention of death

Tommy sat next to the window looking at the citizens activities in the city. They all seemed so joyful and kind, it brought a warmth to his chest. He takes a sip of his peppermint tea feeling the steam of it on his nose. It burnt his throat but he didn't mind, it was comforting.

He places a hand on the window, it was cold. A snowflake passes slowly in front of the window twirling around because of the soft wind. Tommy sunk in his wool blanket. He looks down at the castle's garden to see Purpled and Punz training. Techno had offered Tommy to help him train but he obviously declined.

He wasn't the one to fight. Of course he had engaged many fights at school or even with his foster siblings but that doesn't mean he used weapons such as swords and bows. He wasn't ready yet. He wasn't very agile with weapons if he was completely honest. The last thing he wanted was Technoblade screaming at him because he couldn't hold a sword correctly or shoot an arrow straight.

The door opens but he doesn't notice. Wilbur enters the room silently sitting next to Tommy with a guitar in his arms. He looks outside the window and back to Tommy who's gaze was locked on the city full of light and life.

"It's beautifully isn't it?"

Tommy jumps before turning around in shock horror was written on his face. He soon calms down when he sees that it was only Wilbur.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Tommy let's out a sort of whine.

"Yeah sorry about that" Wilbur scratches the back of his neck. "Didn't mean to scared you like that"

Tommy hums and takes another sip of tea. He rocks himself back and forth but not enough for Wilbur to see. Wilbur wraps a hand on his shoulder, even if it was a simple gesture it made Tommy unbelievably happy. He craved attention and love.

All those thoughts are replaced as he sees a glimpse of Ender city's army. He knew that he would go to war, he was the people's savior. Although he didn't really feel like a savior he didn't want to let them down. It will probably cost his life but he couldn't handle being a disappointment to even more people.

"Are you scared?" Wilbur asks, his voice was soft and caring making Tommy feel important.

"Well of course I am." The blonde blurts out. "I'm going to war, I don't know when but I know I am! I'm going to die Wil, I am not a hero nor a legend."

"You aren't going to die because I am going to protect you" Wilbur smiles. "Look, it took twenty years for Phil to realize he was special, of course being an avian is special but having surnaturel strength isn't as much normal."

"I am not Helios or whatever his name was" Tommy grumbles.

"You are." The price insists. "If you weren't then explain why you have the same description as them"

Tommy rolls his eyes but deep down he knew that Wilbur was true; Golden hair, crystal blue eyes, tall and handsome. The last one did boost his ego a bit too much, in his eyes it was the most true. He lays his head on Wilbur's shoulder and suddenly there was a horn blwojg outside waking everyone up.

Tommy gets up followed by Wilbur who takes out a bow out of nowhere. He doesn't question it since he's seen weirder things happen in this world. He walks up to his bed and takes his sword looking at himself in the reflection, he frowns. That wasn't the way he wanted to look. He didn't have time to think of his appearance.

He follows Wilbur in the wide hallways of the castle. Wilbur opens a door letting access to a long balcony which was more of a bridge since it connected to two parts of the castle. Quackity and Tubbo were there. Tubbo was fidgeting with his hands while Quackity looked down at the city squinting his eyes.

"What's going on?"Wilbur asks.

"Twenty men in the army of Dream were spotted in the city" Tubbo explains. "Ranboo and some guards went to inspect along with Sapnap and Punz"

Tommy didn't speak too worried of his friend's safety. Purpled wasn't in the castle and he wasn't in the garden anymore plus he knew that he was with Punz the last time he saw him. Tommy swears to himself that if Purpled dies he would kill Punz. He's the reason why he is probably in the city. They were supposed to be a team, a duo and here they were separated.

He cursed repeatedly in his head hoping it would pass time. His grip on his sword tighten and his knuckles turn white. He felt nauseous, he felt like crying but he couldn't let his weak side take over in front of the others, the ones that saw him as a hero would see him very differently if they knew how sensible he could be sometimes.

He hears screams in the city and he sees Wilbur shoot an arrow. His vision was blurry, he sits down pulling on his hair. A tear slides down his cheek but he quickly wipes it off so that no one could see. Minutes felt like hours. If Purpled was found dead he would die with him. that's the promise they made when they met and he was going to keep his words.

He hears muffled voices, someone calling his name then he feels a hand grip his shoulder, it wasn't in an aggressive way it was more in a comforting and protective way. He lifts up his head and is met with Purpled's concern face. Tommy hugs him tightly not wanting to let go.

"Fuck, I thought I lost you" He chokes out.

"I'm here now, I'm fine and so are you. Everything will be all right."

Tommy let's go and smacks the back of the older boy's head making him shoot an angry glare at him. Purpled lunges forward and starts wrestling with Tommy. It was a normal thing, they were having a good time then they would fight for no clear reason.

"BITCH GET OFF ME!" Tommy screeches.

"You hit me so I defended myself!" Purpled says.

"That's because you left me! You said we would stick together and that if you broke your promise I could hit you" Tommy explains. "You have a memory of a gold fish"

"Well jokes on you, you look like one!" The grey eyed boy sticks out his tongue.

Everyone had left leaving the two arguing boys outside. A few drops of water fall on them and two antennas grow on Purpled's head, his eyes turn a shade of rich purple. Pure white wings grow on Tommy's back and his nails become sharper.

"Shit it's raining" Tommy curses.

They run inside acting like nothing happened, Tommy's wings and claws disappear and Purpled's alien like appearance too.

The thing is they weren't as normal as they looked like, since they've met everytime it rained they would change, it wasn't long for Tommy to realize he was a chicken hybrid (only when it rained) while it took longer for Purpled to realize that he was some type of alien.

Purpled says it's some kind of platonic soulmate shit but Tommy denies saying it's cringe and it's a gift from Callahan himself.

Anyways, they both walk to their room making sure to knock on Technoblade's door just for the adrenaline and also to annoy him. They crawl in their own beds and they stare at the ceiling in silence. They could hear crickets outside, those loud ass motherfuckers. Then Tommy speaks up.

"Goodnight Purp"

" 'Night Toms"

After that they knew that they could peacefully go to sleep.

I did this chapter in a day with no idea what I was gonna write YEAAHSHA anyways happy women's Day <3 or month I've heard people say both.

I'm too tired to check if this chapter's good or if I made loads of mistakes so sorry if sometimes my sentences don't make sense and my words are messed up

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