Chapter 10. A plan

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Tw-mention of murder, mention of war

Wilbur pushes open a oak wood door, it let's out a loud creak as he does. When they enter the bakery, Wilbur had lead them to, a nice smell of fresh bread and sweet treats fill their nostrils. A woman and a man were behind the counter, making some pastries and other delicious food.

The woman had pink hair that went below her chin while the man was close to bald. They wore matching clothing except the pink haired woman wore a skirt while the bald one wore clean pants. Well they weren't that clean because of the flour coating them.

A few people ate at some tables scattered around the bakery. It was rather calm to Tommy's and Purpled's expectation. Usually the bakeries and restaurants were loud. You'd always feel judged even though half the people were glued to their screens but Purpled can't blame them.

Some people in the bakery give them a small wave and a smile. It was all so odd for the boys who came from another world and another timeline. It was like time traveling but also changing dimensions.

"I see that business is going well!" Wilbur says with a happy tone.

To that Niki lifts up her head and smiles widely at Wilbur. She nudges Jack whispering something to him making him turn around. He runs around the counter and hugs the brunet.

"Fuckin' hell, it's been so long since we've last seen eachother!" Jack laughs lightly.

"We've missed you" Niki adds.

She also joins the hug leaving Purpled and Tommy in the corner, standing awkwardly not knowing what to do. After a few seconds which felt like minutes Purpled coughs to get the attention of the three adults.

"I almost forgot, Niki, Jack this is Tommy and Purpled"

Purpled Pov

Wilbur does the introductions which was longer than it should be. His dark brown eyes sparkled as he talked about the story of how Niki, Jack and him met. To be fair, Purpled had zoned out during half the time the others were speaking.

He was tired and his body was sore. He had no idea what happened back in Triville. The last thing he remembers is that he held a golden weapon and shook it bravely in the air ready to fight off creatures. He doesn't know how all that courage came to him but at least he was still alive.

Suddenly he hears a bell jiggle and a girl wall in the bakery. She wore a red beanie and had brown straight hair.

"Purpled, Tommy this is Aimsey, she's from your dimension" Wilbur says.

The three freeze, they look at eachother proceeding the information that Wilbur just gave them. Purpled's eyes widen; that was the girl Freddie was talking about.

"Hi! I've never thought I'd see anyone from our world here" Aimsey breaks the silence.

"Yeah uh we've heard about you" Purpled smiles awkwardly.


Tommy doesn't have time to continue his sentence that the door opens, again. There was a man with blonde hair and white clothing, he had a dark blue cloak and wore black and red boots. He had jewelries such as rings and necklaces.

"Wilbur. Where is Sapnap" The man asks.

"Woah straight to the point" the brunet chuckles. "He's in the castle"

And just like that the blonde man walks out of the warm bakery as fast as he left.

"Who's he?" Purpled asks.

"Punz" Wilbur answers. "He's Sapnap's adoptif brother."

There was a long silence till Wilbur's eyes widen.

“sorry but me and the boys have to go"

The two blondes don't have time to protest, they are dragged out of the bakery. Soon enough they stand in front of the castle's heavy door. Wilbur runs towards the weaponry room and sees Ranboo, Sapnap, Punz, Phil and George around a table.

Purpled senses that all eyes were on him and Tommy which was the case. Wilbur pushes lightly the two boys to the table. An awkward silence settles down. Punz looks at Purpled closely before speaking

"So you are ‘my lost brother’ as the Legend says"


"Hmm I thought you knew" Punz shrugs.

"I do know but I didn't think you would be the one" Purpled scratches the back of his neck.

He looks at Tommy who looked jealous. Purpled knew exactly why. He was jealous because he felt replaced. Even if it was a small interaction Purpled knew how Tommy was.

"Anyways... Punz please continue what you were saying, before." Phil says adjusting his bucket hat.

"Dream is planning to take over this dimension" The man explains. "In about two months he'll have a big army, enough to wipe off all his enemies and the ones he considers as a threat"

"I am not going to wait for him to attack." George grumbles. "I'm tired of all his bullshit!"

Sapnap gets up and walks out of the room, two minutes after he comes back with Techno.

"I've been informed of a war" he smirks. "when?"

"In a month, not more at least. We're taking down Dream and his army... And his allies" Ranboo explains.

Sapnap whispers something to Techno which only Purpled heard because he was the closest from them.

“We aren't winning this fight”

“yes we are” Techno spits out keeping a low tone

“we need Netherland's army” Sapnap whispers.

“Thats the plan B, I'm not risking getting executed because we come from Netherlands”

They both straighten their postures and walk to the table where they continue to discuss about the incoming war.


Tubbo wanders in Ranboo's castle looking at the paintings hanging on the high walls of the hallway. He admires the pottery that the citizen had made for Ranboo. The king had placed them in his castle as decoration at everybody's suprise. Even the weirdest things like a square sculpture, he had putted it safely in his castle and called it ‘pure art’.

Tubbo takes a turn and bumps into someone. He rubs his forehead and looks down to rhe person he had number into. His jaw drops when he sees a man wearing a beanie and had dark hair. They both look at eachother before the man wearing the beanie gets up, hugging Tubbo like there was no tomorrow.

"Is this really you?" The man chokes on a sob.

"It is Quackity!" Tubbo exclaims, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I was worried something bad happened to you, I didn't know where you were and-"

He doesn't finish his sentence before he continues to cry. They had lived a lot together. Quackity was like a parent for Tubbo. Since he was Schlatt's vice president he stayed in the castle and took good care of Tubbo.

He would always be there for him at his lowest moment to cheer him up and comfort him. They cried and laughed together waiting for the day that their problems will go away, waiting that Jschlatt would stop doing all the shit he did.

"He's gone?" Quackity asks with a broken voice.

"He's gone." The brunet answers confidently. "I still feel guilty though. I know he was a horrible person but he was still my dad and... I killed him"

"You did the right thing and I know it's hard for you but I'm here and everything will be just fine"

They sit on the floor catching up. They end up falling asleep, it brought some memories, not always good ones but they were happy now.

I honestly had no idea what to write for this chapter and Im surprised that I actually finished it.

I have to go spend the weekend at my h0m0ph0b1c/tr*nsp0bic cousin's house. (He also says the n word which is fucked up because he's white) wish me luck.

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