Bruno x reader - help AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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warnings: Kidnapping, threats, little violent,

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"Help!" I screeched out, my throat becoming more raw and sore by the second as I continue to shout out for any help. Any help at all.

"Shut. Up." The deep voice commands, speaking in a much harsher voice than what I'm used to.

When I continue to ignore his demands he squeezes a hand over my nose and mouth, shutting off all access to fresh air. His other hand still tightly gripping onto my wrists, holding them to my chest, pushing his weight against them so I can't fight out of his hold. The action makes me unable to make a noise as well as breathe.

I don't know how this came to happen. I had come to Bruno, one of my closest friends, for a vision and now what had occured in the green glass was now coming to life. Just as promised. He probably panicked - seeing the events unfold and then the fear in my eyes as I realised who was going to be holding me hostage.

The blood rushes to my head trying to provide my brain with oxygen; I become weaker, my thrashing around coming to a steady halt and my eyes struggle to stay open. I could feel his weight on me, practically sat on top of me after he had tackled me to the floor.

"I have a 10 year-old niece who can hear everything." he removes his hand, "So keep that pretty little mouth shut or I'll.." He begins to mouth the next part, the words barely coming out to a whisper as he bashes the toe of his shoe lightly on the floor as a further cover-up, " out your vocal cords."

My eyes widen, my chest convulsing as I try to keep myself from hypoventilating. Not making a sound.


He lightly smiles and leans away from my face, his overall gait becoming less threatening though he was about to bind my wrists together. He reaches for the short length of rope and ties a light knot; it wasn't tight enough to hurt but to keep my hands in place.

"I'm not going to lie when I say; I was afraid this would happen." He begins to ramble, still in a hushed tone to be less obvious to his niece, brushing his fingers through my hair to smooth it out after the fall. "I had a feeling that at some point something like this would come up when you asked for a vision - then I'd have no choice. And I don't... have a choice, that is."

He shrugs, getting up off me. Slipping his fingers between my arms, running them up to get a grip on the rope, hauling me off the floor, dragging my feet to sit me by the wall.

"It's just one of those things and I'm sorry that it has to be me of all people but I am just..." He pauses, pulling on a stone having it move a lot easier than it looked like it was going to. It reveals a hole in the wall of the vision cave and Bruno sits on the ledge. ".. head over heels for you." he swings his feet up above his head, falling backwards into the darkness.

I lean forward slightly attempting to crane my neck too see where he went, a slight pain as I do so from my staggered breathing, only to jump back in fright as he suddenly reappears.

He laughs lightly, "Sorry, that was a bad joke but I couldn't help myself." he examines my scared face, "Get it? Because my heels went over my head from- never mind. You get it." He reaches his arms out and shifts me around, pulling my through the hole after him.

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