Camilo - you.

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no warnings, just a little unhinged

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Camilo paced through his room, gripping onto his curly hair and muttering swears to himself, aggressively.

He comes to an abrupt halt, looking into one of the many mirrors that covered the walls and shape-shifted into you - an action he had done so many times it was like a second nature. Though he could never get it perfect enough. His recreation would never come close to how perfect you were in real life.

Leaning closer to the mirror, he runs a hand over the skin of his cheek, fingers lightly stretching the flesh down, admiring his version of you even if it wasn't accurate enough for his liking.

Sighing, he turns around, approaching the parallel wall to examine all the photos he had decorating his walls; many of townspeople so he can practice shifting, but they were mostly of you... you and him sometimes, together, having fun - but the majority being of your walk, your smile, your focused face, your hand as you pass money to someone over a counter.

"Why, y/n?" He asks, looking deep into a photo he had taken of your eyes close up in order to get the colour just right. "Why aren't you head over heels in love with me?"

He turns around, looking at you in the mirror, speaking to the reflection as if it were reality.

"You don't even look at me in that way. Even though everything that I've done, I've done for you. You're so... so- ungrateful. Bratty. Rude. Annoying. Funny. Sweet. Kind. Endearing. Loveable- ugh!"

He switches to 'his competition' - and next victim - who was taller than both him and Y/n, somehow. He spins around, checking over them in the mirror before taking the form of himself once again.

"And now she's at home, crying and pining over this asshole. What do they have that I don't?"

Anger bubbles up in his chest as he lets out a frustrated sigh through his teeth, clenching his fists tightly, his fingernails leaving deep indents. Taking a deep breath, calming himself, he switches back into you, standing right before the mirror.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. It's just- I just- I don't know why I get so mad when I'm not the first thing on your mind. You are always the first thing on my mind and it kills me. I shouldn't think of you that way, you're my best friend."

He stares away from the reflection, getting lost in the words.

"Best friend.."

He repeats, taking back his own skin.

"I wish you weren't. I really wish you weren't."

He lies down on his bed, flopping down into the pillows face first letting out a small scream of anger - like a child throwing a temper tantrum after not getting its way. Twisting his head to the side he comes into contact with his favourite picture of you, hung against his side table so he could look at you right before he fell asleep each night. The moment captured in time was from one of the best days of Camilo's life, you had both been dancing together for hours in a crowd of friends and strangers to commemorate his sixteenth birthday; he assumed you had a rush of confidence and adrenaline, which caused you to kiss him as the music blared. The photo was taken only seconds before.

Reaching a hand out, he caresses your 2D features, reliving that day in his mind.

"I'm in love with you... and I want you to be happy but I want you to be happy with me." he says aloud what he wished he said. Snapping back to reality, I turns over, looking up to the ceiling, "Some changes are going to have to be made. For both of us."

word count: 656
date written: 05/02/22
other notes: just a short one but the next one is longer and pretty cool imo

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