Camilo x Male!reader - Okay

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requested by Mxchiiu__
they said they wanted it a little more violent so👀

warnings: violence, blood, implication of murder,

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Another hard day working in the village finally came to a halt - for me at least. I sit down on a bench near the market, sipping on water.


Two hands are planted heavily on my shoulders, the surprise causing me to spit some water out.

"Holy shit dude." I look over at the cause of my fright. "Hey, Camilo."

"L/n." He greets back, sitting down next to me, the whole bench wobbling as he does so.

"I have a name you know." I complain, wiping the liquid up off the table.

"Just getting the best use out of it before..." He trails off, giving me a side glance and a cheeky smile.

I sigh, preparing myself for the punchline, "Before what?"

"It changes to Madrigal." he raises his eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, yeah? And why can't yours change you L/n? Hmm?" I look to him for a response and get one in the form of a light embarrassed blush, "Two can play at that game.. How's your day going?"

"Uhh- Yes! Yes.. Uh yes it's good." he pulls himself out of his flustered state, to his usual bubbly self, "What about you?"

"Well, work was tough but it was great seeing you all shy." I tease and he elbows me.

"Whatever." He scoffs, "It's just because I wasn't expecting you to retort. It's not like you."

"Well, I just felt like giving you a little bit of your own medicine."

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"Hey, dude." I say, placing a heavy box of supplies on the kitchen side of the Madrigals house, Camilo being sat at the dining table - doing god knows what with a pen and paper.

"Why do you always call me dude?" he asks, scribbling something down.

"Got a problem with it, dude?" I send him a quick glance and then return to unpacking the boxes contents. He looks at me expressionless before aggressively resting his head on the table, bashing it slightly. I chuckle and approach him, sitting down on the seat beside his, "Don't do that, silly boy."

He sits up and looks at me, I place a cold hand on his warm forehead just to check on the area.

I huff at him before making eye contact, realisation of our closeness hitting me, "Sorry." I go to move further away, but his hand grips onto mine before I can place it back at my side.

"Please-! I.. uh.." He drops my hand, looking left and right before back at me, "Do you think it'll bruise?"

I smile at him, feeling my heart flutter at his sweetness, "Yeah." my smile turns to a smirk, seeing his face fill with horror, "A big, ugly, purple bruise in the middle of your forehead for the rest of your life."

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