Camilo x reader - it hurts me too

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requested by Mxchiiu__

warnings: torture, blood, spit ( I fuckin hate spit it makes me feel sick - unless👀), knife, threats, dead body, bondage,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey! Y/n!"

I turn around to be faced with Lucas, the exact person I was trying to avoid. I take a few steps back as he approaches, "Please Lucas, you shouldn't be talking to me."

I feel anxiety rise in my chest, trying to get away before the situation escalates, he ignores me and grabs my arm, pulling me back, "Don't do this to me. You disappear for weeks, suddenly your back and you stay away from everyone who cares about you."

Anger overcomes any worry I previously had, snapping at the poor boy, "You hurt me Lucas." I spit out, poking one of my fingers into his chest to create some space between us, "You're lucky I didn't say anything or you would've disappeared to, but the difference is you would be gone permanently. I'm lucky to be out at all."

He shakes his head slightly, confusion clear on his face, "I don't understand, are you threatening me?"

I look around, knowing he's watching buy not from where, "Trust me, I'm not the one you should be worrying about." I straighten my posture, "Now, stay away for the good of us both."

"No! I-" He grabs my arm once again, not letting go as he pulls me towards him, his voice now in a whisper, "Is it because of what I did? Did you tell anyone?"

I frown, feeling his fingers dig painfully into my skin, "No I didn't tell anyone. If I did, you'd be dead by now." I whisper back, hoping to be quiet enough. "Now let me go."

"Do you need to talk to me about something?" He looks around as well slightly, feeling my unease. "You know I can protect you right?"

A twang of guilt pulls at my chest, but I just shake my head and pull away gently, taking step after step backwards.

I watch his eyes grow wide as his gaze flickers from me to behind me. My heart stops as I come in contact with something, the being becoming evident as arms wrap around my middle. A familiar, unsurprising scent overwhelms my senses.

"Soo.." His chest vibrates against my back as he speaks, "What did I miss?"

His nonchalant, teasing voice puts me on edge. I keep my mouth shut, keeping my eyes trained on Lucas. I pressed my lips firmly together, biting slightly on my lower lip.

"Camilo?" Lucas grimaces, "What are you- WOAH! Hold on-" His posture changes, hunching slightly, arms extended, hands up.

I see something shining out the corner of my eye.

"Fuck man, come on. What is this?" Lucas continues as Camilo says silent, slowly lifting the blade towards me.

"Come on, Lucas." His voice taunts, face now leaning down, breath fanning against my ear as his hold gets tighter. "Don't you remember what you just said? Let me remind you.."

Camilo clears his throat and I feel shifting movement behind me, I glance over my shoulder to see a second Lucas. Doing over exaggerated movement and mimicking Lucas by putting on a fake deep voice, he quotes, "You know I can protect you right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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