Chapter 29

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I woke up with Ruby's arm around my stomach, rubbing it out of habit making me smile. I snuggled back into her embrace but I realized that my mouth felt like sandpaper so I carefully removed her arm from around me and replaced it with a pillow instead. Making sure that Ruby stayed asleep, I tip-toed upstairs and into the kitchen and saw my mother sitting there already. Ignoring her at first, I walked to the cupboard and got a glass to fill it with water. Once sitting down, I noticed that she had a glass of her own sitting in front of her. "Like mother like daughter." 

"I want to tell you something. Something I was going to take to my grave." Her words made me nervous but I let her continue as I just gripped my water glass a bit harder. "Do you remember when I moved you girls to Australia?"

She looked at me for confirmation and I nodded. "Well when I was your age, I met girl like Ruby." I couldn't help my jaw dropping as I looked at her with shock. "You?" 

"Oh Sawyer, don't look so shocked because I was exactly like you when we moved to Australia." 

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to ooze surprise but I just always thought that you'd be as straight as a box."

"Well I wasn't as willingly curious as you were because I came from a different time." I pursed my lips and looked at her with curiosity.

"So what happened with you and this girl? What was her name?" 

"Well her name was Lila but we didn't hit it off as quickly you and Ruby did. In fact, we almost hated each other in the beginning."


"Yeah, we'd say snippy things to each other all the time, pull mean pranks on the other and..."

"Okay I get it, It wasn't love at first sight. So what happened next?"

"Well...I patted the gaws wrapped around my arm, grumbling as I walked to my next class that I was now late for. Turning the corner, I walked past the restroom hearing someone sobbing and I suddenly forgot all about where I was supposed to be. I tentatively  walked into the bathroom, hearing the sobs get louder so I took a deep breath and spoke. "Hello?"

The person stopped  sobbing and there was nothing but echoed breathing for a second. "Lily?"  The only person that called me that, I knew that voice like the back of my hand.

"Lila?" I automatically called back but surprised.

"What do you want?" 

"Believe it or not, I heard you sobbing and I came to see if you were okay." 

"You came to check on me? Why? To make fun of me?" 

I clenched my fist and thought about walking out but I planted my feet to my spot in the floor. "No, Lila. Despite what you think of me, I am a nice person to everyone . Whether or not that person is nice back to me." 

"I know, that's one of the things that I like about you." She mumbled but I still heard it making my fist unclench. "Can you go away please?" 

In fact, I did the opposite and sat down in front of the stall door. "I'm sorry but I cannot do that because I'm just going to be wondering if you're okay all day so are you going to come out or am I going to have to come in after you?" 

"You wouldn't dare." 

"Wouldn't I? Guess it just shows that you don't know me very well. Are you using the toilet?"  

I heard her sigh and unlatch the door. "I was perfectly fine before you showed up."

"Really? Uncontrollable sobs are considered the new fine now a days?" I said as I leaned against the wall opposite of her.  

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