Chapter 33

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After Phi and I turned up the radio and got into our jams, she seemed to loosen up and forget about everything for a while. We munched on the food we got and enjoyed each other's company. I smiled and rubbed my stomach feeling grateful to be home. Eventually though, I fell asleep until I felt a hand on my shoulder, waking me up. 

I opened my eyes and noticed that we were at the studio. "You awake?" 

I yawned and nodded before unbuckling and getting out of the car and stretching everything. "You coming in with me?" 

"Yeah, Vinny asked me to do some drum hits with him." 

"Oh okay, that'll be fun." I said as I started walking towards the entrance. 

We split down different hallways. "Meet up later to do some recording of our own?" 

"You know it doll. Have fun!" I smiled and walked away from her and to the room Chris texted and opened the door to see him sitting there with a pen and paper in front of him. "So how do I apologize and put the tears back in your eyes? When every canvas that I paint is a masterpiece made of my mistakes?" 

"That sounds really good Chris." I said, drawing him out of his daze. 

"Hey you're back!" He said dropping his pen and standing up to hug me. 

"I'm back! How are you?" I asked as we squeezed each other in a hug before letting go.

"I'm excited to start recording the vocals for this song. You ready?" 

"Yeah! Let's do it." I said before walking to the door of the booth. When I saw it, it was set up so that we were facing each other. The lyric sheets were set up on a stand below the microphone.

"Alright." I put on the headphones and got into record mode.

"I'm going to sing first then you join in around the second verse, okay?"

I nodded and a soft piano began and I heard him begin to sing. 

"If I can't let you go, will darkness divide?
For the fiction of love is the truth of our lies
We were playing for keeps but we both knew the cost
Now the only way out's in your heart shaped box."

As I watched him go into the first chorus, I could see the passion on his face and the rawness in his voice. It almost drew a tear to my eyes. I mouthed along with him and counted the beats in my head until he looked at me to give me my cue. I sang a few bars before opening my mouth to sing. 

"As we rest here alone like notes on a page
The finest to compose could not play our pain
With a candle through time I could still see your ghost
But I can't close my eyes, for it
For it is there where you haunt me most
Where you haunt me most." 

We sang the next chorus together and I thought our voices blended beautifully. He signaled for me to sing the next verse and as I was singing, an image of Ruby popped into my brain so I looked at her while I sang the next few bars. 

"And I hear you now when you said it hurt
But it had to fall, fall apart to work
As I see you now in what's left of me
Is it too late to plead insanity?" 

I could feel Chris looking at me from the corner of my eye but he didn't say anything as we did the next chorus together as a duet. I continued looking at the picture of Ruby because I felt like the lyrics of this song is what I needed to say to her face. 

"'Cause I hate that it seems you were never enough
Yeah, we're broken and bleeding in the name of love
And I hope that we meet in another life
I hope that we meet in another life
I don't hate that I need you
(I don't hate that I need you)
I don't hate that I need you
(I don't hate that I need you)
I don't hate that I need you"

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