Chapter 31

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"I bring the pure flow like water around
The rocks of life won't pull me down
I bring the pure flow, drink so deep
The river of life, my soul at ease
I bring the pure flow like water around
The rocks of life won't pull me down
I bring the pure flow, rising above
The storms of life to live and love
My soul is at ease and i am free
My soul is at ease and i am free
This is my day, my soul is at ease and i am free."
I was out of breath when I finished but like yesterday, I finished with a smile on my face. Everyone cheered and rushed up to hug me. I did my best to wrap my arms around everyone. "Remember that each horizon means the start of a new day which means yesterday's mistakes and worries are wiped clean and you get a fresh start at tomorrow." 

As soon as everyone disbursed, I took off the mic and finally gave myself a chance to breath. "Honey I haven't seen you perform much but that was your best performance yet."

"Thanks mom." I said wrapping my arms around her.

"Yeah sis, you're definitely doing life right."

"Well thank you." I curtsied with an invisible skirt and tied my hair up into a messy bun to get it off my neck. 

"Sawyer! Sawyer, can I have your autograph?" A little girl came up to me with a pad and pen. 

"Well of course you can! What's your name, sweetie?" I asked as I bent down to her level. 

"My name is Cecelia and you were really amazing. I want to be just like you someday." Cecelia said as she blushed while wrapping her tiny arms around my growing stomach. 

"Well thank you so much Celia, you were really amazing too. You can do anything that you set your mind to, but I think you should do whatever you want to do because you have a passion for it, not because you want to be like someone." I said, as I signed her book and handed it back to her. "Can I have a picture too? If it's not too much trouble?" 

"You're too cute. Of course you can have a picture too." I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and pulled up my camera. 

"Do you want me to take it?" My mother offered as she stuck her hand out. 

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah that'd be great." 

I handed her my phone and bent down to Cecelia's level. "What pose do you want to do? Silly face? Or Rock and Roll horns?" 

"Horns!" She said excitedly. 

"Alright, horns it is, ready?" I turned us towards my camera as we raised our horns and mom took the picture. 

"Beautiful." My mom said as she handed me my phone back. 

"Alright, I'll text it to my mom right here and she'll text it to your mom. Okay?" I said as I looked at her.

"Okay, thank you Sawyer!" Cecelia said as she hugged me one more time before running off. I smiled as I pushed myself back to my feet and turned back to my family and smiling girlfriend. Before I had a chance to speak, Harrison came running.

"Hey buddy, what's got you in a hurry?"

"Can we get ice cream?" He looked so excited which made me giggle.

"Hey you know I'm always down for something sweet, but ask your mom."

"You know what? Why not?" My sister said grabbing her sons hand and walking everyone to the car. 

"Yessss." He said with so much energy, he kind of made me want to sleep.

A little while later, everyone was back at the house, enjoying some ice cream when I suddenly heard my phone begin to ring. I picked it up, noticing that it was Chris. "Babe will you excuse me for a minute? I have to take this."

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