Chapter 32

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The car ride back to the house was silent as Ruby insisted that she drive back because of my high emotional state even though I told her time and time again that I was fine. I think there was something else on her mind because when I'd look at her, even briefly, she'd have a look on her face that told me that she was holding something back.

When she pulled up to the house, she turned the car off and we reached for the door handles without saying a word. But instead of walking up to the house, Ruby walked the few steps to the hood of the car so I followed her. She stuck her hands in her jacket pockets and sat on the warm hood of our car.

"Sawyer," Ruby's accent broke the silence. "Why do you keep thinking that I'd take off again when I keep reminding you time and time again that I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here and I'm here for you and this baby."

Her words rang in my ears louder than the silence that was suffocating us. I took a deep breath and swallowed my pride and quieted the voices in my head telling me to walk away. "I know, you're right. I'm sorry, but don't you also think I have a valid point to feel like that because you took off once? What makes me think that you're not going to take off again?"

"I guess you don't know, you'll just have to trust me. How much more convincing do you need? though?"

"You know I do. I'm sorry, I guess I just psyched myself out and got into my own head and then my mom's words didn't help. I-" Ruby cut me off with her lips, effectively shutting me up.

"You were babbling. This is my surefire way to make you stop talking." A warm tingly feeling spread throughout my stomach causing a smile to appear. 

"That method was always effective when we were kids." I said biting my lip out of habit. 

"And now?" Ruby said really close to my lips while meeting my eyes. 

"Now it's still really effective." I said as I leaned in and kissed her lips one more time before pulling away. We walked hand in hand to the front door of my childhood home before opening the front door. The house was quiet as it was past Harrison's bedtime and I'm sure my sister was already in bed as well. When we walked past the living room, a single living room light was on and my mother was sitting in the chair next to the lamp. "You know every time you do the waiting up thing like sitting in a chair with a single light never gets any less ominous." 

"Ah and you never get any funnier." She retorted and I admit, that was quick witted. I'm definitely her kid. "Where were you?"

"We went to the pier." I said tugging on Ruby's hand, nudging her forward. "We'll talk tomorrow mom. It's late and I'm exhausted." I immediately felt bad for dismissing her so I quickly added a "Love you."

Hearing a reply as I walked passed the living room made me crack a smile as I felt like I was patching up the relationship I had with my mom. Maybe it wasn't so bad coming here after all. I hadn't realized that I was downstairs until I was in front of my door. 

"Babe?" I felt hands around my waist that pulled me out of my head. 

"Hm? I'm sorry, I must have zoned out." 

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah I must just be tired." I said opening the door for us. 

"Understandable, you have had a long day." Ruby said, sitting down on the edge of my bed that some how managed to fit the both of us. 

"You mean, we've had a long day. I can see everything that you're hiding in those deep eyes of yours." I said climbing into her lap. 

I felt her hands go to my waist to hold onto me. "I thought you were tired."

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