Chapter 3: where do I begin I

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~Aaravos POV~

We had been walking for a few hours now, well actually the horses did all the walking.

There hadn't been a lot of talking. The only speaking was done by the thick silence hanging in the atmosphere.

Suddenly Claudia broke the silence: "Soooo Aaravos, Y/n huh," she tried to poke me with her elbow.

I let out a small chuckle.

"Yes, Y/n," I said in a calm tone.
"Can I ask you a question Aaravos?" Claudia asked.
"Actually, I have several..."
"Ask away."

Claudia took a deep breath and started asking me a ton of questions.
"How did you two meet? How did you get trapped in the mirror? Is she imprisoned too? Is she older or younger? When did you two meet? What does she look like?"

Slightly overwhelmed I told her the following: "To all your questions there is one story that can answer all."

"Please enlighten us Aaravos," said Viren who had been rather quiet the whole time.
"Alright, where do I begin..."

"Long ago, Xadia was one land rich in magic and wonder. In the old times, there were only 6 primal sources of magic: the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky and the ocean.

All of the elves were connected to one of these primal sources. Out of all of them, the startouch elf was the rarest and most powerful. Only once in generations a startouch elf is born.

When I was born, I had no parents
I was raised by Helyos my master and best friend. I loved learning and was eager to learn more about the moon arcanum.

Helyos asked the leader of the moonshadow elves if I could follow a few lessons. At a certain moment, I made a connection to the moon arcanum. It was unheard of that an elf could have a connection to 2 arcanums. They started to think I was a treat for their Xadia. They decided it was best for me to leave.

When I refused, all the warrior shadowelves started to surround me. I didn't know what to do so I waited for them to make the first move. Suddenly out of nowhere a few assassins took out their swords and started coming closer.
I started to feel more threatened every second. Until I had enough. It was time to show them what real power was.

I knocked out all of them with the use of advanced moon magic.
I did not fully control it back then. Suddenly everything got out of hand. Fire started spreading everywhere. Some were too late to escape the burning flames I had created.

I quickly ran away into the forest. At that moment I decided, I was going to be archmage of all 6 primal sources so I would never lose control again.

It took decades, perhaps more than a century, but it was all worth it. For I am Aaravos, the most powerful being in Xadia and the human kingdoms.

But the consequences of my actions that took place in the moonshadow elf village would soon come to me.
I got called to the starnexus.
I thought they were going to banish me or do something horrible, but instead... they made an announcement.

We were only with five star elves in all of Xadia.

The one who was in charge of protecting the nexus announced that in half a century a new startouch elf would be born.

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