Chapter 7: journey to the starnexus

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~Your POV~

I woke up with a heavy headache. I sat straight and stretched hoping it would go over.
"Ah you're finally awake," said Aaravos with an even deeper morning voice.
A pain struck my head.

He asked me what was wrong. I told him that I woke up with a severe headache. He smiled and gave me a hot cup. Steam rose from it.
I looked at him questioning.

"It's hot leaf juice," he said. His morning voice sounded nice. It was very comforting.

I took a sip from the cup.

"Mmm, very tasty!"
Aaravos laughed and went to sit next to me.
"You know Y/n, I've noticed something strange. You say you have no connection to your arcanum anymore, but whenever you sleep, the stars on your skin start to glow."

"Y-you watched me sleep?" I mumbled confusedly.
He nodded. "Kinda hard not to when you fall asleep on my lap."

I blushed so hard my cheeks were probably bright purple.
(blue skin tone + red blush = purple)

"Is it possible," he continued, "that you don't want to connect to your arcanum?"

I sighed, was I so easy to see through? I felt my headache increase. I took another sip of the hot leaf r want to, don't get me wrong, but I just can't."
I stared at my hands. Instead of bright stars, there were only little white flecks.

Suddenly he turned my head with his hand.
"Listen very closely, no one said making a strong connection is easy, but you can do this. I believe in you."
He stayed silenced for a second thinking about what to say next.

"You know what," he said while standing up, "let's go to the starnexus right now, it's a two-day trip and when we're there you can make a connection. After we can practice all the magic we want. By the time we are back, I'm sure that the star arcanum isn't the only thing you will have mastered."

I don't know how he does it, but he's so good at convincing me.

"Go take a shower while I prepare our bags, don't take too long though."

And like that he disappeared through the trapdoor.
I sat back for a while enjoying the hot leaf juice.

When I finished it, I went down to the bathroom. I took off the shirt Aaravos gave me last night. I turned on the water and a lovely beam of hot water came out of it. I washed and turned off the water.

I took out a towel and dried myself.
Then I took out the clothes that I had put in the closet yesterday.
It was nice being in your clothes even though Aaravos' shirt sat very well.

I tied my hair in a bun and went outside.

To my surprise Aaravos was already waiting for me.
"What took you so long? I was afraid I'd have to drag you out without your clothes on."

I felt my cheeks burning up.

"You blush a lot, do I make you feel that uncomfortable?" he asked playfully.
"No it's okay, never mind it," I said with a smile.

Alright, let's move. Our transport is waiting outside.

We left the house and Aaravos locked the door.

"Where's the saddle?" I asked.
"You know these are unicorns right?"
"Wait they are? Where's the horn."

Aaravos gave out a nod and suddenly both the horses had horns.

My horse was called Shyna, she had a dark coat and black manes with a stripe of purple in it. The same shade of purple as the color of her iris. She had a purple horn as well.

Aaravos horse's name was Zenom. He had a white blaze on his head, his coat was black too just like Shyna. The manes of Zenom were white. His horn was also white.

And with that I mounted Shyna. When I sat Aaravos gave me a bag that I had to carry.

He then mounted Zenom. He looked so elegant while doing. He looked at me and I smiled signaling I was ready.

He clicked his tongue and both unicorns moved.

"Unicorns are connected to the star arcanum, just like us."

I looked at the unicorn I was riding and noticed her horn had 6 again.

"Don't worry it's just a spell so others would think they're just normal horses."
"I get it, the unicorns don't want anyone to find out," I said discouraged.

We continued to talk a lot about our lives, I learned that he had mastered all 6 arcanums. He wanted to first help me reconnect with the star arcanum and then he wanted to teach me about the earth and ocean arcanum.

That way I would be able to use 3 arcanums and we could create the power source the humans need.

He told me about his childhood. Appearently he was raised by someone he calls Henyos. A powerful starmage who helped him along his spiritual journey. He never had any family just like me, I didn't have any either.

Then it was my turn to tell about my life. I told him about how I was raised by moonshadow elves, who expected the world from me. They would often call me worthless and shame me for not being able to reach their expectations.

It was hard for me to talk about my childhood trauma.
Then I told him that one day they asked me to murder the human king.

I just couldn't do it. I mean sure I didn't care about the king's life, but I did not want to feed the ego of the moonshadow elves by doing what they asked.

They did not respect the moon, they used it just like they used me.

I then talked about my nights in the forest till I stumbled upon his house.

When I was finished we decided to set up the camp. I stepped on the ground. My legs felt very light from sitting on the 'horse' all day.

I decided to collect branches for the campfire. When I had enough I went back.

"Where's the tent?" I asked.

"We're not going to sleep in a tent
Y/n. How are we going to see the stars if there's a cover before them?"

I sighed and threw the branches together on a pile.

The elf took a can of food out of his bag. He asked for my bag and took out some bowls.
Aaravos opened the can with beans and put it in the bowls. He handed one to me.

It looked disgusting.
"Don't eat with your eyes, but with your mouth." he lectured me.

I rolled my eyes at him and put a bean in my mouth. They tasted terrible.

He smiled mischievously at me.
I glared back.

As we got ready to sleep, Aaravos untied 2 little mats that he had bound to our bags and put them next to each other. He also took out a blanket.

"You can sleep on this," he said.
"And you? Where will you sleep?" I asked.

He pointed at the ground.
I shook my head and pushed him on the mats.

He laughed.
"I'm not going to let you sleep on the ground, we'll sleep next to each other!" I stated.

My mind was made up. Although it was probably going to be a little awkward afterward, but I just couldn't let him sleep on the ground after all he's done for me...


Aaravos, The Fallen Star (Aaravos x FEMALE Reader)Where stories live. Discover now