Chapter 11: the start of the plan

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~your POV~

We had arrived in the city and split up. I had been collecting various amount of things and makinh the staff. It looked very simple, yet it was one of the most powerful artifacts ever made, Luckily humans wouldn't understand how to use its full potential.

Noon arrived and we decided to meet up at the gate. Aaravos used moon magic to make an illusion that let us appear as humans.

I'm not gonna lie, I kinda liked studying their ways of life. I had always been very interested in the habits of others. I guess you could say I'm the observing kind of person.

I arrived at the gate and Aaravos' human form was already there. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Hello," I said trying to sound polite.
"Goodmidday," the old man said standing next to Aaravos.

"How are you doing this wonderful day?" I asked.
"I'm fine..." He replied looking annoyed.
"That's great!" I responded with a smile.

I had picked up a thing or two on how humans great each other.

"Oh cut the ****," the man said, "you promised me the power to defeat Sol Regem."

'He's quite the patient one.' I thought to myself.
I heard Aaravos let out a little chuckle.
'Reading my thoughts again... you should teach me how to read yours.'
'I'll teach you it later,' echoed through my mind.

"You are wasting my time," said the impatient man.
He was going to leave, but Aaravos stopped him and said: "Follow me."

He started walking away from the gates and entered a forest.
"What's going on?" Said the man.

Aaravos snapped his fingers and revealed our true identities.

The man tried to run back, but he tripped over a root from the tree.
"Y-you're elves!" He stuttered.

He tried to scream for help, but no one could hear him.
I saw Aaravos laugh at the sight of the man.

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you. I am Y/n and this is archemage Aaravos."

The man stopped screaming.

"Now do you want to have the power to defeat Sol Regem or are you going to keep whining like a little child?"

The man got up and told me that his name was Ziard.

We explained the concept to him and Aaravos gave him a spellbook that he had made explaining some easy basics.

"So why are you doing all of this, for all I know this could be a trap..." Ziard said.

"Human, my hate for Sol Regem is twice yours. Only it seemed best to let a human defeat him so that you can own your place in the world of Xadia," said Aaravos.

Both men had a mischievous smiles on their faces.

"Very well," the human replied, "I shall ask Sol Regem for equality, but when he refuses..."

I nodded and Aaravos transformed us into humans again.

Ziard left the forest with the staff I gave him and went to a hill to ask for Sol Regem's presence.

Aaravos and I decided to go into town and walk around while Ziard was doing the dirty work.

"Do you know what your special stargift is yet?" Aaravos asked quietly.

"What's a 'stargift'?" I asked.

Aaravos was surprised that I didn't know what it was.
"Every startouch elf gets a gift once they made their full connection. Henyos' gift was to freeze time. Mine is to control all the arcanums."

"Yeah, yeah I get mister Archmage of all arcanums."

We both laughed while walking to the city.

Suddenly I saw a picture before me. Sol Regem was coming at Elarion and burning it till there was nothing left. Then a Dragon Guard went to confront Ziard and he told them Aaravos gave him the magic.

I gasped.

I opened my eyes and Aaravos had his hands around me.

"Y/n are you okay?!" He asked worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied.

"Are you sure, you're eyes went white and you fainted, luckily I caught you."

"Well, it was weird, suddenly I saw Ziard stand in front of me and a Dragon Guard took him... wait aren't you supposed to be a Dragon Guard?" I asked.

"Yes I am, but I took a week off, but tell me what happened next!" He said impatiently.

"Uhm... I think I then saw Sol Regem burn Elarion."

"I know what you're stargift is... it's seeing the future."

"Cool, but we have to help the humans, quickly, or Sol Regem will kill them all!"

"You're right, otherwise this will all have been for nothing. You stay here and make a safe space for the humans that flee the city." He commanded.

I nodded and Aaravos ran away in a fast pace.

I started summoning all my magic creating a huge invisible shelter.

~Aaravos POV~

I had to be quick. I ran past the gate to the city center. A man was giving a speech to the public for 'The Great Ones' know what reason.

I ran up the stage and used a spell to make my voice louder.

"Citizens of Elarion, there is grave danger coming. Sol Regem will burn this city anytime now. Please evacuate right now. In the forest, there is a shelter built where you will be safe."

The crowd was quiet, but then a man spoke up: "Is this a joke or something, how would you know!"

The other humans agreed with him and started to boo at me. When someone threw a tomato at me they were done for it.

I turned into myself releasing my human form from existence.

Children started crying and everyone stood scared watching me.

"I won't hurt you, but please evacuate the city."

People started chattering. It took too long for them to make up their minds so I made it easy.
"Everyone that wants to stay and die goes away, the rest follow me."

I jumped off the stage and ran outside the city, about half of Elarion followed the others decided to stay.

I looked behind me and saw a huge dark tornado. 'That must be Ziard.' I thought to myself. Not a minute later Sol Regem had burned the city. All the surviving humans cried and screamed.

"Silence!" I said, "he can't hear you or he'll kill you too, we're almost at the shelter."

But then I saw Ziard cast an even more powerful spell. He fired it and hit Sol Regem in the face. The dragon crashed down into the lake.

We reached the shelter and I saw Y/n look at the crashing dragon with a devastating face.

I led all the humans inside and Y/n closed the gates.

"What are we going to do? This isn't part of the plan." She said worriedly.

"Don't worry, this will only help us."


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