Chapter 17: trip to the Katolis

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~Your POV~

Aaravos and I had been walking for a while now. We had taken over Xadia, but still had to take over the Human Kingdoms. We decided to wait a few days to attack so the news spread. This way the humans would be more terrified and give over quickly. The forest was dense and their was a thick layer of fog.

The evening dew fell lick a feather on our shoulders. Our fingers entwined while we made a great spead. My horse, brown with blond mane started to slow down. I loosened my grip and stopped the horse.

"I'll just continue on foot."

He just nodded at my words staring in front of him.. We didn't need to say anything, each others company was enough. Then Aaravos broke the silence: "Did you know Luna Tenebris became the next Dragon Queen?"

"Oh really? No SHE didn't. She was such a b*tch." Always like: 'I'm good and I help you :)'"

Aaravos let out a little chuckle at my comment. It made me forget about the vision for a while. Whilst talking some more catching up on the past we arrived upon a lodge.

He nodded at me in confirmation and I carefully opened the door. There was furniture covered with thick grey cloths. Layers of dust were visible on everything

'Well no one cleaned here for sure'

Once again I hear him letting out a little chuckle. We entered the lodge and toon of the covers. Beatiful satin red fauteuilles were uncovered. Aaravos lit the fire place and we both layed down on the long couch.

We melted into eachothers touch while the fireplace heated our bodies. Everything was perfect, almost everything was perfect...

~In the morning~

I woke up while Aaravos had his hands tight around my waiste. I decided to gently wake him up by giving him a kiss... and then pushig him of the couch. (Sorry couldn't help it >~<)

"Auch, why did you do that mea amata?", he asked while rubbing his hand over the place where he hit the floor.

"Because you didn't want to wake up!", I pleaded.

We both laughed. I fixed my hair and clothes. Aaravos went into what we presumed to be a kitchen to search for some food.

A few moments later he came back with a baguette and some jam. He broke the baguette in to and handed me one of the two pieces.

After breakfast we left the room as how it was erasing every trail that would indicate our existance.

We continued the journey to the Human Kingdoms.
The first on our list was Duren. If we could cut of the water for the farmers till they surrendered, it would be easy and no actual fight would be necessary.

We arrived in the Kingdom. We passed some lodges in the forest and after some walking we found the gates of the capital city.

We opened the giant doors, but to our suprise the town was enterily empty. We looked inside some houses, but there was no soul to be seen.

I guess we conquered this Kingdom.
Aaravos went to the throne room sometime ago. He returned to tell me there wasn't anyone in the area, they had all fled...

We decided to move to the Kingdom of Katolis. Where the baby-prince ruled. He was allied with the Dragon Prince so I guess this one would be the hardest one to conquer.

Once again we arrived upon great wooden doors. To our suprise 2 guards opened them for us.

A youg boy wearing a red coat and a crown, holding a Glow Toad stood in front of us.
"We have been expecting you", the boy said, "we know you want to rule Katolis, but I can't allow you to do that."

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you have no say in this. Please surrender or there will be victims to your irrational decision."

"The only victims will be you guys!", the same step-prince said, "now get away and go back to where you came from!"

I let out a deep sigh. I used a spell allowing me to use telekinesis on a certain person. I grabbed the older boy's colar and pulled him over to me.

I could hear his heart beat out of his chest.

"Callum!", I heard a female voice scream. I didn't care to look.

"Listen boy", I started, "either you surrender or you..."
I didn't need to finish the sentence. He knew what I meant.

~Aaravos POV~

I watched Y/n grab the boy named Callum by his shirt. He lookef so scared, but there was something mischievous in his eyes.

Before I knew a Fulminus spell was conjured. I didn't have time to react, but luckily Y/n did. She grabbed my hand and conjured Dark Magic. Suddenly everyone was floating in the air except for us.

Her once white eyes grew purple and then black.

'Why did I met this happen to her'

I flicked her forehead gently to stop the process. She has to remain a pur startouch elf. I shaked my head violently and took over the spell. All the creatures dropped on the floor letting iut a painful grunt.

Again a fulminus spell was made. Only this time it was way more powerful.

'No it couldn't be the Dragon's one. I took it from him...'

Yet there was a dragon flying in the air being followed by what seems a hundred others.

"How did they regain their arcanum!", Y/n whispered worried.

"I d-don't know, but I know that we can win if we play or cards right."

Her eyes were filled with worry. I kissed her cheek letting her know it was alright. I wouldn't let anything happen to her.



(Hello, it's me, the author. Sorry for the long wait :(
Have a nice day)

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