Chapter 6: a new kind of magic part II

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"Well, this new magic can be used by humans as well. This would cause to make the magical creatures feel less special.
They're going to want to take the new magic away from the humans.
Of course, the humans will refuse and the magical creatures shall start threatening them," he continued proudly telling his plan, "then a war would break out with no end, causing the magical lands of Xadia to split and if they don't... then I will simply have to leave a hint for the dragons."

He paused for a few seconds.

"How would you prevent Sol Regem from just not killing the human?"

"I will make sure the humans aren't going extinct by the wrath of Sol Regem, by helping them cross the lava river."

He smiled enjoying his brilliance.

"But before that, we must work out the new magic."

"Do you have a name or a symbol?"

Aaravos looked at me knowing I would ask the question. He walked to the other side of the table picked up a piece of paper and showed it to me.

The symbol looked like an eye with a diamond as an iris, from the eye 2 tears fell that intertwined with each other.

"I call it: 'Dark Magic', the first non-primal magic."

The sound of the word sent a shiver down my spine.

"How are humans going to use it though?" I asked.

"They will need the magic of a creature connected to a primal. Because of you, I found a way. They'd need a dead or non-living organic creature or object. Then they'd have to chant a spell completing the cycle from death to rebirth faster. When that is done the magic they won from the creature can be used in spells."

"That sounds very interesting... but quite impossible for a human to perform the cycle-speeding spell with any source of power."

Aaravos smirked.

"Let me guess," I said, "you've already thought of that Mr. Sparkly Smarty-Pants."

The giant elf laughed.
"Yes, with your help I can create some sort of key that'll hold the power of the six primal sources, but I can only use 3 types of primal magic at the same time... so."

I stayed quiet for a while. Aaravos face showed an annoyed expression because I was waiting so long to reply

"Are you in or not?"

"Uhm yeah, but the thing is, I got kinda locked out of my arcanum sooo..."

The elf stayed quiet then he started laughing, "Oh by the power of the Great Ones, you've done it."
A tear rolled from his eyes and his laughter filled the room.

"You're a special one Y/n, I have to admit that."

My cheeks suddenly got very warm I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"You look very cute when you blush."

He had a cocky smile on his face and I just wanted to tell him to shut up, but no voice came out of my mouth.

"Anyway," he continued, "I can help you reconnect to your arcanum, as you probably know I am skilled in all 6 primal arcanums and soon Dark Magic, if anyone can help you, it's me."

"If I may ask how would you do that?"
"Well everyone has a different understanding of the star arcanum, so we'd just need you to find your connection again. You'd need to make some sort of spiritual journey."

"Where to?"
"The star arcanum"
"So we need to find the starnexus?"
"The starnexus is just a part of the journey. It's going to be tough, but I know you can make it," he said comfortingly.

"Wait you're not coming with me?"
He chuckled and responded: "I am, but the spiritual journey is one you have to make yourself... I will guide you though."
"Thank you."

I walked to him. We stood close for a while and locked eyes. 'I'm so going to regret what I'm going to do'

I stood on my toes leaned forward and kissed him. I quickly pulled back and started blushing like crazy.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking! Forgive me."

Aaravos stayed quiet. Suddenly he gently grabbed my chin and leaned forward.
"Don't worry about it." He said right before kissing me back.


After Aaravos was done explaining some spiritual stuff we noticed the sun had already set. I suggested that we'd go to sleep. He agreed.

I switched my robe for something he gave me. I think it's his one of his shirts judging by the size of it. I went into the bathroom to change.

After I changed into the clothes, I took a look into a mirror. The shirt came to my knees. 'A little oversized,' I thought to myself.

I exited the bathroom. To my surprise Aaravos was waiting outside the door. He was leaning with his back and one foot pressing against the wall. His eyes were closed, he looked like he was thinking about something.

~Aaravos POV~

She came out of the bathroom she was wearing one of my shirts. It looked very big on her. 'So cute'
I was happy that my old shirt had a new purpose.

I knew she would want a comment on it so I said what I thought.
"You look very cute."

Her cheeks started to get a purplish tint.
She was blushing, how adorable.

"Let me show you where you're sleeping."
I walked out of the hallway to the living room. I had prepared the sofa for her to sleep on.

She sat on it staring at the staircase on the other side of the room. "What's up there?" She asked.
"An astronomical observatory, do you want to take a look?"

She nodded and stood up.

"You go ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

She walked up the stairs and opened the wooden trapdoor. I grabbed some blankets because there isn't any source of heat upstairs and it can get quite cold.

I went up the stairs and entered the room. There were no walls only a huge glass dome that encompassed everything.

In the middle of the room, there was a low stage with a telescope on. It was a beautiful one, silver with blue and gold tints. It could look very far into the galaxy.

Y/n was looking through it. She looked concentrated on whatever she was seeing. When she heard the wooden floor crack underneath my shoes she turned around.

"Ah good, you brought blankets," she said happily. I sat down on the big sofa. "Are you feeling anything? Perhaps a small tingle in your fingers?"

She shook her head and went to sit next to me. I covered us with a blanket and she snuggled against me.

The Viae Lactae (Milky Way) was visible. "Open your eyes and look up," I told her.
She did what I asked.
"Now imagine yourself floating through the sky, able to touch the stars." I waited a while. "Can you see it?"

She nodded her head.

"Now close your eyes Y/n, can you still see it?"
"No, my eyes are closed."
She laughed and I unconsciously rolled my eyes.

She laid her head on my lap and closed her eyes. The stars on her skin started to shine brighter. Just like last night.

Before I knew it she was sleeping. 'I can't stand up or I'll wake her... what do I do?'

I decided to try to sleep too, although my position wasn't the best. At last, I managed to fall asleep.

Why was my English so horrible T-T]

Aaravos, The Fallen Star (Aaravos x FEMALE Reader)Where stories live. Discover now