Chapter 2: the beginning of a long journey

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~Aaravos POV~

As I was sleeping I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. When I opened my eyes I saw Claudia quickly turn away.
'It must have been her, I wonder what her deal is.'

After thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to go back to sleep.

For the first time in centuries, I didn't have to relive the same nightmare over and over.
I could finally dream, but yet my mind still decided to relive that same doomed moment.

The moment I lost her.

~A few hours later, right before sunset~

"Did you pack everything I asked you to?"
"Yes lord Viren"
"Then we can depart."

As Claudia was cleaning up any trace that would indicate we had ever been there, I summoned 3 horses. They looked a lot like me but in horse shape. The same midnight blue color and the sparkling stars.

I mounted one of them thinking only about one thing, Y/n.
I was thinking about how badly I wanted to see her, how badly I wanted to hold them, no one could stop me from seeing her. I doubt if she'll even remember me.

I was so lost in thoughts that I did not hear Claudia walk up behind me.

"Hey Aaravo mi amigo," she said trying to make a funny joke or something.

"Hello, Claudia..." I replied trying to not let her know that she startled me by forming a subtle smile.

"Aw c'mon that was such a perfect moment for you to say 'Hola Claudia mi amiga!'" she said disappointed.
"I bet Soren would've said it," she mumbled to herself not knowing I could hear her.

I scraped my voice to indicate that I was not feeling very comfortable, but then surprisingly out of nowhere she asked me: "You know Aaravos, you have such a nice deep voice, by any chance do you sing?"

For a second I had to comprehend if she just asked me, archmage, master of all 6 primal sources and dark magic if I could sing.
I burst out laughing. She looked at me with a weird confused face.
"Humans are such funny creatures," I said after I was done laughing. To which she replied: "So you admit I'm funny."

Irritated knowing she was right I changed the subject to something she wouldn't like. "So Soren... it must hurt knowing he left you and your dad to serve a child king." I couldn't help but smile knowing I touched a nerve.

Her confident smile disappeared and her lip corners pointed down.
"Well, uhm... I try not to think too much about it, it was his decision."
"Suite yourself," I said, "but if I were to be you I would've made a plan that would turn him to your side already..."

"What are you implying-" her sentence got cut off by Viren talking.
"The night has fallen. Let's go, the sooner you get your girlfriend back the sooner I shall rule Xadia and the human empires and blah blah blah..."

'This guy just keeps repeating himself over and over it annoys very quickly...' I thought to myself.

Viren and Claudia both mounted a horse. "Lead the way," said Viren.

Because the horses are made of my power they were very fast in the light of the stars.

"We first have to get a box," I said trying to explain what we were going to do, "It's a cube called the key of Aaravos-"
Claudia started laughing "What's so funny?" I asked irritated "Nothing it's just that you have a key that's actually a cube, named after you."

Confused and annoyed I went on with my explanation: "The cube that is a key and is indeed named after me is the key to great power, but also the key to where Y/n is locked up"

"The only problem is that we need to get it first."
"Do you know where it is?" Viren asked.

I smiled and said: "Are you saying that I don't know where it is."
"Well, uhm-" "The cube was passed down generation by generation through the king of the empire of Katolis, so the little child king probably has it."

"By any chance," Claudia started speaking, "does it have 6 figures on it from the 6 primal sources?"
"Then Ezran does not have it, but Callum does"

"And who might that be", I asked intrigued. "He is the step-price, his mother was our queen and his father... is out of the picture"

"Alright, thank you. Let's see... where are you Callum the step-price..."
I started a spell that would let me see where this so-called Callum was. After a while, my spell indicated that he was... in Silver Grove.

I laughed, that pathetic village of the Moonshadow Elves, oh Callum you're making me find you too easy...

~Your POV~

I've been trapped in here for centuries. By Sol Regem, that m***********. He did all this just because Aaravos and I helped the humans prosper.

Well of course for us there was more profit in it than for humans. We knew Sol Regem would interfere.
Only we did not know that was our last day together.

But we must do what's necessary for our plan to work.
Drifting the humans and the magical creatures further apart was just the beginning of our plan.

I cannot wait for that day to come when Aaravos and I will execute the last phase of our plan.

Then we can, after everything is done, go back to the sky and offer light together in the night.


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