Chapter 4: where do I begin part II

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~Your POV~

Suddenly everything went black. My eyes felt so heavy that I couldn't lift them anymore. All my limbs hurt like someone used a somnium- (sleep) and an immobilis (unmovable) spell combined.

After gathering my strength I opened my eyes. I stood up and looked around. I decided to walk to a wooden table that had a lot of books on it.

I hadn't made 4 steps yet and when I hit a barrier. My hand burned itself against it. Surprised by the sudden pain I let out a scream.
There was no way out. I was surrounded by magical barriers.

A person wearing a cape with a hood entered the room. My memory was blank because of the powerful spell, yet I had a feeling I met him before.

The mysterious cape-person chuckled.
He took off his hood and a big smile appeared.

(Aaravos continues where you left off)
~Aaravos POV~

'The girl looks very angry, I don't think she means to, but she's looking very cute like that.'

"Let me go!" She demanded.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You know too much."
She looked at me like I made a bad joke and answered bluntly: "Seriously?"

I was confused by her tone.

Then out of nowhere she raised her voice and screamed at me.

There was silence. Suddenly she started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, it's just your face."
Offended by her words I sent her a glare.

She laughed again and through her laughs, she tried to speak. "That's a funny one too!"

'That's it, she made the bucket flood by adding the last drop.'
"Look girl, either you are going to be silent or..."
"Or what," she asked unimpressed, "you're going to lock me up? Oh, never mind you already did."

I smiled trying to make an evil impression. She finally shut it.

I went to the table and started where I had left off before she entered my house and ruined my concentration.
After not one minute she started talking again.
"What are you doing"
"None of your business," I said while reading a chapter about death ceremonies and how the different kinds of elves have one.

She sighed frustrated.
"You're a pretty boring one aren't you?"

'Oh, she did not just say that. Just watch me,' I thought to myself.

(You continue where Aaravos left of)
~Your POV~

Suddenly the elf turned around, his eyes were glowing and had eyes the color of ice.

He started coming near to me. He put his hand on the barrier. Suddenly it broke down. I froze unable to move, not by a spell but by fear.
He put his hand under my chin lifting it. He was probably a foot and a half taller than me.

"I told you to be quiet didn't I?"
He looked right into my eyes as a smile crossed his face.
'Oh meus Deus (omg), was his voice always this calm and deep?' I thought in my head.

He chuckled like he could hear what I thought.
"Uh... y-yes you did," I stammered.
"I feel like you're forgetting who the prisoner is, cause it feels like I am by your constant talking," the giant said quietly.

I blushed out of embarrassment.

"I'll give you your memories back if you stop talking, deal?"

He smiled and chanted some sort of spell, I couldn't understand it well.

I gasped and fell to my knees. All my memories were coming in at once. I genuinely thought my brain would explode.

When everything finally settled down I said thank you to the startouch elf whose name was Aaravos.

'Wait...' I said to myself, 'why did I say thank you for something he did and just undid? Ugh I can be so stupid'

Again he chuckled like he read my thoughts.

The sun started to set. Through a small window, orange light rays started to enter.

Suddenly I heard Aaravos curse and sigh. "Why can't I figure it out?!" he mumbled to himself.
"Death is the opposite of life right, so why doesn't it work..."

I wanted to tell him he was wrong, but that didn't seem like a good idea. Although it looked really important.

I took a deep breath and said: "Uhm Aaravos... I think you're wrong."

He turned around looking pretty mad his eyebrows frowned like mine. The elf rolled his eyes and proceeded to work.

"Look at me and hear me out, death isn't the opposite of life."
He turned around with an annoyed expression.
"So what do you think it is then."

"The opposite of death is birth, not life. Life is the part between birth and death, a middle part isn't the opposite of the end. Therefore the opposite of life would be what is between death and life.

Aaravos thought for a second. His face lit up. He immediately left the room.

"A thanks would've been nice," I shouted to him right after he left the room.


Sometime later Aaravos entered the room holding up a few heavy-looking books.

"What are those," I asked curiously. "They're books on theories of what happens after death."
He searched for a specific one and when he found it he immediately opened the right page.

"After death," he started reading out loud, "one is buried, cremated, sunken, etc. In all of these cases the dead one goes back to nature, they are reduced to atoms and are reborn as a new part of nature. So when dead, you are reborn into nature. Depending on what you're ceremony is this will take a various amount of time.."

"That's it," he shouted, "Finally I have found a way to make it work, I will bring a seventh primal source to Xadia."

He smiled evilly.

I realized what I had done, but back then I did not know what was going to happen because of this.

[Edited, this chapter was so full of errors like damn. Also, it's funny how many people are reading aaravos x reader fanfics again. Enjoy your day/night]

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