Chapter 5: Team 7

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Naruto stood outside the hokage tower, smiling mischievously. 'Kit, what's the matter? Having second thoughts?' asked the fox, seeing that his jinchuriki was staring at that building for so long.

'Not second thoughts, Kurama! I am thinking if I should steal the scroll like I did the last time or do it perfectly!'

'Brat, do the sloppy work! Do it perfectly and you will rise to many suspicions!'


'No buts, kit. I have decided to become your official babysitter, after the blunder at the Ichiraku from earlier!'

'I do not need a babysitter!' the blonde responded, feeling offended.

'Hmmm.... Kit, I am stuck in a cage that is too small for my full body and I would very much prefer to sleep rather than babysit you, but guess what? We don't always get what we want!"

'Damn furball!' Naruto mumble, deciding to ignore his furry friend.

Even though he hated to admit, doing everything perfect will cause a lot of suspicious, so he remembered the best he could what he did last time and retraced his steps. Soon enough he headed for the meeting place, where he will pretend to train Shadow Clone no jutsu and wait for Mizuki.

"I've found you!... Hey!" Iruka said, looking pissed of at Naruto. "What do you thing you are doing, Naruto?!"

"Hehehe! You found me, sensei. You are really quick. I only succeed in learning one skill, even though I found another two interesting techniques here!" The blonde responded, smiling happily at Iruka, while scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, none of that matters. I am going to show you this incredible skill I've learn. If I do it... let me graduate!"

"Naruto, where did you get that scroll on your back?!" Iruka asked the boy, after hearing his words.

"This thing? Mizuki-sensei told me that taking this scroll from jii-san it's a secret graduation test and after I obtain it, I must come to this place and learn a justsu from it!" he replied, doing his best pretending to be a foolish child. "Nevermind that! Let me show you this skill and I'd definitely graduate!"

Naruto prepared to do the hand signs for the Shadow Clone no jutsu, when the sounds of shurikens and kunais startled Iruka. The chunin hurriedly pushed Naruto away, before being hit by the weapons. Naruto closed his eyes and tried to control his rage. He knew that was meant to be and he have to let it happen, but seeing Iruka hurt made him question that decision.

"You've found him pretty fast, Iruka!" Mizuki said, smirking evilly. "Now, Naruto give me that scroll!"

Before Naruto could reply, Iruka scream at the blonde.

"Naruto, do not give him that scroll even if it means death. That is a scroll with forbidden justsu! Mizuki used you to get his hands on it!"

Naruto said nothing, he simply waited for Mizuki's next words, even though he knew what those would be.

"Naruto, do you want to know why everybody hates you? I will tell you!" Mizuki continued, ignoring Iruka's pleading to stop speaking.

"Twelve years ago, after the nine-tail attack, a new rule was created for this village. That rule is that nobody is allowed to tell you that you are the demon fox!"

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked, pretending to be scared at what he just heard, while Kurama snickered inside the boy's mindscape.

"It means that you are the nine-tails demon that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed the village! You were sealed up by the Hokage you admire and have been lied to by everyone. Didn't you find it odd how everyone hates you? Iruka is the same!! He actually hates you! Nobody will ever accept you!!" Mizuki spoke, while preparing to toss a Fuma Shuriken at the boy.

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