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As the night went on i was exhausted from all the dancing. As soon as i would sit down a song April liked would start playing.

"Ughh,April im exhausted. I'll be back real quick, i need some water," leaving her with Tiff I headed over to the bar to get a bottled water. I watched April taking a few sips then my attention was directed upstairs to the vip area. I seen Hoseok talking to some men.

I seriously gotta find out what type of business this nigga in.

Taking my eyes off him i just sat that the bar and held the bottle to my head. All that dancing made me hot as hell. Getting up i made my way to the exit.

Stepping out i was finally able to breathe and get some fresh air. I looked around my surroundings to make sure i was safe. My phone went buzzed and I looked down to see a text from Hoseok. I unlocked my phone to read it.

'Where the hell you at Lyric. Ion see you nowhere.' 

Texting him back i wrote , 'i stepped outside real quick for some fresh air. I'll be back inside in a sec.'

Sending the text I stood there a little while longer trying to appreciate the fresh air i had for now before going back inside the devils den.

I went back inside and collided into someones chest. That someone was hoseok. He looked pissed.

"Why the fuck would you leave out the club? I cant fucking see you out there lyric." His voice was stern and serious.

"I already told you i was hot and needed some fresh air. Why you tripping? Im fine," as soon as i said that he grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs passed the vip lounges and into a room.

"Why the fuck am i tripping? What kind of stupid question is that," his grip only got tighter as he still held onto my wrist.

"Oww let go of me hoseok your hurting me,"

"Im hurting you? This ain't nothing. Ya ass couldve got taken being reckless like that!What if you wouldve got taken?! Then what?!Huh?"

"I know and i-im sorry. It wont happen again i swear ." hoseok continued to yell at me as I tried apologizing.


"What was you doing with that hoe reddy!? Im tired of this shit and im tired of you having me out here looking dumb. Those bitches be laughing at me and talking shit! Everyone knows!" I screamed at him while he sat there casually crushing up the white substance. "Answer me! Are you fucking deaf our something?!" He still sat there continuing what he was doing. "Im leaving since you hard of hearing," as soon as i was about to walk off he grabbed my wrist and slapped me hard across my face making me stumble onto the floor. He got down to my level looking me in my face. "Who the fuck you talking to like that? Disrespecting me in my shit. Imma show ya ass how to respect me" he got up and sniffed what he had currently crushed up and dragged me into the room where he beat me.

End of flashback

"Im sorry! Im sorry! I wont do it again! Im sorry!" i was currently on the floor screaming and crying with my legs to my chest with my hands over my head.

"Lyric! Lyric." Hoseok was bent down trying to calm me down.

I mustve blacked out.

"Plesase dont hurt me. I'll be good I promise, i promise," i cried.

"Shhh, baby i will never hurt you im sorry. Just calm down." He said rubbing my back.

Finally i looked up at him and then looked around and saw we were still at the club in the room he had taken me in.

"What was that?" He asked wiping my face.

"I-i dont know. I seen reddy and i..." still trying to catch my breath, I couldn't get out the words to explain.

"You blacked out. What the fuck did he do to you angel?" Hoseok looked into my eyes lightly stroking my face.

I sat there and told him everything in the room that night and he sat and listened.

"Im really sorry babygirl. I shouldnt have been yelling at you like that. Im such an asshole," he apologized.

"Its okay. You didn't know, its my fault."

"No it wasnt don't apologize. It was all on me."

"Im ready to go home. I just wanna go home," i said in a whisper laying my head against his chest.

"Come on lets get you home baby,"

When we got back to hoseoks place he bathed me and put me in bed cuddling me not letting me go all night.

"I got worked up like that because i heard some of reddys men were at the club tonight. When I didn't see you i got worried. I didn't want anything to happen to you," he said. We were currently spooning and his arm was under my neck and his other arm around my waist.

I stroked his arm lightly that was under my neck. It was the first time he spoke since we got back to his place. When we got inside he didn't say anything nor did i.

"You were just worried about me. I understand."

"I know but when i seen you like that on the floor I didn't know what to do. I didn't know that would trigger you,"

"I didn't know either,"

He kissed my shoulder.

"I promise i will never do you how he did lyric," he kissed my shoulder.

I just layed there staring into complete darkness. Everytime i closed my eyes that night i would see him...until i finally fell asleep.



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