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Minjung was fiddling with her fingers as Taeyong sat there on his chair across from her, looking sympathetically at the girl as he took a slow breath.

"I know you're aware that we're mafias but we're not here to hurt you. We just want to ask you some questions." Taeyong calmed the girl down as her breaths slowed.

"Do you know anything about your father, Song Seungwoo?" Taeyong asked as Minjung looked up at him.

"Left me completely after I became an adult. Not mostly present in my life. I don't think I care much about him anymore." Minjung slowly teared up, remembering the painful memories of him.

Taeyong didn't want to question the girl further about her father's whereabouts, but knowing Minjung's answer, he figured that she wouldn't provide much information too.

"How about you stay with us for the night? We have a spare room on the second floor that Goeun can take you." Taeyong spoke again, giving Minjung some tissues to wipe her tears.

"Thank...thank you...Taeyong?" Minjung questioned, making sure she got the leader's name right.

"Yup. That's me." Taeyong smiled at Minjung as she did the same.


Doyoung walked down the stairs seeing Haneul baking while her boyfriend was playing video games with Mark at the living room.

"What are you baking this time." Doyoung apporached the girl after she closed the oven.

"Boston Cream Pie!" Haneul cheerily clapped her hands and looked at Doyoung. "Did you enjoy the carrot cake last time? Haechan helped me."

Doyoung's eye widen. "Lee Haechan helped you?"

Haneul smiled. "Yup! But he didn't do any funny business. This time I shooed him out of the kitchen because he kept paying attention to Mark."

"I heard that!" Haechan yelled out from the living room.

Doyoung tilted his head in confusion. "What's the occasion though? It's not like you bake every day."

Haneul's eyes brightened. "Oh didn't you hear? We have another person moving into the mansion!"

"Not yet, Haneul." Jaehyun walked up to the girl at the kitchen. "She's just sleeping over for the night because we saved her."

"Well I hope she tries my pie." Haneul huffed at Jaehyun as he giggled at the young girl's antics. "I think it will make her tummy feel better at least."

"Met her yet?" Jaehyun looked at Doyoung who was paying attention to Haneul cleaning the kitchen.

"Who?" Doyoung diverted his attention towards Jaehyun.

"Minjung. The daughter of Convict's gang leader. Turns out she has beef with her own father too." Jaehyun spilled the beans.

"I didn't know Seungwoo had a daughter. Not until now." Doyoung rested his arm on the high island table.

"Well, I'm going to help Haneul clean." Jaehyun saluted to Doyoung. "Catch you later hyung."

As Jaehyun was out of Doyoung's sight, Doyoung noticed two girls walking upstairs knowing one of them was Goeun and the other one was Minjung. He noticed that Minjung's arm was wrapped in a bandage, assuming she was hurt and saved.

I should at least introduce myself.

After a while, Haneul used the oven mittens to take the Boston Cream Pie out of the oven and placing it on another mitten to prevent the pot from burning the table.

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