Act 4

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"What do you think, Y/N? Does it hug my curves?" Jane asks, stepping out in a solid black dress.

"Can't you wear anything other than black? At least try on this red one," Y/N pleads, holding out the dress.

"You just want to dress me up all sexy. At least take me to dinner first," Jane teases, accepting the red dress.

"You know I love a woman in red," Y/N purrs, wrapping her arms around Jane and pulling her close. "Grant this lonely woman just a fraction of her desires?"

"Anything for the love of my life," Jane coos, the two girls giggling as they separate.

Y/N and Jane had met ten years ago when the monsters had their uprising. Jane had become injured and was taken to the infirmary the monsters had set up. With their healing powers the vampires were set as doctors, pumping out gallons upon gallons of blood to heal those that couldn't heal themselves. Y/N was already well known among some of the creepypastas. Offender had started his own inhuman strip club and their name was growing. When he told everyone at the strip club of their plan to revolt against the humans of course they decided to follow. It was a new opportunity for all creatures!

No longer did they have to hide within the shadows! They rose up together and took control of the human world, freeing all creatures from their long lives of strict imprisonment. Such a sweet victory it was indeed. Some places easily supported both humans and monsters while others segregated each other. It wasn't an easy road but soon monsters and humans learned to live together peacefully. Of course some places were still segregated. Monsters hated humans and humans hated monsters. Fights would break out and only the strongest came out on top. It was an eat or be eaten world if that's how you chose to live your life, but if you were willing to envelope peace, then you lived a life without fear of being killed.

Y/N was Jane's 'blood donor' when she came into the hospital tent, using her blood to heal her. Despite her insistence that Jane take a few hours to ensure her internal injuries had healed Jane insisted on returning to the battlefield, declaring she couldn't very well leave her family to fight without her. Y/N was able to understand her sentiment, the creatures she had grown to know currently out on the battle field fighting for their freedom. She knew many creatures were losing their lives for the sake of freedom and there was only so much she could do about it.

Y/N forced Jane to stay at least an hour before allowing her to leave, making her promise that she would come out of this alive. She didn't know why but she had grown attached to the creepypasta in their short time knowing each other and wanted to ensure her safety. She wouldn't mind at least one friend to come out of all of this alive.

Days passed and the battle raged on, creatures cycling in and out of the hospital at a high rate of speed, vampires knocking out from blood loss but there was no end to those who needed healing. Soon the demons of the underworld came to join them and the battle turned in favor of the monsters. With the strength of the underworld countless monster lives were saved and the humans were pushed back. Slender came out victorious with the one and only Lucifer. With her fellow vampires Y/N healed those that hadn't passed on to the other side, helping to bury those that lost their lives.

Slender and Lucifer came to an agreement with the world leaders, a few losing their lives when they attempted to stupidly attack the Lucifer and Slender. Slender declared himself the new world leader, creatures taking control of various countries whether it was through force or mutual agreement with the humans and the monsters became one with the human world. Y/N found Jane among the injured, scolding her for getting herself hurt once again but ensuring she healed properly with the blood she was able to provide.

Together they relaxed as the world meetings took place, getting to know each other and figuring out what they would do with their brand new lives. Jane decided she wanted to run her own business, creating a psychiatry office that would further bridge the gap between humans and monsters. Her business has grown into branches all over the world and if you were struggling with adapting to the world of humans and monsters her business was the one to help you out. Of course there would always be those that hated each other but for the most part peace was kept all over the world.

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