Act 7

936 21 0

(B/M): Birth Month
(B/D): Birth Day (ie: 21st, 31st, 22nd)

"Tell me about her!" Slender begs as he follows Lucifer into his home.

"Just read her file. You'll learn everything," Lucifer complains, tossing away his bottle of Jager.

"I want to hear it from someone who clearly knows her personally. Just tell me why she's so important!" Slender insists.

"Nope. You can figure it out," Lucifer hums, rooting through the fridge for another drink. "You are a serious health nut."

"Blame my chef. He's all about the healthy meals. Lucifer, I'm only saying this once. Please, tell me about her," Slender pleads.

"If you get me more booze we can chat about it," Lucifer offers.

"Fine, my driver shouldn't be far. I'll call him to bring us more," Slender huffs, pulling out his phone.

"That is something you must know about her," Lucifer remarks with a soft chuckle.

"What?" Slender questions, pausing in his movements.

"Why, I bet she knows the name of nearly all your citizens in this city," Lucifer laughs. "You however, don't even know the name of the man who drives you around."

"I have no reason to," Slender huffs, returning to his phone call.

"If you say so," Lucifer hums, continuing to rummage through Slender's cabinets.

The two settle on the couch in the living room once Slender's driver brings the booze, sending the man home for the day. While they were waiting Slender made a point to cancel or reschedule all of his meetings, clearing out the next twenty-four hours to be given to Lucifer.

"Now, tell me," Slender orders as he drinks out of his bottle of demon wine.

"So impatient," Lucifer complains, drinking his own bottle as well. "Alright, Y/N L/N. She was born on (B/M) (B/D), Sixteen Thirty One. She was born to the parents who were direct descendants of the original vampire, Dracula."

"She's royalty?!" Slender questions in complete shock.

"Yes! She's the vampire daughter of the current leaders! She's even the first born," Lucifer tells him with a laugh.

"No wonder you don't want me to kill her. That would cause quite the uprising," Slender breathes in disbelief.

"Well, it wouldn't actually matter," Lucifer tells him with a shrug.

"What do you mean?" Slender asks suspiciously.

"Oh! She's been disowned," Lucifer tells him. "You don't want to kill her because enough people follow her that they would protest your actions."

"She's been disowned?" Slender asks.

"All for your cause too. She's the reason vampires joined your cause in the first place," Lucifer explains.

"But! I never met her! She never once came to me personally to introduce herself!" Slender complains.

"Of course not. She disappeared after being disowned. No one knows where she ended up. It wasn't until ten years ago that they rediscovered her existence," Lucifer explains. "It was mainly thanks to your brother. If he hadn't already started his little strip club then she would have disappeared without a trace."

"They were out to kill her?" Slender questions.

"Of course they were! She was interfering in the vampire way of life. If people knew the Cast Out Princess was siding with the creepypastas those who were forced into silence would rise again," Lucifer tells him. "She wanted to live as a vampire, not pretend to be human. She had no reason to leave behind the life she was born into and yet she risked it all for the one and only Slenderman."

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